22 ti, Warerlooy Bram Carson sur D iered a (on h loss In the arm]; 0 g D hnals oi the doubles com IV < ' nun at the under-i8 national < a (cums champutnships II) " Lu Nabkah-un a o ( awn and partner Henn' w . it L hor who were scedrd Ifth m u; the tourrumem. lost tx-, and b- “I! “I MK “HUMANS "I! IEPEIIIEII " RN tIE un um mus. " I. IN! trim MS! RIMES: 2 2 We engine 5-speed manual trarsmtsSrtptt 4-wtteei ABS Next Generation dual front an bags. rear spore" FASSLoce"' theft-oeterrent system. hated glass, rechmng front bucket seats, reax seal heat ducts bodysme mouldings m H mm 195 HP 3800 Serves " V6 engme. Enhanced Tractors System, four-wheel mdependent lowing suspension. Magnasteer" varrabte-etfor1 sleenng. 16' cast-aluminum wheels, 4-wneel ABS. remote keyless entry wr condmomng Fl FEMS - If“ I MI ml UNIS " “II " 11itt M, it! M 'aut “MIMI“, [NSF-USING" M" " mt nun. m TIME FIRMS: 200 HP Vane: 4300 V6 engine automahr rcansmcsswon mth overtime 4-wheet ABS, Next Gene/anon Jual from av bags 8 nvckup be: AM FM stereo chrome plated wheels deluxe chrome grtlle - CHEVROLET GAVAUEB COUPE Local tennis player reaches Canadian semis TheC,MCard' SEE THE MIC-E SELECTION. AT INNNt Ct+m8tuiTo0t.ntulMMMIE DEALERS. lama CHEVY 1500 SERIES REGULAR CAB N0 SECURITY DEPOSIT $64. tto SECURITY “ENS! 'iiirii"ieim, nevus" , to the duo ol Plullippe Irerrr hlav and Fraruou, Huol Carson also mmpelcd In the smglrs LUanl'lIllUn where he lost w} CH m Mark Pellenn Calling all Cubs Von thou" In†Ihil Basso rm 4- 36 MW lease Ion Cavalwv Coupe Islam no VSAMaIIbu ISA and a " "mm luau tor Chew Astro/Ct-t Regulav Can 'SL‘CHR'JV 511mm Car 'SB A down Damn! m bade r1 SI (mug? 630 9 830 $3 350 S? C75 v 925 man-rod Mn sqcurte "1800‘" raw-m Imus. Ink-mNm lIer 20 00C km Sn ‘0 pen “on; hmmsve 0mm any umms aua-Iahlg 7“...ng as vndsavad 'ictytee mwranrs: an "m 'Storurtg "rm Ian and Yang mot etcksdert (hm! ma gnu m loam MI loss tanrmq on mum-id GM "out only Stamps tio 000 at i R". APR me mmhly mymml .5 $215 $1 '0' an monlM any nt barru-N us 5392 a Total Walton (5 no 39? " Dam mm trade and 'tr â€hwy my] may he requrred My 'Nero, and my M borrowog wlll nary depending on amount borrowed and down pawnmwm "scum apply v, Wan new or demonsvmm mod-ls onward NS dcvrhod and now '" to wan-ed rain-v mum m Somhweslom Dunno my , PN F nancmu and an. only or! w! was W [mm-a mn- Mt-rs mun. may rum he (W with Omar rgters Son yam thrahrr(s) tor “moan"; and 637ml: m Wanmia mm m a Vurlomml- M anew Harms Coax-mm r'6qo9ssu'rtrr' 1mm marl- ol Genmal Mann twat-m rn Bum Mama-d USP' M Mart "ngrondah-Im [Mum an macaw. mm was MI tun ("Hum "ark vac-warn“ Furludos oNMFt nu marinas the uhwvtlm Major Atom ubs hockey duh ly holdmg a â€Â£399 t'illi))gt t'ii'i'i3gt so†"in!" Skies Ihe golf luurnamenl whu h .gm sun-m SIAM M um mu: mm m M I' , I' sum . HM!!! MI - Ii "III“ ttnom Ml I08! "ttultl I"! VIBE “WIRES: Vonec 4300 VS ll I'll-Um WILEY 1mm Hm - M “FEM! "LI. II'I'I mm rams: 2 4 litre Tmn Cam engme, automate; transmisston, 4-wheel ABS, Next Generation duai front an bags, " steenng, chikrsecunty rear door locks, PASSrocr" thett-deterrent system AM/FU stereo with cassette. an condtttomng. power trunk release engme automatic transmssmn mm overdnve. 4-rvheef ABS, dual front an! bags, arr conttrtomng, 8-passenger searing. AM/FM stereo. deluxe chrome gnlie M Hm I" If" I 'trt-tr, [mums m Irmt I IN “I â€I. I!" Tttttt mm: 230 HP Vane: 5000 V8 engine auromarvc transmvsswn w-rh everdnve 4-wheel ABS, Next Generator, dual (mm as bags an condmcmmg AM FM stereo with c. ssette Mfr/mse clam seats, chrome plied Means deluxe chrome gnlle deep tinted glass aqlhr cummmuw CHEVY 1500 SERIES lemma!) Cast My! 12 lnvnunons hase already been mulled out. so anvone CHEVY AS'IRD VAN Participating in his first eier Judo ioumament. Asahi Juan club member Bayardo Estrada captured gold m the senior lightweight division of the Ontario international judo championships in Burlington this weekend. Tabitha Leilsu took silver in the junior girl< 44-kg division while lou Sterzik took bronze in tin men's heavyweight dwismn The team's only lournamtm win came against a strung Bluewater learn. Ala Karla recorded the hat-trick. whxlr Jackson and Coup ctuppcd In with the other markers. The learn also had a mug1 Peterborough squad l-l Jack- son was the lone scorer for Waterloo, with Gordnr. Radlein and Mehmet Sarrc putting in strong delensn'c efforts _ The Waterloo United under 15 boys soccer team rccordod two wms and two Ite, durmg toumament and regular much play last week. The team ned the clue ht Catharine; team 2-1 In (h; opener of 1he Kuchcnur tour- namenL Reed Jackcun Jul Luca Conji had the WsterV markers. Paul Vo%berg scored thc lone Waterloo goal, and WUs named player of the game dy the under-ll boys rep soccer team dropped a bl demsmn In Cambridge. MA United strong in tournament ‘31!†no i snags-pains l HER ’s cum sup â€W81, N lurottererAv. "c'eglt', Rd Slam Gate . am Gown ttar 823-6521 t0fgSlft8rtirt More medals for Asahi "use Celtic loses tight one i BLUE]?