E0) apP_AnCES ~C4Â¥E sSeRv CE 427. ANCE SEATIIE HOW DO YOU PLAY? Firg tme UNREAL AD withis the ciassified section cut it Cul a Tai it. arong with your name, address ara orone numpber to Waterloo THE CITY OF j 2 The City of Waterioe Fire Department is conducting scheduled maintenance of fire hydrants. This on going program is designed to ensure that the hvdrants wili operate properiv when needed This vyear‘s program wili invoive all hydrants in the Citv and <houid he completed by the end sf November Thi~ maintenance program i quite toutine. However, :t may eause some temporary inconvemiences such as poor water pressure and in soume cases, eoloured water. If eoloured water is detected. please otren a codd water tap and allow svater fooran quti! wiitercléate Tinâ€" MAINTENANCE PROGRAM IQMFLE7E AESIDENTIAc & stomer mervice 6 BUShESS$ 368. o5 HYDRANT TESTING â€" Tc Waterioo Chronicle 75 King St. S., Suite 201 Waterloo. Ont.. N2J 1P2 CLASSIFIND CONTEST" Hsgnw'ay 24 south and sideroad 32 Gueiph GIML WANTE] Gocdes SHtEco CoxstR&uction LtD. (519) 894+â€"5915 SER.CES COMMUNITY INFORMATION 886â€" 1550 kal > WE DELIVER Ar=<]an nalt + Friday night ~palate tempting" specials « Catering available for any occasion * Centrally located Gueliph â€" Cambridge â€" Kitchener ap kaj>:s> PATS Stor ‘n‘ CasH We hold your personal chequs until payday (519) www.city. waterloo.on.ca 578â€"1888 FURMITURE REFINSHINS Wwatencss Mail Carners nave selected front yards to nominate for the Waterioe In Bteom front yara competition. Homeowners are now in the process of being notified via a certificate in the maitl. During the week of July 24 Waterioo in Bloom judges wili visit those yaras to se‘ect a winner. â€" ane for #ath ,‘.'.:?â€: x the orty with an overali winner B winners wol ne recogrizged at aceceplion ta be he.q at vatenoso City Hail s early esgn ward in Al ainners w to be nsc at Septemcer. wELC Bloomin‘ tip of the week!" in mAE Waterloo In Bloom Final Judging spac lane du" a.80 to tns provincial judges who are wesk tor a tour of our Oitv. They wn‘ ~asd K seact smai. Lohn 893â€"6257 e4ggnas e generous‘y donated by the Wat 30e ud C PRC. AANCYMAN & InA‘ FOCT CARE QVMAN unimst The Resoc ENJ camscascen 1 1 RYIERA PGOLS 746â€"0539 t POOL & 24 Call 240â€"6104 soLUuTION TO LAST wWEEK‘S PuVZZLE "13 995 133 995 824â€"3099 Comtmumnes Caliectivites in Bloom . en jleurs send Istl 500. 5 manc kx AENC VAT: On8 FAEE A.g5 S= â€" REMO ; ail of our 886â€"8751 PRLM 2005 t &