" Moll I a 7 .T KUOI IN 37; pmgn ly un lt; tacc change 3" lhe .mm )' the Unnrd 3 Waterloo. v ff, lhdnSthU E wan Is :1an LU _ _ I . "cs, lhe annual luudunu lor g the United Way ol Kmhcm-r a Waterloo, “huh raised mum vt,", than 8912.000 uvrr the last hve g year; IS mm dlruung tty 1990 E proceed, In the Grand Rucr ui Hospital Rrgmlml ( and! t "Ir s-o' m- KOOI thd's Poster Bur cam- days Ix In health are pmgn ly undrrgmng ouother Ihc new $49 Imlhun Lamrr lam change Laure Had: Sl4 nulhun lrum lhe annual luudunu lor the muununlu‘ to get " lh the United Way at 'ochcucr- grouud, And K001 -l-M Waterloo. “huh raised mum “.111ch to add lpn name to the Valrnc t unuun â€hunger ol prumulmm am) nurkcung .Il lhc Waterloo radro sulmn. and the Puslcr Pam hunpmgn W,ts wt up lo [nu-l thc needs of Iht' uunmunlhg and lhr gunk->1 ntcd m the community thew iPOWERFUL For chlorine users Benefits of ECT' 2029'": . Clearer, more sparkling water. . 42% reduction in chlorine required. . 5.6 kg of Power Pucks lasts as lung and performs better than 7 kg of ordinary chlorine pucks. . Better results using less product. choices for your pool For bromine users . Makes using your brominalu. much easier! . Gives more consistent, dependable bromine levels. . 14 kg of Brominator Re-fill lasts as long as 18 kg of traditional bromine. . No need to touch the product The 16th Annual Chamber Corporate Challenge presented by Al] The Mutual Group Alit's Poster Boy campaign sunnons new charity umpmgn to ram- awarene» Jbout [he need of the MINE? "We dont wanl people to go to out-of-town hospitals fur the care," said ( uruuran yihe smd " wasit an raw dulsmn because of tht grcal rclationshrp they“: had wnh 1hr local United Way. But the presung need in: ranccr ioe'O'it"y ought the sta- Hulls dllcuuun “Lancer 15 ortc '159" s 39.95 maritable, Sign ui, J1fii'l' li's lrvcu plrnvn [IVl‘I and tn'vr HUI“ emplnym-s wm‘kmg tngz-I‘hm In "t §1I¢“.I‘ " I mnmun gunl m .m .nmnsphl-n- ol gum! fun .m-l Irnuuxlup \n-MI' A murr I""i"t" wmk tutVirttrtrtTt'ut Call llllLl_\ .Illll rversl"r yum team In! the Ihth (\nmml (WLHHIH‘I Cr" pnmlr ('hullrngc Fn-ent ln-H SaluruLl): St'pn‘m‘ml ll. I‘m" Fo, mhurnatuu; on [tuning your team tos,wthrw oll VOHI Gal (IL-ml)“ nl (Vummrn t' m L'hnx Carsten, al _'3l9-376-5000. of the lop lhrre killers, w defr mtely that smut ts very much needed m the community " sad t urLumn K001 d-M who persundlm Bron Bourke returns. as the lace ol the Poster Boy cam- pargn after .1 successful hm year Nancy "ewat, the executive director of the Grand Riser Hospnal Foundation said she was exoted by the npponunn} In work wnh such J well- known umpalgn "We're thollcd hecavse n null be helping bulld the chlmul Cancer t who" she said "With thc huge (ML thrre are certam amounts we have to must In the community, and thes wall help a lot." Hewat said the campaign will raise the profile of the fundraising effort. "From its history, the cam- paign has done a lot of that for Orient They will be in southeast Asia from roughly Aug. 6 - 27 and will VISII such countries as MaUysra, Thailand, Indonesia and Singapore. But as part of the deal [or being a member oljumur Team Canada, each member must seerlocal corporate sponsors in order to raise the $2,500 needed for their own personal expenses during the trip. Because Bast IS preparing a report to distribute lo south- east Asian business people on the local financial services sec- tor, he has chosen to canvass that sector to try and raise Patio Furniture Centre V Aluminum Patio Furniture I - lt “i C; v Large Selection â€Mum‘s of Tables I’ Mix & Match Your Set V Large Umbrella Assortment sf Quality Sun Shelters From KitcheooiIWaterloo/Cambridge Hwy 401 or Hwy 24 to Hwy 6 North to Speedvale Ave. East to Woolwich St. North to True Value Patio Centre IT’S WORTH THE DRIVE To GUELPH - V Over 35 Patio Sets Hardware On Display Sum: Lounces Sun SHELTEns (Continued from page 3) lwll 'tt the Urutrd Way" she sad "5a I suspect u will he.lp m that way wuh the Regional (ancer Ceutre . Anne Mackay the durum of development at the United Way, sad the Poster Boy cum- paw, provides a visible exam- ple oi the commumty budding needed for bug campaigns “ll certainly helps show your face a little more " she said " gives the pubhc somethmg I0 latch on lo m addoon in all the berumrthe-sccnes work bring done at workplaces around the area MacKay sad she's sad lo sec [he Poster Boy Lampmgn go. but IS sum " wall continue us good work, "That kind of a partnership was a blessing m the first place," she said. "We are extra- ordinarily grateful because they've helped build our profile a hunk" funds for his mp. Underhill IS preparing a Similar report on the local mformauon and tech, nology sector and has chosen to canvass that sector Io try and misc her trip money Any business that donates $100 lo $500 to a team mem- ber will get their name men- toned in the business report each team member is preparing on a specific local business sec- tor, along with a tax receipt. If a business donates between $500 to SL200, not only will the company's name be included in the report lo be distributed to southeast-Asian V 4,500 sq. ft. Showroom REii, $949.99 NOW ' wagw h - 5649†MI Eil; business people, but also the Junior Earn Canada member will represent that company while In southeast Ama and WIN present the business wuh a report on business opponuni- ues in southeast ASIA. m its beld, when they mum. Nichola Philip (right) donated a loonie to Zehrs Markets employee Susan Orchard Monday at 2ehrs' Waterloo Town Square grocery store as part of Eehrs' and The Food Bank of Waterloo Region's I999 ‘Check Out Hunger‘ campaign. The campaign began june 17 and runs until June 27 at 55 Zehrs stores across Ontario. Shoppers are encouraged to donate a minimum of SI to their local food bank by adding it to their grocery bill. The Waterloo Chronicle won the sec- ond annual Check Out Hunger Media Challenge to am. cially launch the campaignjune 17 at Kitchener's Highland Hills Zehrs. For a business that con- tributes $1,200 or more to a team member, the member will do specific research on that company before going overseas and will present that research to southeast Asian business people during their [rip and will promote the bus1ness' interests overseas, Although Bast and Underhlll said they will be busy during iiJ'7iitrr ', 7 Pc. ALUMINUM Sum; ' PATIO __ SET Chastilthi' mit human- H osresukrrt.-rri.11-s agtlIIgIiqtIgl ‘ SaLR3tF5;_Sur1.i-5 i/ Guelph 8: Area's Largest Assortment o/ Factory Discount Pricing - V Aluminum Patio Furniture Specialist I 5-11 I VDequeAIum. GARDEN Smucs Patio Swings Pig? IE GENES V Wicker Furniture l 1i,"i,iiis" IR! 672 1WiaiiriiriCgtiiFt tttMtttsttltr0oitirpAArtt. _ 76631 675 ( 1iriairiide their um: m southeast Arid (their days run from 7 a m, until 10 pm.) they wrll lun- llme for sght-seemg. Also both feel the experience Wlll be Invaluable to them as they both plan to attend Willnd Launer Unwersuy's honours busmcss administration program In the future. "This will be a great thing to put on a resume," Underh/l said. "And I'm really interested In International busmes So Jus will basically be Just .1n opporlumly to get my lest we! and Just learn about what's nut there and what my possilulitics and opportunities could be In the future" The Chamber Corporate Challenge is sponsored in part by: If Heavy Duty Park Benches V Quality Canadian Made & Accessories