IA lCtiritrtide -stigatsitilit, Y iii NJ , tl a ll . ONE HOUR PHOTO I ENLARGEMENTS . FRAMING . PORTRAITS . CAMERAS . 57 Arthur Street South, Elmira, SSS-FILM Hours: Monday to Friday 8 - ttSaturday 9 _ 5 co' 133 KING ST. N. BLDG. AS ST. JACOBS ONT ACORN GLASS & MIRROR LTD. , ofts V 1 JI-Illia'" 25% Off We also have a good selection of used office equipment. otts - We Sell! Thermals . Windows . Stained Glass q Frames and much, much more!! NOVEMBER 30TH TO DECEMBER 12TH, 1998 som Spdia: "tat CLEARANCE SALE Elmira Photo "at the Top ofthe Hill in St. Jacobs" 30% AU. orders taken during our sale! CiiljifllEEE Not because you have to. Because you want to. '14 (tCs)', "90;. Tel: (5l9) 6644210 664-1102 Fax: 6644272 St;le tttt M low cameras hone ttt allash vandalism Anyone thinking of trying their hand at van- dahsm In Waterloo's Uptown Parkade m the near future should [hunk again That's because Waluloo council approved spendmg approximately $70,000 In the divs 1999 budget Monday ruglu to upgrade the Luvs secunly tamer: system tit the Parkade lhe cu/s team leader for parlung and transit mun, fara Gunn, sad she hoped to have the new equip ment Installed by next apnng. Gunn sud pan of the equipment upgrade wrll Involve the Installation of video cameras In the stairwells of the Parkade on floors two through Ge Video cameras at already mstalled [[1 the stairwells on floors one and MX However Gunn said probably the most 1mpor tant change Will be the conversnun of the entire security system from black and white to colour As well, three new video monitors and an atcompanymg VCR wall be Installed In the Parkade's kiosk on the mam floor, "The advantage is basically with the black and white system we're unable to xdenufy what lil and! St Ir., Bin 669-4374 Moonlight Madness wariTirsl5liii7ms,'m Coats, Skaters, Boots & Beds, Small Animal Cages, Toys l Treats, Birdleeders, Aquarium Starter Kits for fish ' Reptiles, ad a wide variety of Tropical M, THE PERFECT Tle ro MI GIFT " THE KI mo tow OR " PET 1t_0itt1lLt CARE ABOUT. Whigs can mm St. s., zun'kT' - - - -- 519-569-3658 x "'9eeietiair, , "e a WW aha 196t" Beside Shopper's Drug Mart. Closed Sundays & Mondays 5-11pm 15% OFF .,ii)gJ,r,l,i),l,j,t,..ityy, READS DECORATING A _ __ - _CENTRE -------. 7" I, \1'17 i L.l - colours an "uhvidual I) wearing ll they're m the Parkade,'" Gunn and when asked why up, our cub wanted to uuwen the system to colour ‘II we bet? some klnd of vandalesm or some, lhmg occurrnW we cant, al thes poor, ldcnul) what colour Jm km .1 person b wearing th d we bee a suspoous vehicle leaving the Parkade we currently cant ill what colour the car ly 't Such colour tdcnttiicutrort wdl help the at) and polite cupturc vandals. is will anulhrr Improvement that mu gut scantily gamma: m the Parkade the ablllly to zoom III on the hung? plate numbers of an as they leave the Parkade, Gunn sand That feature wlll grcatly help polue pamcuUrly f the u" IS stolen. she sand "ll's been ongomg Sll'lcc the Parkude opened - mmur acts of vandalism such as broken bottles, spray pamnng In the stairwell:; and things ofthat nature," she said "And this wall Just hopefully help ws lo better Ideuldy mdwiduals." As for why the an Ind decided to spend the money on the new syslem flow, Gunn smd they've had (ominous problems at the sue Watcrloo's Jolene MacDoa- ald,astudent In herlas: year of the Graphic Destgu and Adxcrusmg program at Cor camp College, had hcr “an rung design for the nu“ Ontano Medal for Young Vol- unlcers at the College Nor, ll Elizabeth Wilmer, MPP for Waterloo North. presented MacDonald with a personal- lzed plaque honoring her for her winning creation. The Ontario Medal for Young Volunteers will be pre- sented to more than 1'0 between the ages of 15 to 24 who have made a significant contribution to the commu- nity as a volunteer Witmer p"rcscrtted the av. ard on behalf of Manlyn Mushur ski, the Premier's Parliamen- tary Assistant with Responsibility for Volun- tarism. who said the colorful design exemplified the mum- bution young people make m voluntarism in Omano. The Inaugural award cere- mony for the Onuno Medal for Young Volunteers I; expected In take place 1n December Chnstmas has come earlv lor the Food Bank Region of Waterloo This week, Nt R Canada In Waterloo prcsemed the Food Bank wuh .1 cheque m the amount of SIOAM‘ "This PS an mrrchHy gum- ous gift", says Scan \Im Hand. Faccutwe Dlrnlur of the Food Bank of Waterloo chlnn "th hohdays are a mm“ for sharing and we arc extremely grateful In the cmployccs and "undgcmrnl of Nt ft for shor mg (his glh wuh ux 't "wr In turn 1sull sharc this domlmn wuh [he hungry m our mmmumlv by mung (he donation m out general food recouirrphigrahi " V f . Christmas comes early for Food Bank VdVatprloo en er fi'befi' medal