i "ig ber ,r,s,s' The Waterloo Sale Commu- mues program ts a non-profit organization lounded with the assistance of the Safe Commu- nite Foundation, led by Paul Hells. Program officials recently held mu mformauon sessions for companies interested In Jommg the mrtratwe as the pro- gram enters us therd year In Waterloo The CllV became the second Ontario my to Jorn the program In the spnng of 1996 The Waierlors Safe t' ommu- mucs program Is hupmg to recruit as many .b we rump.)- mes the, year to try and make the my a safer place to live work And play, Ttti1tttg Waterloo Sole Communities looking lot locol eomnonles lo sunnon solely iniliolives tdpi" "w Art A W iiis/,,,:f,.srsj,itt :11“ “arm‘h of Ihili,trt1 GRAYSTONE GALLERY 14 Princess St. E., Waterloo Forever Free (Canvas only Open Tues. to Sat. 10:00 to 5:00 Waterloo company holds free jolGirdilll'kfGirr" As pan of as program, the Waterloo Safe Communities program has also established the Sale Communities Incen- ttve program, sponsored by the provincial Workplace Safety and Insurance Board, Partin- paimg small businesses work with the Waterloo Sale Com- munities program and the WSIB to find ways to make Kclls established the lounda» [Inn In memory of his 19-year- old son, Sean. who ded m an lnduslnal explosion m 1994 during his third day on the Job The ioundatrons goal ts (Lt cwmwlly make Canada the sales: place lo Inc. mark and play II] the world A “Madam u‘lupam ml] be prexnlmg J tree "vo-day workshop De: +3 In teach pamupanb hos to surnve and thrive In the world of contract, short-term, sea- sorral and erlAllmc work tsnvder and Associates OVER 350 FRIENDLY STORES & SERVICES, CONVENIENT PARKING be Dunn! Smith 746-6852 Al 31 King N North Will be holdrng the walk shop, entitled Marketmg Your Skillb m the New Working World The workshop lt, sponsored by Human Resources Development (Amide: Pamcuparts " Lum hou (a pmlll trom the Anyone who Is interested in Jommg the company this year should call Jackie Ralph at 8884850. As a result, under the Safe Communities Incentive pro- gram lhey collectively received a 3/4 rebate from the WSIB on that money which mulled $350,000. In 1997. +8 small businesses who participated m the local program reduced their annual Injury lelms to the WSIB by 47 per certt or 547(1000 lhclr workplaces safer, and thus are able In reduce the um ol lhen Whl8 pmmunb ,ELNDJ‘MR 1ioi1t,t,lil,N,li),i,lc,lill," â€[0!"ka k hanging wurk emnunw plan A urea strategy, negotiate their sauna Fates ofpm benefits etc learn about [heir legal rights and responshrlr- Ires learn how lo wnle their own employment contracts or leuers of agrecmrnl and deler- ANN "