Isl us about your child's good news and we’ll m the whole city of Waterloo hom 'IF" Call fot details, 886-2830 .DifNgertt stytcs to choose from 75mrs-udt,r-201, WWW 0mm G his: use 1ker_r-leriaAl HrbortestrduViefs ptrptmtuidlahst [immaonmsivgm '-stlremruGdroirxxl, siehuma-durdnbuurk olvaAksdasrmmoduexs Mohahhhd rArwusszl%rkssSdsole 9ikArhzsthr-ktakxzseasqr AshrxuusedrrdskrusGre “a ho had burly fkisUd MWMWOW and! rm it: In: ' end "hssederhe_oiesroad "d1hrt.rrrrGasmh"NraI Alrmhs_ktrdstrrrw kn-sluteuuhGaetxxtust Miehw‘gnpadbu th,-kd,ssAah Maxim “when! Mlll5'lllllll, urn: PIGS HOW DO YOU PLAY? '?ii,tttAlit"el??riir,"t,ttidt 519-824-3099 Find the UNREAL m within the "CLASSlmND CONTEST" o Centrally bald In the heart d the dassitied section cut it out 8 mail Waterloo Chronicle Golden Triangle. "MW " south and taitmgtrithyournarne,address, 75 King St. S. it tMil lth and Igtorttt number to: Waterloo. Ont. N2d 1 P2 tl $tllt Iltl? 886-2830 aiEimtneYG..DG 0 Just a Scheduled for September 30 & October 1, 1998 at the Kitchener Auditorium The has been cancelled. We'll miss seeing everyone this year but we're already planning for our 1999 show & will welcome you then! Thank-you Joan Fell) CANADIAN -oomcevws -mm£uans The Walenoo Chloride Class.- hed section Is whats the oom- munny expects Io fund nm ot events. masons and speaal annuversanes Our old lnends and assomales need In know about our IIVES _ our lemmas. men mnhdays. engagements. mamages and passages They tum to ma aassiMits to Md me pulse at the cnmmumty Ha- member (0 let them m' Call 651-2397 In place your ad lo- dav' Yon-Kippur Sept 29 @ 6:30pm Sept. 30 at 10am. For more Inlormatlon about me semces m membership 12mm! Tannin at "6-2234 at Rial-cl Elsen at 886-4545. EMPLE SHALOM A synagogue In the Retarm Jewish tmdlllon ml! have servsce for 'Gninder SHOW we»: LET THEM KNOW! KW 7 1.357 an? mm " mama mauve: " Melina loo†#519976 1225 “Steal! 100(qu une 4169797701 ititim ONE! Grathcr At now can: lamaIe measure ma- was new Tan XXX trye. se- _---- Fig AMAZING Danton. Murals, Fre SECOND INCOME MMers, busvness peopIe. 51055300!“ revved welders Iaooulors. Cannons-s lawyers smgles. widowed 519W316 [ awosced summed Tap qualuly people looking my love Forty people mauled m 1997 City and rural Mlsly “may Inuoducllons Kw.s “admonal muck Me: i613) 25T-353t IIEEI YOUR, match 1- 900-3210-7600 ext 1139 :2 99 De! tumult: must be 18 yrs Prom" be 18 (502)954-7420 " LOVE . nEALTH MONEY won " CAREER warms bill-4514055 Sweet Temptations ' mew in MEI†alum Mrs POLICE USE us 1-900-451-4312 $2.99/mittutt u hours. PSYCHIC MSWEBS W UH. W W q-ttoo-tm) "wasâ€. 5299mm A PERFECT Pan. Yuma Home Bus-nessl Two hours per day earns you Imancnal heeaom L883 5N-23;?t EIHIBITORS NAMED: Fan Home Wow/awn! Shows Pu; ducts servuces, computers, Mme Mice, health and fitness. malls Leads! Salesl 1-800» 5616076 EARN 3500-53000 PUFF wann- ng 1mm hum tramo9 0|me mhmaorn need access code 68r7orA1tHi314ym An swung Flanmuse oppomnrury lot a Hands on Amatrx Excelanl Locahon n the Bantams Shoppmg Centre Smpotaammg' Make serious money Tour own busmess with urtlittu1e0 Income poten- lIaI Toll tree 24- hour message1-8t85746605 dtt 'riiaatm'iiit't meklllll'iliisu, I s7ii'iiiiriittte?t iiiriiiLiriirtWs vamole fuel t mm N release a-a-t_.- M" allcgnmeels wl'l mm 44 Muchelm alum 'ml [was :15] 'iyrj,yipfCt9ss/ji) 39:3 I 513.9 DO Wm DEA I. s 'riii'"t""i,'hltrit: i89))llL'l1',", 'd,it,l',iliiiii' WEB?! Itye Pita Pam: Grillhouse & Rotisserie x-an~3a§2499 (WI Free Mum) An existing Gnu-ma CARD distribution territory in LONDON a S0UtTNESTERN CENTRAL ONTARIO is now available for resale. For Detail: V. C. L mm]! Burden, Vice-President Fax. Trite 569t Mm mt. MISSISSAUM. ON Lttr 2K9 or all: m: 905 6254“! FAX: 905 625-5995 Earn I 50M lam-e all No “has. No E9enesrcr hen-sun Full Twang ami thrgomg humor! Puumuzl Tn Bendits [mm ash Ho- NORTHERN CARDS , LEASE man gnu." , mum 5005/1051 'l/lr' new†‘0 MONEY DOWN! 's_rt?c_Kutrrs om 74244400 from Your Home Ions mdt [ma-Ins "AeT 4000 readers m and: alseads am» mum nth uur mdsl wéaw --StliiilqE.V m I, am meme came comma M 510399 ' am his“ A l8 ACCEA '15|W â€mm â€Mandi"!!! .Nelhb6qroo.ate m oiir at " clan! mums-1n? .varuble panel-awed nu sleenng n 2.57% t ar _ _......... ..----rrbr- _.-".----.- slums Wynn-yum... l “gunman-n4,» :Innnuumt M --'r-m..-p- “mm-nu»... b’EIaLs To create a you need.. a 'gregt. _-r-aaa-aus ' "i " igeiiie,re5si1f Ityoovanttoselhtfast, ser n In me dusted pMptstg1ttehl%tem0 Chmmde If you want ttrsellithtster,mahe6 standout Seamus Havemn Gwerlalmle “catch phrase†I'm-unhapm " 1"! 886-2830 oremnrl AM’FM stereo cassette WED wave: I 4 speakers r eat 'Best BUY' AWARD WINNER ' m. 'ttttttttlt' ms nu ml thers,