12 LADIES WEAR You WATERLOO Lam's WEAR . The Frat House . Flagstaff Mert's Shoppe CIIILDIEN'S WEAR- .iik,ome, Club UNISEX . Studio Wear FOOTWEAR .TtteNextsep -J.EtLrEiketLV1F.tt tLEa.3y_t.ittElkLLY_E .9trwersthugMart .sangsterouahktcerdre HOME EUINISIIINGS SPECIAL" SHOPS Fudge: The Lady’s a Champ Lazy IL Fashions . A Bud: a Two STATIONARY BOOKS FAST FOOD h. Fashion Fitness Classic; ages Mm. . Hallmark Cards CrETrIz= . has harm MtttREt tri1Wrtr2i2 . Town Square Snake Shop FINANCIAL SERVICES Tuilo’n annual . TD Bonk . Scotia Bank â€among Ram Mlclay We ’re Here For SERVICES Choice Furniture Ema-Custom Woodworking Gavindu Galleries Wire Rock Mocks Camera A ' W Resin-Arum Hdessiond Wing Wash lunniomm Schreiner Shoe Repair G & T Barbev “a Hail Company Waterloo Warm-'3 Oh law's Speedy Cleaver K-W Aecess-Abgity OVER 50 STORES AND ShRWI‘ES TO " an. t'01 " King SI Swill, “pl-mu Wnterioo mam Whit“: WWW e r ---- [hr lug Brndu‘n Assn-4m [mu M Kmhrncl Mvairrloo and i amhrldgc and [In Wajaloo chlnml 1'leth will ntiroduvc J new sud (“mug [Wu-gum IN lllllc Brnlhvn hcgomng Aug 9 [hr program callcd Kids IN l ops,' wsll run 1mm Aug Wly' and Is dcmgncd to be .I mun police dL Adan), I1 swll gwr A) ttttlc Broth- Us In the Region ol WaFoo an npponunlu In have fun and learn about LN enforce- mem Big Brothers join local police in Kids 'IN' Cops program Durmg the mummy. In the SHEHI KEELEY LARRY’S HAIR DESIGN & carom "... w, TO BOOK AN APPOINTMENT CALL M5-0080 'Plus applicable taxes 220 King St. N: (Eacing Regina St.) i"; larry 's Hair Design F, Ali would like lo welcome Sheri Keeley to their team. Sheri extends a warm welcome to all her clients to come and see her , al her new location. sums SPECIALS You can never have too much knowledge. e,,,,s-1t1t,ii-ea' 't,'ear'i"i'; “I with}: ./’.®""‘~ " 4 . _'" rgt r u’ 1;“57 L, 1'tra'," ' ‘4“! ('tr/s g , , IMI E?,)'., ' 4 :4; (it' 33‘: IJ, E-IE ", ly2?r'iliiiiliri " e " a _ a“. P., I 2,: 4:: 4 g1 L' Ilb" 't', 'tairiii,tll'e8l!l!,t,-,i.!llEilll!r, 44 _ â€'7‘, 'i'i1'iai5i'iEllEil.sWiii,tt s l r.cCsriecfar" ""1tttslt And, for just 50t a day, we'll test that theory. program 1hr little Broihcrs, MN spend mm- .Al (he Wster- loo Rrglmul l’uhw Headquar lcr', Ill (.unhndgc learning, shout ~uJI thungs Js peer pressure drug awarenmm role modclhug and self t'SK'ettt I he [mic [in-them will then slum lumhca sponsored by local busmessey and after. nuulh wrll by: speru In lun, urgmued events wnh police Mina-rs and volunlcrrs Still only tMNt Monday to Friday and $1.50 on weekends.' Graduation ceremonies regarding the program null be held Aug 1} M the Waterloo Regluml Police tlcadquarters Have you expenenced Canada's truly national daily newspaper yer? If you have, you've discovered that weve a lively new source of Information With a contemporary, Intelligent Voce As a lover of good purnalusm. you Can't a0ord to pass up a Single nssue Puck up a copy at your favounle newsstand and find out what sets us apart A child paints whatever comes Shad at the Arts Express Camp Kids just being kids (Continued from page 3) The camp is also propelled by the effon of students, teach- ers and volunteers alike. The students take part in the camp activities and design activities as pan of the cumcu- lum for the Creative Ans with Children with Special Needs class at W'LU. This year's camp concluded with a recital at the Maureen Forrester Recital Hall lata Fri- day, where the children show- \'I'l() cased original dance, musnc and dramatic creations. O'Dell said the tecitals some- llmes surprise those m atten- dance when they see what these children can do. "lt's mostly for the families." said O’Dell. "These kids are the stars. They create their own scnpts they make up their own dance (and) they paint the sei. it's their Show." .1?“ For the children, it's not only UN their show but also their week. A week when they get to do what kids do best _ just be kds. "They didnt necessarily get a nice deal when they were born and they've got real tough thmgs that they and men fam- llles have to live With." O'Dell said. "This ts the way all of us pitch In to give the kids an incredible and wonderful expo mama" FINE AUTOMOBILE BODY MO PANT Mcu'culous Restoration Origi 'nal Paint mishes Unsupasscd Colision - MHEH PORSCHE JAGUAR HNE AU'O INC " Comm“! or. Kitchener 578-2052 Mercedes Benz Dealer Authorized MHEH Landscape Lighting Decks . Patios Retaining Walls Home Renovations tom mum Is") “6-2936 Quality SinganshiE Specializing In Chub Wet ylwlo