Drama/dance studios join forces lhe douplmcs of dance and drama wrll be combined thes week when two local orgamzauons - Foes Across the Floor and Play- mg on the Moon -- 10m foxes m uptown Waterloo "‘0 , . The new studio and drama school. whtch celebrates us grand upemng >epl 2 through Crept 9, provides a fun-based, Cort-com- petruve enuronmenl for pamopants I . . Toes Across the Floor dance company IS he dream of Sara Mac- donald, who has been mvolved wuh dance as a student and teacher for 18 years. Macdonald's mm IS to teach dance 1n a non- compeuuve environment where the principles, techruque and “just plam fun" ls cnucal Io the young dancer's learning, Community TV stations seeking on-air personalities Rogers Community TN 15 seeking on-air personalities to kick off d new season of programming. The local Islevlswn ytattort seeking hose; for new, fall programs, and searching for a female co-host for Plugged LW, .1 hall-how newsmagazlne show. Prod uccrs are looking for people who possess eruhusasm and energy, who are “tuned m" lo what's happening m their tttugh- borhoods; and who have a few daytime hours to commit to .1 The Board of Dimmers oftheWiterUo RegionaIAns Gama] irwusai1membetspasttmdpeesentamiirtter- estedstwottesstoattendtheAsttmalGettetarteeetit1ge sepofiiiat4pmrattheqhhesttaramr2yeuyi"t_ (coma arm!- St.) hd geor,gitdseaer.arsetemtoris irsuetiraiixugtraitrtttetimd,pkssrealrrhett0r Refrwhmems win kttitAr. Your wanton iswehum_ tteaseatrtt4c:ergbitttpreitttiirttmtiisit, , *‘ng. ' rr_r"rrlstr." "tyer, 3 Tei, 'et,vfr--,'c-""r"-' Cv-'1s,r"f'. . _ "'WT Waterloo Regional Arts Council to hold annual general meeting , A L?rG1rlTiiriri%il t',"CLClT'= 5Trt=c= 300 WEBER N., WATERLOO . 884-9000 Bngule Schuster, owner and director of Playmg on the Moon School [or the Performing Arts and Summer Performing Arts Experience, has spent the last 10 years teaching the art of theatre m Waterloo and surrounding area Other classes oliered at the studio mcludc "Mommy & Baby and "Creattve Movement" Boxen:ise wsll be offered by local champion boxer Scott Brown, and vocal lessons are available through Toby Mathis of the Shallenburger Centre of St Mary's “â€""O“ -', -r_ee__e-Me " "" ___ W D r Visnation and registrauon will lake place today, Thursday and Fnday at 133 Weber St N for further mformauon, contact Sara Macdonald at 725-4555 or Bngme Schuster at 8807062 rewarding new challenge Auditions for on-alr personalities wall be held Sept 8 through Sept, IO, for further miengauor; or to book an audiuon, contact Jill McRae at 1-519-81H-8149 or t-888-899-t172, ext, 3149 NOW OPEN C)rsvaraically â€@0035“ EATING WELL Mon "red 9:30»5:30. Thurs tk Fri lil B, Sal 9:305:31). Opening Sun this Fall Proprietors: The fu11-rsgured females formerly of Full Circle Foods: Eileen Grogan & Chris Marvell 104 King Street S. Waterloo lat'rosy from Waterloo Town Squat?) Bf33-O73tr Imam-um "h'- . Yuan-us t mum-nun ki ‘. hum-mm, ' Mmhm hut-"II"! , rmNrrunrstmar mum-m j 7 i â€an... [.'i,i,ii,';,i;'s, Mwmwvubdlammmaqn OPTIMUM [ET USED VEHICLES , 104 King St. S. Uptown Waterloo 888-1784 (forotedy heron Opticians) Cue in new customers with an ad in the Waterloo Chronicle, call 886-2830 1tcji'iiiiiii'io'tilss a NOW oven†uptoyvr: GREAT GLASSES 19