Is offering acting classes for children and young adults, aged 8 - l9 Classes are limited in size and held at the Waterloo Rec. Centre. Children 8 _ 12 2 hours on Sat. SIS + gsl Teens 13 - lb 3 hours on Sat. $20 ' gst Young Adults 17 - l9 3 hours on Sat. $20 + gst . LAC Actors have appeared In over 30 commercials during the 1997/1998 season . have had lead roles in the TV. series Gouscbumm and Ecru: Indiana . series regular in Wind at My Back, My Life as a Dog To book a place, call _ Jeitm Ryu Niniutso Km Women's Sell-defense . Judo-Motso . Grappling . Combalo Karate & Kickboxrng . Kendo, Escnma 3 Weapons Traomg . Medrlanon. Phllosopmcal and Spiritual Studies . Secunty & Pressure Pont Control Tactics Wsil our Website: http:meww.geoertiescomf-sokefseishoMtm Locaton: Good Life Fitness Club, Market Square (2nd Floor]. Downtown Kitchener (0n the corner of Kmq and Frederick Sts.) Good Lite membership us not rammed Il0zlesbiadiiadbasiirrdrtikdesatisatstfaudtnikrrrm0ms,i)agaikm,iaesaghrd/dmaus. TO REGISTER OR FOR FURTRER INFO FAMILY AND STUDENY DISCOUNTS ,_, V, . cb.s.rtt..s.r.st_rtt'....-.b'b'-r ‘1'. t w..-'.'."".',