" best pan Po [hm Mn: N nude ahead And from-n LIL them out ol (hr frcczcr Lawn: minutes belorc acute Angel iood ngu' IN, d up: t sponge cake llul mnums In Lu because ll ts made walt cg whites. Parchment lukm paper can be purchased an I waxed pdlrer 511le .4 J gr: LC“ FKUI'L’, Wt' would Jam u null): mil; spout/ cake and waiood th: would be appropriate ior Km War's entermnung Sponge cuke Jud [mu sounds him .1 slung“ minim.“ nun but thew pmwhecly tri reallv good \IU?I~.\'.|ILIIIIIgI.'1 My.» : v: rt., mu column \\ hut hr \HLMJ u‘l I , l'rsrlcct mung-v "IV h (1.â€! suutclcd lmn: It', bu: c?rsHluJtit 1hr “Alas surlucc, “u Junlcd Dive into these tasty sponge rolls and slaungc max an A, manger lump nwlbu. mg mm " pounds xuxl hdmrl itcck “r Isl bush Ws "tut" , Dull Lug Em 7750/4 20m ta tatt SElMllMll _LeaBdM!) ' MU†- “mi 1) w ly MEN'S SHOPPE ()/crl/"" " I: _ 2 t,rrek spungcp “mu m \pnng) [Emma 1 IL! clcsclopcd llu- l Waterloo Town Square (m 40%_50% OFF Jim Sthaller :11 tle. Indus†lll Cur- Laroche d:, ml Lining A Lugiu, .usi IN, d up ol UlllJHh It“ de Willi cgg m hiking used tn '.hr ll Il 'A (All Id l augcl fund mks mm D rslrlcspvour, hurl); uhuppul green otllot1 'CTS parchment p.1pcr nou-suck cookmg spray wsxed paper samn “up conrc,urch Harm Hum Tllli Ilitig it NA SPt3NGF ROM 5 mnkcs 4t) prnwhccls) In: Don1 miss out on this limited time sale Tommy Hilfiger Ax h'rnn 5h TELLING FijiiEii;jF, haunt msp w mum:- belore my xmuus brownmg mum Whsle the cake " baking, empty the tuna inlu J save Rmsc wuh mun then drain xx el green.» Maks [hr arrgcl hum! butter accorduug [A Irei1rucrirrt, L ombms [hr Jinan gran: and luuur Ms "ell Muburr mu 3 cups A lulu-r .md ,prcad ll evenly over the gmnlnncm paper Bake tor H lo l3 mlnu1cs, :‘cnum- Imm urn and cool You don t want thr spungc to mum msp YO roman- before \LGexlcnlmr â€my .u;.l duoppm l (up muurd “Illll’ Jihdulrc IL Ir .ll " [murmum light lol thc 530 JIII .HILL‘ IXII ug lllLl l rt rm]; dud TIN hurls Relngvmlr 51-me Izuura at overruglu. Jusl before wrung rcmmc 5.1mm and mu paper dip {In- gcrs m cornstarch mm mun-en [he >|hxngr :36on- lk v spread thl h‘ [hr also. Drp y"our luzgrrnps In gunk starch to avoid allduncw Then mll each Tong-s ughlh .mJ PLtcc on .1 plus ol an Place rhc mun! emu adml) ond m1: ythl pupa [ILA ho, bcct width "l the \pvng; iN haw; Ln-nllj. quad th.: [um In FL" tlunlr " m» thc surLtce nd L) ~JIM AL'r l In Gar; “slum! .lll :lt’lxlllk’ nut “RADAR 'tiii-c, 156 tl il) [Him J% A ll ho, [mm Llll to the Jul [HI " Iglzlh to Ill Ill II (Cafarajueut20? Call now for full details! No appraisal fees No application fees 5-year Mortgages wwW'.wrcu.com WATERLOO KITCHENER CAMBRIDGE 579-1860 894-9700 622-3377 'Rate subject to change without noun: Some restrictions may apply Limited um: offer Normal underwriting cnterea applies WATERLOO REGIONAL CREDIT UNION from )RDTHAR 5 .99%* 13