Sean Strickland, promising not to close any. 10,200 nurses, spending $400 million on severance. Ontario with the fewest nurses per capita in Canada and a critical doctor shortage. spioaopoitge $870 million from hospitals stranding patients in the halls. SEimtbitmvesd $300 million worth 0o new user fees, after promising no new‘ user fees. T care about our Health one in five hospitals after From now on, your rights to health standards will be guaranteed in the Ontario Patient Protection Act. We will also: Conduct a proper review of our real needs to the year 2020 and keep needed hospitals open. Bring back 10,200 nurses to meet the emergency room crisis. Expand medical school spaces by 15 per cent and bring doctors to underserviced areas like Kâ€"W. Stop the selloff of health care for our elderly and chronic care patients. Provide the right care in the right setting! _ We can do better‘! We must do better‘! It‘s time to Put People First! I ask for your support. The Liberal 20/20 Plan for Health Election Day is June 03. Polling Hours are Jam to 8pm. If you need a ride, please call 747â€"3338. VOTE ATLIBERAL