Dwell sand the 1hampi- omlup was a great vumry for "This [mm wouldnt go .my whrrr “Ilhuul lhr hard work of Roh Duvrll (T hr Mud ‘lhs work made my [uh a lot own I owe a lot nfgranludr io hem bt Bishop was also qurck to 1ch a lot of the crcdn for the "rants “11an to Tigers G M Ruben Dlvtll. who pat ed ncrr musk hrhlnd the minds unlll the foal out "These guys have a lot of heart. more heart than any other team I've coached," he said, "They didnt want to give " up We had a lot of seniors who wanted to go out as (ham plans and they stepped ll up -- today was our day" Field manager Brian Beshop sad the the vlclory was a per- fect endmg for a team that seemed to bounce back from adversity all year, including naming back from an 0-2 deficit 10 beat defending l-C champs Guelph last week From page 20 and we did, we just stomped them," he sad "We deserve It, the parents deserve " and the City of Waterloo deserves " to," The club's first gold medal winner of figure skating tests in 1951, she Joined us coach- ing ranks In 1955. In 1985 she was named its technical dime- tor and gwen the task of over- seemg all of the club's skating categories, from learn-to-skate lessons to competmve classes In 1990 she was named ykate Canada coach of the year, and in 1996 was given the presu- gtous Wrttrraur/CFSA Volun- teer Achievement Award. " have enjoyed the pusumn of technical director because It allowed me to have an Impact on our club's focus m develop- mg skaters and coaches who are a benefit Io the sport," Said Fedy, who will give way to technical figure skating master said Fedy, who said she will use her retirement time to spoil her seven wonderful grandchildren. "l was five years old when Ijoined the club, so I can honestly say that l have seen most, if not all, of what it has become " tcchnrcal (hrcctor bemusc it And Ah she heads mm the owed me to have an Impact sunwl ol her figure skating our club focus In dcs clop- mvolvemcru. Fedy adiniis she , skaters and coaches who ls proud to say that (here are :a benefit lo the spoil," sand few tasks, shc has not under, dy, who will give way io taken during her coaching -hmcal figure skating maslcr tenure q . q Tigers wm I-C title Skating club pillar 'tttttto hang 'em up 'lharr, what Its hrrn all about i hnnglng on the "(Kl gcmrr- alum of kids who want to play baseball FV “I hope the club conunucs the community (radmon that has made ll what tt n, There really are no other clubs ofthis sizes" sud Fedy "l would also hke to see another we surface added, I think our numbers are al the palm right now where we need ll th While admittmg she wull never fully detach herself from the club that has been pan of her life for almost 60 years. she does have her wish hst ready "We have not always been given the credu l think we have deserved over the years," she said "We have a tremen- dous amount of volunteers and tireless workers who have helped make the club what 11 ts. The results are showing and I am happy for all of those who have been Involved" A lung-ume power m pren- smn skating wuh the K-W Kweeni the KWSC Is now achiewng success m both sm- gles and dance competition Something Fedy said has rarsed the clubs profile and made it the envy of us peers Doug Lergh as the clulis parl- llme lechmcal advisor " think that we have bud! a tremen- dous skatmg dub over the years, and I hope tt mnnnues to move In the dlrecllun " PS ‘ F Whether she wat, drmng the Lambom, 'rtturucung a group of skating coaches. fundraising for a club mp. or Just cheering on a skater, Carolyn Fedy has left her mark on the KWSC and m the process helped make the club the success rt has become, " even drove the Zamboni om: during an: of the compte litmus] she sand "That " when lhry started calling me the Lambom Mama '