The current study will assess sanitary servicing options for the Eastbridge North District and determine the location of proposed trunk sewers and the pumping station. Public input and comment will be requested during this study Currently, a Public Open House to discuss the planning and design of this project is expected in November 1998. Subject to comments received and the receipt of necessary approvals, the City intends to proceed with the design and construction of the proposed trunk sewers and pumping station in 1999. For further information on this project, please contact Mr Peter Linn, P, Eng. Senior Development Engineer, City of Waterloo at 747-8744 A study completed in 1989 entitled "City of Waterloo, Trunk Sanitary Sewer Study" assessed various servimng options for undeveloped areas within the City's Urban Development limits. The study concluded that the preferred concept for servicing the northern portion of the Eastbridge District was to construct a Sewage Pumping Station in the vicinity of Country Squire Road and Northfield Drive complete with a forcemain outletting to the Northland Trunk Sanitary Sewer. This sewer, presently constructed to Mooring Post Lane north of Chesapeake Drive, outlets to the Colonial Sewage Pumping Station on Denholm Street. The City of Waterloo is undertaking a study to determine the prc- ferred concept for Sanitary Sewage Servicing for the Eastbridge North District, This area is bounded by Nurthfield Drive to the north, the proposed University Avenue Extension In the east and Bridge Street to the west. @OQ ONTARIO PARKS WYATION THE CITY or IE; The City of Waterloo, Parks Services, would like to thank all of the dedicated people who have become involved in community improvement projects over the years! CITY OF WATERLOO CLASS ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT EASTBRIDGE NORTH DISTRICT SANITARY SEWAGE SERVICING STUDY COMMUNITY PARKS WEEK October 1 - 7, 1998 ha] 7mm. vR Put. iiiiiiitrfioo COMMUNITY INFORMATION , 886-1550 This annual Autumn initiative encourages communities across Ontario to participate in a variety of outdoor physical activities and outdoor experi- ences, which respect and protect the environment. Urban Forestry is Waterloo's theme for 1998 which encourages individ- uals and community groups to participate in various activities to cele- brate our greenspaces. The Urban Forest includes not only urban wood- lands but natural areas (meadows, wetlands, stream banks), street and residential trees, and even vegetation in your own yard! Community Planting Projects: . Contact Parks Services for various scheduled events or to organize your own planting event at 886-2310 ext 253. We also encourage you to develop and plan your own urban forest-related activity. Consider activities such as planting native vegetation, building composters, creating wildlife habitat, learning about your environment, bird watching, recycling or reusing materials, hiking on trails, owl prowls, star gazing, picnics, and art classes in the park, or your unique idea! Please register your event with us to become officially recognized in our annual report! T The citizens of Waterloo have a reputation for their strong initiative, commitment. and involvement in partnership projects within our commu- nity. Through the City of Waterloo's Partner in Parks program, schools, community groups, businesses, and individuals can participate in many projects within Waterloo's Parks all year round. These projects include planting native trees/shrubs/wildf1owers, debris clean-ups, trail activities, creek rehabilitation, Cul-de-sac improvements, and more. For more infor- mation on how you can become involved, call 886-2310. What is Community Parks Week? How can you participate? Ontario Hiking Day Event How can we make every week a Community Parks Week? All money and unsold items must be picked up between 11:30 and 12:30 or they become the property of WMHA. The City of Waterloo will be holding an Open House to present various strategies for the Park/William/Caroline traffic corridor. Date: Wednesday, September BO, 1998 Time: 6:30 p.m. - Open House 7:00 pm. - Presentation Place: City of Waterloo C&ncil Chambers, 3rd Floor Waterloo City Centre 100 Regina Street South, Waterloo The purpose of this meeting is to present various alternatives for the intersections of Park Street at William Street and William Street at Caroline Street. There will be drawings to be reviewed as well as com- merit sheets for the public to respond to the alternatives. If you have any questions or require further information, please con- tact 747-8629. WATERLOO MINOR HOCKEY ASSOCIATION USED EQUIPMENT SALE OPEN HOUSE FOR THE PARK/ WILLIAM/ CAROLINE TRAFFIC CORRIDOR A 25% commission will be charged to on sold items (Organized by the Parent Support Group) Bring in Used Equipment Wednesday, September 30th 7:00 _ 9:00 pm Thursday, October lst 7,00 - 9:00 pm. Albert McCormick Arena, Community Room Saturday, October 3rd 9:00 - 11:00 am Volunteers are needed - Call 725-1434 f 31