Waterloo?, Mrrandu Ruuien has made her name as .1 cluld prodigy m we ,irunlt world wuh back-ro-back strung showing:, at the U f, junior Ulylnpn Sqlush L hum, plonshlps But by clalmmglhe U 5 Junior Open tttie in Boston, Mass. Dec, 21. the llAympold has given HOIICC that she wnll beg mu: d teen sensation when she Jumps Age Amara :1ch war Success rsnt new ro R.uucn The week before ha V y nth any sh.. firushed second at the Cauadui: Nauonal Squash Championships Anal allc won ssl- ver at the US. event LI)! year, proving her high rankmg, No, 3 mlermnomlh ts no fluke Waterloo sabre rattler earns berth to Winter Games Ramen was excited by hyr Luv): Mn "11 felt good because l pVwd rally awn m thy: iast game." she sad She swcpl by Jennlicr b'lumherg ol Brillsh Columbia In the [mal, mmmg J Inm- 51'1le one deciwon Coupled with her dcmulllmn of the top Michael lvankovic still mmbers the (its; time he saw the art of fencing as a snowm- old. it was during a [minty excur- sion to the CNE in Toronto that he saw a group of [cheers demorrstsating the age-old sport to the assembled crowd, When his older brother was invited on stage, Michael was entranced. He was hooked when he tried his hand at it. Since then the JI-year-old has become one of Ontario's best jumor (enters, and mcemly qualified to represent the province at the Canada Winter Games m Comerbrook, MU, In February, "l've alQays been interested 1n the knights and the medieval times," he said, "l find sword fighting really itueresttng, so t guess that's what really attracted Local girl wiils U.S. Junior Open squash title NEW & USED INAU " w ' . . u USED N10 Reztumed at if: I < ti ' "a, SKATES iit,ilt)illiigii/iil)ftiis, SW“ Miranda Ranieri pqwers her way to international championship Chroitde Staff Bob Vrbanac t hmunlt uvtli EEISIYEEL go TWON HOCKEY EQUIPMENT me to the sport" Living out legendary times has held Ivankovic‘s interest in the sport- "The hm factor, how well I'm doing and the fact that I've made a lot bf friends lhmugh the years has kept me in it," he said. There ate thsee distinct disci- plines in fencing depending on the weapon used - Isartkovic's initial manual in swashbucHing even translated into his choice of weapons. Ivanliovic chose the sabre because it meant more than simply parrying and thrusting. He could also get in some hacking and slashing, although all the competition blades an blunted to prevent Injuries. In addition to all hrs bar- barous instincts for the sport, Ivankovxc said he likes the mind play that goes into out- guessing your opponent. - "It's like a plifsacal game of chess," he said. “You have to tFiEd,tTelectipp., of New or Rec0nditipiied wed (41x) Kuhn m the senu-tiuuls Ramen c>ubllshed 1th she mll be .1 player to mud} In the near lulure , hat hard work ts apparent m her volley gun: II was a bu of an AL hints heal [or her but year, but has become the strength at her game this year. Rumen sud there [>110 xmzl lu her sup Ltttry its Just J combination oi hard work ond selfuhwiplrne "My volleys are really Improving from last year," said Ramen "And lm gelling a lot mere power lulu rhe ball Tr tlre's been able lo surprise more thn one unxuspulm; uppuncm “Ill: this kuller mmbuuuuu “Ihc players 1 ply, sctmerimes don't knoss I have that power," sand Ramen ‘Wzlh the volleys, ther have m react really quu'kly to them. - Wah the power the other players cant gm In the bani Rumen credits 1hr Improvement to her dad Mrke JS they'vc cvrrcentruted on vol- leyuig the ball back and forth four mghes J week at the Northfield Racquet Club thes past war Bur berorod the hard work IIS the decide on a shaky apply the strategy, and if it doesnt work move on to another tine." Itankovic's mums has come in anticipating his opponents' "l can move pretty quickly when I'm fencing," said the 52" Grade 7 student. "Thaty a big advantage." moves. Ivankovic said the one thing he has to work on isimpawing his stamina, as the constant movement takes a lot out of the ibyear-old. _ But the amber of the Excel- sior dub has high cxpecuuons for the upcoming gangs. "I get kind of tired when I'm fencing so I have to work on my stamina a link more," he said. "it gas hard because you usu ally fence at least eight bouts in a tournament. and it gets harder as the day goes on " " wedld like G eventually represent Canada at a world event," he said, Imprm fluent that Ramen has seen m her game that keeps her most cnlhususuc about playlng "When I Ima started I Wits no where near the up I was at the bottom oi the pack t' she sand ‘I didn1 have much confidence then but 1 Improved and started wmmng mun: games' That confidence comes out m the deter, mmauon she brings to the ugh! [our-walled court "l Just Gd I can focus more,' sud Ramen - Never one to rest on her laurels, she's already looking to improve another area of ha gunm- "Now I'm louklng at my volley drop because lie got the volley,' she sad "My volley IS good but my volley mm the drop is .1 little weak." Squash has become d famtly affair for the Rarucns, with the whole faintly aueadmg murmmems m the L5. and Canals This Cast mu was particularly special because It Lame on mom Lmdas birthday "She sand you dont haw lo get me any- 1hmg for my birthday. you already did sud Mmmds Just ask the Srsluas after they suffered their fifth straight loss last week to their archnvals. the Stratford Cullitons Nothog brings the naysayers out like an extended Iosmg streak. There were a number of closet coaches m the stands that mght, each with their own the- ory as to whals “Tong mlh the Stskms Some blamed the mfercemg Others the Impendmg Chhw mas holidays But after [unous dex usSlon, most settled on the wadung They wondered If head man Jerry Harnan was geumg the most out of his tmderachsermg [cam But bunks pulling on a sweater and hung up the slums thcre's nut much more J coach um do A coach can onlv set up th Winning conditions for the gamc ll's the players {hal have In win thc g.unr mime wtll ‘lrgur that ht mu IEXPEBT SKATE SHABPENIIM Who do you blame? (G, "ieiye'iiie si_iii'j"i,i,i,,.i" 1ig0 mum'aung them enough That m varying degrees he?, been too hard or too soft on he, players The truth IS modern tom hes are as much J psychologists social workers. ercnls and teachers a: they are a master srratctysts sums ployers need w he cuddled wluk others med In bu challenged Most plavery .m: >0 busv Most players .m: so busy nursmg that tulcnts that thcy iorgel thl I: talice, sir/ic m mn J game lei slonc A champr oushqr [hey lorgel a “In makes them all look better nus type ol wltish .Iluludc gm he found at all luck and m _ Open Mom, Tun, Wed. ' - a; Thurs. 9 .3; Friday CLOSED, Sat. 9 - 5 98 KING N., WATsagoo 'ttski/fi'"';-:-,.,: (JUST N. OF a'nmcepom’ no.) 886-4340 Fill-,!)-!-,',,?,'!,-,.')!?', l / JAgLy "M. ' OPEN EVERY SUNDAY u w...- n p m mumm. lint-din 1m Am}; 5: s . waging all spans A [nend of mine coaches d local hgh school hockey [cam With hula talent. they need to work hard every night to win, Yet each game they go out and freelance their own plays, wah huh: thought of execuung lhc game plan m place Alter the game. the} slunn back Into the dressmg room lacking to hurt tor answers -- or for someone to blame Impllcn m therr whming PS the quesuonmg of his (radar luls This from a man who played junior B hockey ond helped lead hrs high tuhool mm to the OFSAA Mals H: knows the price of sup cess but finds his players unmlhng to pay ll He’s hm the only nnc that Ins found the fault with modcrn Alhltlcs I SH“ remcmhcr Lulncr coach Rick Dmch say (ha ull want to play, but he on) unlu- 1lwm all wanl In will tho Use 5.) who do mu hme when 15