its thal tune oi year, once again, when suddenly a sprain [run microwave, The nucrowave ts my choice beause ll ts less messy ts m great abundance We at pst passing through the peach and and produces less grease Place rndividual shuts of bacon on a Each year t am challenged lo come up mth one more way to use each [run In Its fresh stage, when ll IS at Its best This reaps combmes two of my favorttes wnh an endlve salad The mice of the fruit, the tang of the greens, and the flavor of the bacon are ennched by the sweet and sour dressing, As a child, I remember caung endive salad, with hot bacon drippings. cider vmegar, sugar and whipping cream This dressing is a but less fattening PEACH AND PEAR ENDIVE SALAD (serves 6 as a side salad) pear zeasun With each but of fresh ondino fruit, I marvel over the flavor The Salvation Army along with Uptown Waterloo businesses will be hosting a Blue-Bag-lt clothing drive at Waterloo Town Muare Sept. 18 and Sept, 19. My fruit version of endive salad 'i" The Blue-Bag-lt program is a community program designed to Increase awareness of reducing, reusing and recycling unwanted Items. Waterloo residents will be given the opportunity to give back to the community and recycle used household clothing and labncs that would otherwise go to a local landfill site. Provincial Health Minister Elizabeth Wilmer announced Aug. 27 she was raising min- istry payments to local homes caring for the mentally ill by 25 per cent, Funding increase for homes for mentally ill Salvation Army holds clothing drive Wilmer, who is also the MPP for Waterloo North, said In a news release she would be rais- Ing the per diem rate for Waterloo Homes for Special Care (HSC) lo $3450. "This increase will enable local HSC operators to ensure The blue bags will be prG1anly distributed by the Waterloo Bad Credit Bankruptcy Previous Credit Problems Ask for Dennis or ferry Al; “Li‘s ' b,: ':ri')iii, ‘l.$\ _ y†»F'~?’f§"'. _ H ."p if; 1 'd') bttr.: C, sv,,' 22' i 'fir1i,liij, A“; fs I 'i/iii, l "i,): Wash the endure well, mmming away any black pieces, Cook the bacon other in the oven, a frying pan or 4 fresh peaches 2 fresh pears l cups chopped curly endive 10 shces Side bacon, cut in 1/2 . CAR . TRUCK LOANS Finally Approved that appropriate levels of vesi- dent care and services will con- tinue to be provided for the seriously mentally ill," IMtmer said. "lt also reflects the govern- ment's ongoing commitment to ensuring quality. community mental health services for the mentally ill." The HSC program provides 24-hour residential care and supervision to individuals with severe mental illness. There are PROBLEM CASUAL 13mm Tie final collection day is Sept. l9. For mote information call Jo-Ann Tenreauh of the Salvation Army at (905) 6484108. Chronicle Sept. 9, with additional bags available from the shops and services of Waterloo Town Squaw Once all the blue bags have been collected they will be taken to The Salvation Army's sorting site and distributed to the various Salvation Army Thrift Stores and sold. All proceeds then go towards invaluable commuruty service programs such as kids' camps. three Homes for Special Care in Waterloo Region that pro- vide accommodations and meals within the community for individuals with serious mental illnesses. Over the next year, ministry staff will be developing a hous- ing policy that will include aligning the HSC program within the context of other types of housing for the seri- ously mentally ill. The min- istry will also review HSC double layer of paper towel, on a microwave-able plate. Cover wuh another sheet of paper towel and microwave on high for 5 to 8 minutes or until the bacon Is no longer rubbery. Tonsfer lo fresh paper towel and cool. Chop or break the bacon Into small plecer Cut the endive into bite size pieces, Peel the peaches and pears and cut them mm bite Size pieces, Mix afingredients m a salad bowl and then toss well with the dressing, Whisk all nngmdlcms together until well blended 1/4 cup cider vmegar 3 ublespoons [at-free sour cream 1/4 teaspoon salt 1/4 teaspoon pepper 1 tablespoon white sugar SWEET SOUR DRESSING program standards and resi- dent care. Composters will be available to Regional residents at no charge on a first-come, first-served basis - while quantities last! This event includes a Food Drive. Residents are asked to bring a non- perishable food item or cash donation for the Food Bank of Waterloo Region, and the Cambridge Self-Help Food Bank. The Region of Waterloo is hosting another Backyard _ Composter Distribution Day on Saturday, September 12th. Loc; Kitchener Auditorium, East Ave., Kitchener 7:00 a.m. - noon Knob Hill Farms, Pinebush Rd., Cambridge 7:00 a.m. - noon Get involved - produce a tuttriettt-rkh organic fertilizer for lawns and gardens, and divert waste from local Iatsdfilld d For more information call: The Keaton of Waterloo Waste Management Information Una at "r5100 at. 145. Proof of Regional residency is required at all locations. tmtrt DEW ations 'oviarihsruntor5iie PrieeaIOne! s, f “1%EN 354 KING STREET NORTH, WATERLOO 884-5141 Get Your Composter Today! VIII! At " WM. End: Coupon nouns Senna-bu was I Coupon Is aromas!) I mm MM and mm mm Mus + coupon Jumbo Waco Manners Only ' Mammal-cps are FREE) I New Rem all†not I -, atomic " second macho" ', Movie & Game Rentals No Attitud t Just: 51%: Makeup " Keeso Photo Mortho Kerr 886-0500 ll.