Program helps seniors regain their independence " Smith sud the program has ablated hs rndependence, and gum hun back sume of hu, Huh“. tor hie 'it made Me livable agam beam: I could get out and gel groans," he sud "You could [we properly now " allows me [u do more before mt The only problem ssuh thr program Pe a lack of available drums IS gmng lhc armors les, And ies, of an opporturuty to gel out, deleaung the goal to keep than “melt ovolved will the mmmumly ‘H we could orth gm a feu more dns as Mr would hr a lot easter." sad Smnh lhe trartsporuttorl progrum, Much started mart than 10 nuns ago, th suflcrmp, from a growing armor popukuron wu- plcd With a dwindling number of volurticer dnvers Them are approximately 450 senior registered m the program that provides more than 200 i-WHD OPENING f v)sr, 639m in ani? filloutaballt g ll5e"Mv5il, V?" 3 e . Come in and open a NEW Scars Account SAVE $10 Wrap up your Christmas shopping from the comfort of your home! From our store to your door! 133 WEBER ST. N. WATERLOO 888-6080 “an M 9 W 9 W, Thurs & in III R satil “I 5 {(151111 I: q (on Itrx , "poetors The hull frgurM ismtalrs formerfy of PM] Lm Ir Food, L Fglerm “main & (hm Marrtil 104 King St. S. Waterloo or less what I dud (across horn Waterloo Town Swarm ' "|. - Organically Uptdyrn Natural Food Store VIII. 883-0734 ride: a week Unfortunately those 200 pickups are spread over 15 drwere, h means present dnvers are being overworked, some dn. Hng as often as live days J week Susan Gsmeron, the pm grams coordinator sod the Ideal summon ly, to hnd a few more dnvers who have a couple ol hours a week In spare io help am the burgeoning list of mums m need of d rude "lt"s extremely flexible because were driving people crclungs, days and weekends," shc said "if someone's m real (Male they cart dnve between appmnlmrms, II they are .1 teacher they um drive through thc summer months "We work around their on rum schcdule dy opposed lo them '1 he yt workung around our schedule T mimmal She said the work IS nnpor- and [he mm io [hen conunucd good" rennbur: health, Human contact 15 neccs- There 5 sary to shake the binds of Iona 1m olved huess later m M: Lem SEARS Wish Book Stop in for your FREE copy today! 24 hours a day 1-800-267-3277 While supplies (as! Shop toll free Catalogue loneliness b one oi the key ailments that older people exprr nertce," sad (Amman td Ihey've lost spouses and (hen family um usually close by Ft wo the gruwmg trend ol more mums mnununng to live our their hub at home, Instead ol In a cununuoua Lam baht). there wdl be a greater necd to provide them mth these home >upport 5&1;ch "“1: people were during Are gelling more and mow hall given the health-cure system and all the changes happenog,' she sad "The people we are drmng now need far more .mhum'e than l0 years ago due w the ha that they're hung ar home Instead of J numng home or " retirement home' The seniors are dutgrd a mimmal fee for Ihc program and the volunteer drives are reunbursed for thee rmlcagc, There TS also mammal lmmmg trenerallr, .11) they need " a Have A Holly Jolly Breakfast MON WWW t;rytym.sAv?aarioakxrosuN1rakarT1 any" Breakfast is the most important meal of the dayâ€. especially if it's with Santa Claus! Bring the kids and their Favourite teddy bear to have breakfast in the Food Court. Breakfast is sponsored bu HGrLU and tickets can be purchased for $1 at Mitll or the Info Booth, ful proceeds go directly to The Sunshine Foundation, Everuone's invited to eat, drink and be ""beoru but hump as tickets are limited i 500 Weber St. N. (amen) Watedoo 147-5524 . Mom Tues Wed, " Thurs, & Fri " Sat " Sun 126 .V - .._v- """8 mmâ€, 7. v.“ - 7 -"." "m m_L -w- n st , _ ... __-' “1-..“.IAA TAT turn .1 CODESTOGQ mnu KING P1tHI NODTH N N C ONESIOGA EXPWE %WAY 2t