Waterloo In Bloom Congratulates the following SCHOOIS: Bloomin' tip of the week!! Some mutual controls to! fungal diseases in plantsiwhen watering plants it is best done early in the day so plants and the soil surface dries all in the sun and wind before nighttall. The biggest gimp at plant diseases such as made†mildew, leaf rust and black spot is caused by fungi which come alive when plants are wet for 6 continuous hours or more. For susceptible roses. phim and lilac took for disease resistant varieties and plant them in sunny open places and mid wetting their leaves by watering only the ground around them when it appears or feels dry. Jim St. Marie. Garden Columnist, Iheeegtrnt Don‘t forget to nominate a business that you feel makes a contribution to the beauty of Water- loo. You can email your nomination to trloornsakityaratedooarn.tta, please include: your name, address & phone, the name & address of the business being nominated, and the name of the landscape designer and or contractor / maintenance company. FInaiists: St. Arieph's Separate School, Westvale PS, Northlake Woods PS, & Mary Johnson PS. The Walter Fedy Grnup 546 Belmont Avenue West Kitchener. Ontario . Request for Prequalification Submissions from Electrical Prime Contractors. The City of Waterloo intends to complete emergency power renova- tion projects in preparation for Year 2000 at the following sites: Albert McCormick Community Centre, Waterloo Service Centre and Waterloo Recreation Complex. This work is scheduled to be complet- ed between early August and mid October 1999 and will be bid in early July 1999, Current total construction value is estimated at $400,000A00. Prequalified Contractors may choose to bid on one, two or all three projects. Projects vary in scope from service re-wiring for connection of a portable generator set at Albert McCormick Community Centre, to installation of a used generator set from another City owned Ioca- tion and appropriate wiring modifications at the Waterloo Service Centre site, and installation ofa new generator set and distribution system re-wiring at the Waterloo Recreation Complex. A prequalification submission must include the following: 1) a completed CCA Document No. 11 2) electrical contractors will be required to provide an Agreement to Bond for Performance and Labour and Materials, each equal to 50V, at bid closing. 3) a letter authorizing the Consultant to obtain a written credit reference from their bank. The Owner reserves the right to select or reject any or all proposals without explanation. The form of Contact will be CCDC 2, 1994. Submission for this prequalificatism request must be delivered no later than 3:00 pm. on Wednesday. June 30, 1999 to: N2M 1N5 THE CITY or IpiaTirii, “one, Q} PRb00huFKhTl0il or Waterloo ELECTRICAL PRIME commons This space generously donated by the Wa!erroofltropic_le Honourable Mentions: “rm Harold Wagner PS. Empire PS,. & 'ilik"ii St. Paul’s Separate School The Walter Fedy Partnership Pt- in the solutions business "' Ie in new customers with an ad in the Waterloo Chronicle, call 886-2830 COMMUNITY INFORMATION 886-1550 The New Quarterly, the Unwerstty of Water- loot; resident literary magazine. once again demonstrated that good things come in small packages by wmning a silver medal at the National Magazine Awards. The prize was for Dame! Colcmani; essay "The Babies m the Columal Washlub." which appeared in the summer 1998 Issac of the mag aMtte. New Quarterly stories won the gold medal for fiction in 19% and 1997, but thisis the first umi: David Johnston was officially [mulled as the Unwelsuy of Waterloo's fifieprerndent and ma chancellor during the 78th canxuculmn. held June ltr-IC, UW's New Quarterly magazine wins silver medal at national magazine awards Dr Kieran Bonner, an Irish-burn sooolotyst wnh a sperm Interest In parent-child rclauons and m contemporary socal theory, wall be the next vice-president and academu dean u! St Jerome's Umvertuty, Hs tour-year term begms July l Johnston, 57. a former principal of McGill Unwersuy. assumed office June I for a sax-year At bt. Jerome's the dean oversees madam; operation of the "1stttuuon, mdudmg stafhng and prorttouons, As vtce-presideru, Bonner David Johnston installed as UW's fifth president Irish sociologist chosen as new dean and vice-president of St. Jerome's The City of Waterloo Water Regulation By-law #90-62 regu- lates and restricts the date and time in which lawns and gar- dens can be watered. The watering of Lawns, gardens, trees, shrubs or any other outdoor plant by means of a hose or other attachment con- nected to the municipal water system is prohibited except as follows: q Premises with municipal addresses having even numbers may water between 7:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. to 11:00 pun, on even numbered calendars days. . Premises with municipal addresses having odd numbers may water between 7:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m. on odd numbered calendars days. Watering of newly planted sod, trees, ornamental shrubs and flower gardens is permitted during installation and during the 24 hours following the completion of the installation. Lawns being treated with any pesticide, herbicide spray or fertilizer may be watered while being treated and during the following 24 hours after application. Inquiries and complaints should be directed to the By-law Enforcement Department, at 747-8785. Should a water supply ban be declared by the Regional Municipality of Waterloo, the provisions set out above would be void. Inquiries and complaints pertaining to a total water- ing ban should he directed to the Regional By-law Enforcement Department at 575-4591. BY-LAW ENFORCEMENT PROTECTIVE SERVICES www.city.waterloo.on.ca "HELPING TO MAKE A BETTER COMMUNITY" LAWN & GARDEN METERING Coleman, currently a professor of English at McMaster University, was pleased at this cross- over success In an era when academics are accused of writing in ah increasingly exclusive theoretical language, Coleman's essay IS a nice dcmonsiratron ofthe ability to communicate to a larger audience ideas that are emotionally and intellectually complex. the magazine has picked up honours for an essay A professor of law, Johnston's research truer- esis include securities regulation. corpotauon law, Information technology and Intellectual property law. term. succeeding James Downey who served Smue 1993. Bonner was a professor and administrator at Augustana University College In Alberta for the last 12 years. Hell be encouraged to contmue hes own research and add to an area of sooology that St, Jerome's wants to strengthen - us sexu- ality. rummage and family program stands In for the presudcm when necessary and also chairs the supervnsory committee that over- sees the work of sewer staff - The silver medal comes with a 5500 award.