WLU to offer Canada's first English- language MBA/CMA designation program Wdfnd Lanna L'mwmm school oi BLANK): and Eco- naming and t embed Manage- menl Accountants t anada - Ontario wull oller (Judas first English-language Master oi Busmess Administration degree/CMA designation pro- gram beginning next April The MBA/EMA program. to be ollered m the Toronto area, Is based on Willnd Launer's community-based MBA pro- gram, which has been offered in Sarnia and Toronto The joint program wsll reduce learning ttme to under 3 1/2 years. "This Is a typical example of how Laurier operates," sud acting dean of Laurier?, School of Business and Econormcs, Howard Teal], “Our strengths yy/Winning Meals! A‘M . 03.99er I Waterloo-based Scpumatech Group Inc plans ro buy Kuchener-based Precvsron Plastics Corp elrecaive June 30, The president orekptitrratech, Pcter Fen- ton, and the president of Preciston. John Potzold, jointly announced the agreement m principle in a news release June 2. Precision, with its unique, proprietary technology for the manufacture of feed, screws/scrolls for container handling, has been a key sub-contractor to Septimatech Since 1993, contributing substantially to the Waterloo company's phenomenal suc- cess, In fact, the proposed acquisition marks the second acquisition of a major sub-contractor by Septimalech and will Semimmecll Group Inc. In nuiclmse Precision Plastics t MEATS & CHEESE I Shop at Meats & Cheese for select cuts and a a chance to ... 47 King Street, St. Jacobs 664-3610 Winner wull be unturned by lalvphum- and asked to respond to a skin inning question No cash substituoons for thm pnza Employees and the immndimp familws of Stone Crock Inc And Mercedes Corporation are not ehttthle m win 01?.92'M9nday to, 'mes, 9 - 6; Saturday. I have always been our mum.» Lion, our responruvertess to the med: ol the business commu- nuy. and our development ol parlnrrshlps rlus program gtves us another opportunity to partner wuh the busmess com- munuy tt "We belreve that the MBA IS an excellent In wrth the CMA," sand the president of CMA ' anada -- Ontario. Angela Hullham. “While both pro- grams focus on management studus the CMA adds key 'ririijttz Draws to be held Canada Day! even further help the company control its own destiny. Fenian said, The planned acquisition also represents a holding block in Septrrnatechs long-range business plan Io become the primary North American player m the company's global packaging equipment niche market. Septrmatech is a global supplier of unique RXNT quick change tooling with a major focus on liquid filling in rigid con- umcrs. motion control devices and re- manufactured packaging machinery. Since 1993, the company has expanded its work force from seven to 58 people and now exports approximately 80 per cent of Its products Gas Barbecué 'or a Nprwich Brand Loin of Beef lnumul martagerneru skulls "WK deoded to work wuh Laurier on thes Immune because the school-attracts people wuh diverse back. grounds" Holtham sand "Thus alhance “Ill otroduce the CMA l0 people we might not otherwise reach and WIN bnng to launcr people who mlghl not otherwise pursue an MBA." To meet the requirements of the CMA destgnatton, addr. uonal accounting electives Will be added Io the existing com- munity-based MBA program. The new unique program will offer elective courses m an mtegrated format m order lo cover ah of the MBA and CMA mqunemtms and wttl save stu- dents at least two A Sterling 8:31 -"i"4iii) was ol study hum L1) to 50 students wull be accepted Into the new program With an early application dead- line Jus December and d Mal deadline In March. 2000 Admission requirements for the program wull be the same as those required of anyone currently serkmg g Launer MBA _ Cree FannGjGarden (page) 'Your Garden ts Our Business!" 795 Erbsville Road, Waterloo Across from Church in Erbsville E RES V’ TI,, L E . “VALVES - - 'cririau "an ot; 809 Victoria Street North, Kitchener wwwmeutronromputersiom A Starload ttf 884-2050 WE ARE HIE RSI Km swan AROUND! Visit Neutron first for a Galactic: Selection afATi- Video Cards 742-9821 f Computer Resourtes instill! ELIE (ends Saturday. June 26, 5:30 mu.) CLOSED suunnv 20? off . All NURSERY STOCK Fr idav June 25 Saturday June 26 'i'it,hdglfl,