As for Hnrcncc Bauman, slw sud last Thursday she was approached by her local mad mmcr thes past July and old 1th the m.ul carrier wanted lo nununale her for thc 'Waterloo In Blown compellnun. Mad camerf, ttommated all the par- uupams in the compcuuon, while members of the KW Garden Club largely scrvcd as judges. "l said to her, 'You know, there are a lot of other people that have "ICE yards'. And she sud, 'Yes, but you're the only one I see out here workmg all the (mm The others have land- scapers come m and do their stuff' " Barker said she and other my parks ofhudls had been ulkmg about mung to tWI up a 'Waterloo m Bloom' unnpelr mm for the paerl lwo or three years because they felt such A rompeulmn might help beau- tify Waterloo Fhey hnally decided to orgdnlzc a Lomlnu» tee tlus past sprung, "She said she was going lo nominate me for Waterloo In Bloom'," Bauman said, when asked about her meeting with the mail camer. (Continued from page 3) Ward) Ulher ward Winners mcluded Suun McArthur of Ward l (Southwest Ward) Betts and Bob Both) oi Ward , ital Ward), Blake and Barb Hull ol Ward , (Lenlral Ward) and junkie and Vern Gorsalves of Ward 5 (Uptown Ward) “I think It helped bung an JWurt'nc'ss of a kind od our pruhr" Barker saul, when asked what the competition actually did bnng to Waterloo Bauman also said she was nsued by the judges two or lhrec different limes, and each umc 1hey found her out work- mg m her garden. "lt was Mr mg,' she said Gardeners "And I [hunk u was kmd of fun " FINE AUTOMOBILE BODY AND PAIN' urtopassedCMsirxtttepae FINE AUTO INC IS Centennial Dr. Kitchener Mercedes Benz Dealer Authorized PORSCHE JAGUAR MHEH MHEH Meticulous Restoration Original Paint Finishes Specializing In was kind of embarrass 578-2052 Luke the Baumans, the Webers and last Friday that they were both surprised and pleased to be declared the tompetmon's ‘Ovetall Ward Wmuer “new Weber sand he, from yard had actually um- usted of nothing but lawn is late as Mat, 1997 [with Weber also sud they werent sure the Judges would hke lhnr garden because u com.uned no grass, had loun- ulns and pond, III " and was largely composed ol white flowers "But I Ihrnk most people dont make the" gardens for others, they make them for themselves and hope that oth, as enjoy them." she sad "So [hats all we hoped for the gar- den. that other people would enguy u But as far .5 Winning prizes, than never ever entered TTIN' mmd " Barker sud the commuter hoped to register Waterloo for the Canada-wade Commuruty In Bloom' program the, coming February Waterloo Conestoga student designs winning youth medal Waterloo; Jolene Ma-Donald, a graphic desgn student at Com (slug: College, had her medal design paid as the official award ior the Young Volunteers of Onlano mtognmon program MacDonald, who begins her thud and Gal year of study next week, won the destgn compeuoor1, wluch was open lo all Dunno dough students at the postexcondary level _ MacDonald has been superveung the production of the finished product Which Will feature a slyllzed lnllium struck In Silver wnh colors added, " the second design cumpeuuun she's won tlus year after wm- mng the T-shut design companion maid wah the Waterloo and Area Quill Festival. stir wnll recewe a prize of S2,500 ail the tune of presenlauun of the first medals In November or Dectmber Seniors For Serums" ofters the Strauss uf empatNric scam! cntizens and oltVr adults In ptoude whom: care no other union HDMEmEFIS . Prepare mus . mm Museum . Laundry . Gunnery Snow-nu f" WWW) -tsttrr-sf l -mm1mm , l - _ Our pawl are avajlattk m the mags, mum and cvcmugs " I freetrsueouthm-raesamtsesvitzscall 'mtcuuus} whammy-â€w; mum's . Shawlerm . melmn . Daemon! mun -u owner-operated service, and convenient hours. Here are just 2 of the many reasons to come Uptown Uptown Waterloo gives you what you really want: unique selection, 100 King St. S Waterloo ION' Ngigbgg 91;! TELL EATI N6, WELL 0137a 1115111de [hum-r1) a] Full Circle Foods m Km /rctarr 104 King St. S, Waterloo It