The glaze makes this BBQ salmon special 1 have just returned trom a family reumon in Winnipeg The weather was wonderful the mosqutoes were big and the food was good. 4 not only strengthened family uies but thanks to a cousin from Bntish Columbra, 1 experienced a new barbecue technique far salmon. The White Spring Salmon in question was the largest fish 1 have ever seen on a barbecue. My cousin had to saw it in half in order to squeeze it into the freezer in her camper. The flavor, of the glazed Wash the salmon and slice salmon, was so good there was _ through the middle, lengthâ€" a lineâ€"up for seconds. I‘m lookâ€" _ wise Remove bone. Then call 576â€"2580 10% OFF any nEew cuEnt Bus. 576â€"2580 BONDED & INSURED "We strive to EXCEED your expectations!" MraTS & CHiEESE | The Big Sisters of Kitchenerâ€"Waterloo and Area will be holding its first of two fall volunéeer training sessions, the first to be Sept. 26 from 9 a m. to 4 p.m. s P The session will be held at Big Sisters House at 37 Allen Street West in Waterloo. A second training session will be held at the same location on Nov. 21 from 9 a.m. to noon and again on Nov. 28 from 9 a m. to noon. Eye of Round Roasts Breaded Pork Schnitzel Extra Lean Ground Beef Deli Sliced Smoked or Cooked Turkey Breast Fresh Farmer‘s Sausage Plain or Garlic Millbank Mozzarella Cheese Customized Mame Cleaning Service Big Sisters to hold training sessions (residential only) Call for a free consultation: SPECIALS ing forward to trying it on salman purchased locally because the odds of me catchâ€" ing a C oho or Spring in Bnush Columbia, or elsewhere, is next to impossible. In fact, 1 recently sold my fishing net because the few fish 1 caught fell through the holes Having a Party? GLAZED BARBECUED SALMON whole salmon Moving? _ Need a great gift idea? mayonnalse brown Sugar $3.39n16. $3.290/16. 2.5916. 2.39Qn16 5.991 $4.09716 We had some high standards to live up to on the ‘99 Saturns. Namely, the ‘98 Saturns. A DirfrRENT Knb People love their reliable, durable Saturna. Which puts a lat of pressare on us to make cach one better But that‘s the challenge that bas led to the origin of the pobymer side panels, the ateel safety spaceframe, and stunning good looks (bluab) of every Saturn And of course, a lot of anxiety about next year, too. The payments shown here are based on the MSRP for our brandâ€"spankinâ€"new 1999 Saturn SL1 and SC1. They include transportation, retailer prep and even a full tank of gas so you won‘t have to walk to the station with one of _ m# like taxes (sorry). license and insurance. These lease payments are based on a low km lease of 60,000 km which is pretty far â€" over 3 years, with a charge of those red containers. But some things are extra. 12¢ per km over that amount. This offer applies to customers with approved credit. IF you decide you t : . 1999 Saturn SCI want to purchase your Saturn at the end of the lease Cmebt se ANEEW se spevite : sn ind on Sotces : ger ty m mt (and who could blame you?), and you‘ve made a $2,000 down payment. you‘re welcome to for only $8,197 plus taxes for the SL1 and $9.,641 plus taxes for the SC1. And with that same down payment, the maximum lease obligation of an SL1 ar SCI is ’ $8.228 and $8.732 respectively As always, retailers are free to set inci t vidual selling and lease prices Oh w 2 io esnt ud way vidual selling and lease prices Ob, and by the the vehicles are much larger than shown of Comrany A DirFERENT Kinp of Car Saturn Saab Isuzu of Kitchener Waterioo 663 Victoria St. N. 744â€"5811 Here‘s what you Amount of dvenpayment pay monthly r frud in wutb Automahic Tranamsszon add $itimonib tubbried cort hase s $0 dimcrpermer stt Compbic »nth ANEH sem cusene wholoe siming ies + td Sllng w tout 6 Aw Combisening add 51 ?imenth 1999 Saturn SL1 § 0 y M EJE L arces $4,905m2,,,, $187/Z.Z. $16,025 :«