(Continued from page 1) The whats are described as both white anaemia an: 20s, one with short dark hair, the other with short lighter hair. the children werent going to perform. The ability to per- form and entertain is as highly valued as any other skill in Inuit society said Thome, The Waterloo4tegional Police are issuing a wanting to female shoppers in the K- W area after three elderly women had their wallets stolen last week. [mam lt also helped that they were the only show in lovm. Theme even caused a little stir on the plane ride home as complete strangers recognized him for the part he played the mght before. _ The sh$ppers were dis. aartuhyortemaiewhilea maxim took theirwal- let "Song beside me was this lady from Newfoundland," he sod "She said, l know all about you, I went to that con- cert last night)" In all three cases the women had their wallets removed [mm their purses. m at least two of the thefts itqpearsthatthesame pea ple gut 'esportsiirk. oiiiiiiesi riiaiiiiG' rriiii Iruteyrttttres ttttlt The souvenirs that Thome brought back with huh, besides his memories, were mostly of the musical vancly, including an Inuit drum he hopes to Incorporate mm hes music, His ultimate dream IS to start lus own recording studio, where he hopes to record the folk musm ofthe north, aswell as mus"; from places a lmlc closer to home L'ntrl then Thorne said he's looking forward lo a return engagement with the budding mtnstrels of the north, "rm hopmg that they get together, not only wnh themselves and learn to play the guttar and remember the chords, but play with the fiddlers and get rolling and playing." he said, kser1ed1thrBtitiirrottitd. They spake with an accent that two of the vic- tims described as Wgosla- If you Many informa- tion concerning the case call police an 653-7700 or 570- Wallets Stolen The third occurred in The first two thefts