UOYFUL NOISE The Water Street Theatre Downtown Kitchener Call for a brochure: $tf.6Fig" F THE MAGICIAN'S NEPH EW THBEE IN TF1; BACK, _ TWO IN THE; HEAD' _ BY TIM SLOVE R THE LION IN WINTER BY cs. LEWIS} ADAVTED BY AURAND HARRIS B EAU J, E " BY JAMES HERMAN BY JAMES GOLDMAN " JASON SHE Rm}? I "m8"! Inâ€! ma: 5mm "“06!va ROAD g1: Session Times at 12:30PM - 6:45PM -lO:00PM NEVADA UCENCE# P982074 participating suppliers include Air Transat Holidays, Air Canada Vacations, Sunquest, Signature Vacations, World of Vacations, Princess Cruises and Encore Cruises SPECIAL FALL PROMOTION 607 King St. W., Suite 204 Kikhener, ON N26 ICT Ontario Registration I 1283912 l Jig-3M5 I'r'??,fF all: waquiï¬,“ T _ l iiriitiett'tvt' iiirf,',ii,r$?j)l)'Ct) :4}: ‘3‘ in American mums 7iiti9ti,s, Changes {tn-nan. Win. “a.“ . ' ". F , Jr _ . m", w ' 1%“: SAV E $$$ Call Bullas Travel / American Express We offer you the first step to a wonderful . Honeymoon V Mention thes ad to receive $25 off per person per Honeymoon package V Private Honeymoon Coosultateons . Customized Travel Packages . Personalized Honeymoon Registry Getting Married? (519) 741-0770 fi/tttiii) ittTr-E7l!lB, by in support of the Laurel Creek Conservation Area vinll be held Sept 12 at the conservation area. A vari- ety of local artists will be featured at the event, which will be headlined by Blue Rodeo's Greg Keelor For ticket information, call Janet at M34B68, Stompin' Tom Connors plays Lads Wt dub Oct. 23, CLASSICS UPCOMING The ttitdtemrWatioo Symphony will perform Pops Series (omens under the direction of Brian Jackson, Sept. 10, 11 and 12 at The Centre in the perform a free nogn-hour concert Sept 15 at \lerid Laurier University" Maw Piaqist Yumi Takigi will 254 (Mean St. s. Phone (519) 578.7740 1-80th5ti5-tt33 Kitchener of New Zealand, Fiji & Australia with Jim & Lonaine St. Marie, November '98 Enjoy I 3 day: in New Zealand, , in Fiji and IO in Australia touring exotic rub-tropical and temperate zone private and public gardens during their best spring bloom GARDENER'S TOUR - -TigtgaIrTi" 465 Phillip St. Waterloo Fax [519) 746-3816 E-mul WWW“! on Cfllffl[lflfi mrastttiytr 746-8747 garage sale and pancake breakfast Sept. 12. For information, call the gallery's community devel- opment office at 746-1882. An exhibit entitled K-W - A Portrait: an Impres- sionistic View, by local photographer Michael J. Mathias, opens Sept. 15 at the Kitchener public library. The exhibit contin- ues through Oct 10. My continues through Oct 25 at the Canadian Clay and Glass Gallery. 50 has of than and Weft, an exhibit dtroni- ding the accomplishments of the k-W Weavers' and Spinners' Guild continues through Nov. 8 at the Joseph Schneider Hans. UPCOMING The Canada Gay and Glass Gallery will host a AQuestiortoOdeertitr. CanadianCnramksat theEndofthe2ttthaes. The “stinger Gallery 22 Dupont St. E., Waterloo, presents an exhibit of works by day artist Tttrn Smith The exhibit contm» ues through Sept. ,