SI [331331 woman-u. Telephones l Fax: . (mics ol Rubinaun's dcceuon in LIN: thc Min- obouud home argue that he and the priiiiuncn WED: auackmg God and Chntararr ily Ino one lhuughl we “up talking .ihuul Allah or Buddha. did they?) Nonsense The Constttution should and docs guarantee the right of Canadians to worship whomesvr or vvhattrver they please - or to worship no one or nothing In a plurshstw snarl); ll is contra- dictory for the Constitunon to speak of irecdom ol rtligiun on the one hand and to say that any one god IS suprcmi: on the other (erro- neously implying that Canada has "a slate religion ' God and Chnr lianily would not be dummshed in the slightesi by a Canadian Constitution that did not contain this phrase Cl'ir6ifide Others have suggested that Robinson showed poor political Judge- ment by raising such a diosive issue or that he was raising an Issue God and Ille Bonslilulion When Pu-rrr rrudeau Agreed In couemiuiioual wording that acknowledged "th supn-nuu‘ ol God" he commented thar "God probably doesnt um- d he's llh‘llllnlk'd In t mud». t oustItuttou" LN week, ll became obrrouy that sum" pcoplc do “my AH, Damn» um MP Mend Rohmson sparked d luror “hm lu. pn'wnlrd J pvll~ nun calling ior thr relcreruc to hr rcmorcd Ircm " L urMIluunn Roblnwn ilor whom i've mark-:1 In [hr p.14 ond ulmldcr both A frrend and a role model) shard at [hr ill1te llm ht dudn‘l like the wording ul the pclllmn but suppuncd lb "11ml SUD“ Piatkowski I strongly ohm! to the reaction of NDP leader Alr.xa Mannough and other party MPs on this matter Rohlnmn has burn subu‘rlcd In Insults and name calling by caucus mater and was unccremomously moved from the front bench to the back mrncr of the House of Lum- mons. Ms McDonough has lamcnlcd thc tact that Rohmson had T" ken without consulting his caucus and had allcgcdly gum Againsl party policy. Consultation on the prescnlatinn of pelntons has. ncvcr hccn an agenda item on any caucus agenda that I ' C over SEC" (ti "ould make for some unbearably long caucus meetings) In Addition wliilc we New Democrats like lo have a pohcyon everything, I don't rccall this particular Issue ever coming up at a policy mnvrntinnt " may he true that Robinson's news on this petition arc contrary In those of his [cl- low MPs, but that IS quite dillcrcni from acting agamst party pohcy McDonough is demonstrating a shocking lack ol respect for freedom of speech and a deaurbingly authoritarian mindset on this issue Interestingly, the party does have a clear policy on another [$5116 -- the recogmlion ofsaaw-sex relationships has! week, three NDP MPs [Including Nelson Rns. one of Robinsoris most voracious cunts) voted along wnh the Liberals m favour M a Reform motion that called for the government to deny recognmon to lesbian and gay unions. Even if Robinson was wrong to presenl the penunn. mung against party policy IS clearly a more sertousuct None of the three MPs has been moved from their seat nnne ul trurrr colleagues hxs called them "stupid'", nor has the parly leader slnod In the Parlw mem to distance herself from their acllon< Waterloo Town Square 75 King ht South, Suite 201 Watrrlco, Ontarlo N2] 1P2 (h-pi-ti-il-i-E Amman VIEW 886-1810 886-9183 of dubious Importance. While there are clearly more pressmg concerns on Parliament's agenda, we should remember that all Robinson did was to present a petition, a relatively rou- llne act. He didn't Introduce a private member's bill or even propose a motion on the subject. And,wh1le the petition has clearly upset some peo- ple. the thousand people who signed it have the same nght to petition Par- lumen! as anyone else By agrecmg to prescm thc pcllllun. Robmson has allowed for public dchatc on .111 Nut that u. asu't U'l on on (he medu's radar Jbh1'rlmpacuspt utimuuu.brAultr) .-.-.-.-.-. . . . Group Nblisher: ( hay! McMcnrmy Editor: Group Advertising Manager: Busch (unru- Reporters: Tim (nardnrr Deborah ( ra Mall (.rvry Matter Display Advertising: lhl; Kama Norma ( V1.1 Imam] CUssirrrd Mung" IUIVI Mm hr†I lassified: \lahlm ladha Sales Suprrvisor: Come on, Iiillttr--titttit the other Itegltatttl-tehtmt shoe Catching up with the calls and correspondence: Confidential memo to Mike Harris (1): Now that you‘ve kept your clutch on power, it's time that I should respectfully nuzzle up to the public trough. So herewith I'm applying for the job of counsellor lo the Amish Mennonites on any Y2K compulcr glitches they may encounter. It's of earth-shaking Importance m these parts, Heaven fur- fend that there be any iruermptiort In the sup- ply of schmierkacs. apple butter. and summer sausage. Ill protect thew computers. All I need (tm la (he chance and, of course, d respectable hon- , nrarium I In Wlrafs that? You dont think the Amish have any computers? Gosh. what kind of backward place ls North Bay? I Suppose you havenl heard of kcrosene-powered mmpulers when Confidential memo to Mike Harris (2): Well, Mr Premier, you ma) as well drop the other rctoponal-reforrn shoe on Waterloo chmn council. it's gmng nowhere on bringing local guvcrnmrnl into the lel century Yes. councillors paid attention for an Instant met you warned that they'd better rationalize local government or youll do it for them. Now thr/re back making the same old muses that significant IN likely to happen, fudl, lhcy know youre serious. As Cambridge Coun, Doug ' rang puts I "Everywhere m Ontario where they've been talking about rationalization of senators us always ended up hemg about amalgamation. The Onlano Conservatives have twen pushing for large governments. That IS their agenda " Well. at least we can be happy that hs comments didnt Include the usual homily about he; grassroots government mmmg as close as mere humans can come to perfection. lncldcmally, there's been talk that, under one-tier govern- ment, the local Matesmert would look after such things as parks and Ihories I worry about that Mark you, he doesn't say that Cambridge retinal IS divinely Insplrcd, hut he son of Impllcs that an unseen hand Is gud- mg mum] deliberations, value libraries too much to have the sawdust-Caesars Ihe Chronicle Cirodatum Man-get: t arnlvn Ansley Circulation: Jerry F191. hrr Matthew Hayes ( hcryl McGill KHz-MW . . . . Produrlion: Mille Martin Nancy Hill mean nothing (her, (WEB Milro Waterloo Chronicle is published every Wednesday by [hr vurws ul our ‘nlumnlsls are thrtr own and do nnl nttnunly n‘prrwnl Ilw wrws ul lhr nthpaprr "fl 1 - . . . . .Wwawdumwmulo i'l'iii'ii'Y y, 1-553 3% l was going to say that you always struck me as a holier- than-thots except that would be mappmpnate given the sub ject of your urging to the Commons. micmmanaging them. That's particularly so when so many councillors have strange literary tastes. Yup, I understand one councillor's favorite is The Hypochondriac's Guide to Bad Health. Whoo! but you got your shorts seared when you urged that God be deleted from the Charter of Rights. Your NDP col- leagues smote you hip and thigh and relegated you lo a back- seat In the ranks The subrct was studied by an MP committee who found no evidence of collusion on gasoline prices. Ah yes, and some commnlers couldnt detect the smell of onions amund a ham- burger stand. Confidential memo to Mike Harris T: Say, how about let- ting the NDP and Howard Hampton retain party status? Aller all, they got nine seals in a smaller assembly, and nine seats Still, they're perhaps alike In one respecl. A I lot of NDPers know what it was like to be poor, and they want the lest of us to Ieam, too. Confidential memo to Svend Robinson. MP. You love to be front and centre, spouting Inlo a microphone while the TY cameras roll, Confidential Memo to gasoline tycoons: Well, you’re still at u. The price of gasoline seats just before the summer week- ends. The Fairway Group A division of Soulham Inc, figures to be about the same proportion as before. Besides, Ontario has a three-party system and the NDP, like it or not, represents an eslab lished chunk of voters. The only thing I dont like is that he'd get a limo and driver, paid by the province, as well as per dims. Anyhow Howie wouldnt have In handle a $28,000 pray cut. What a slash that would be. It's enough to make him want to join the Auto Workers and get a CAW picket line to protest. Except that he and Buzz Hargrove, the CAN chief and expert on strategic voting, arent exactly buddy-buddy any more. Wt enough for ya so for , Mailed suhscnptson rates: $65 yearly Kt Canada $90 yearly out:ude Canada 4 G S T