éSPTRTS Waterloo's own version of the comeback kids, the Junior Baseball Tigers, bounced back from a late one-run deficit to defeat cross-town rivals kitch- ener 5-3, for the Junior Inter- County crown Sunday The Tigers trailed the Dodgers bl in the top of the eight inning of the fifth and deciding game, when veteran left-fielder Jason Adair strode to the plate. Adair had already picked up designated hitter David Young in the third inning to drive in the Tigers' first run, and was looking to pick up the rest of the team- mates who were getting dis- couraged by the Dodgers tough combination of pitching and defense. With two down, he launched a pitch, from Kitchener Matter Mark Rudnisky, deep over the left centre hrld wall to tie the game 2-2, and put a charge into his flagging teammates, “Evayb'ody had problems Bob Vrbanac Chronicle sag Tigers to at “to J.......!...?....??,....)..].......:........?.,,..,..).,..!.; I-C ...ti..r,t,rll.t.p... Waterloo cyclist always up for a challenge with this pitcher today, he was on the outside comer all day" said an elated Adan after the game "I got a pach I could hn and 1 went out and took a good swing. 1 got lucky and hit ll out, luckily ll gel the team back In the game" II was the'rype ofclulch per- formance that the team expected from us veterans, who didnt disappoint. Adair's clutch hitting set the table for the late-game heroics of Dave Young, who drove a 3- 2 pitch over the riglu4teld wall for a three-run-homer m the top of the mm to earn the Tigers the victory, "I got deep m the count and he just sort of MI u up," said Young. "It was a fastball and l went the other way will I " saw him (the right fielder) take a couple steps back and I thought it had a chance lo go out. Assoon as I saw him let up I knew it was out." Young, who's tolled with a number of mediocre teams In Stamford, couldnt remember a bigger hit in his young career. "lt's probably my biggest tut of my career," said Young. “ll meant a whole bunch to me. It was he fast um: I've won the Inter-County" The other stellar perfor- mance came from Tigers' starter Adam Hotnostaj who went 9 2/3 innings for his sec- ond wm of the series. The tangy rtght-hander bounced back from a kg injury in the fifth tnmng to hold the Dodgers until the 10th, when a late run forced him from the game- "ll kind of hurt a bu." said Homoslaj. "I had trouble throwsng from the stretch but I was ime from the windup," lt was also a remarkable example of perseverance From the nghly pitching on two days rest. Only two outstanding puchlng performances by Kitchener':; Joel Scott denied Homoslaj the series MN]? honors. "My arm was tight at the beginning of the game, I didnt know how long I had to go," said the graduating veteran. “It The latest rage in mountain bike rating has teams of cyclists taking turns tackling some of Mother Nature's most rugged terram over a 24-hour period. Waterloo's Lowell Grub IS one of those racers, but with one minor twist - he raccs the enun: 24 hours himself The 24-year-old Linwe rsny of Watcrloo master's student, bald he began Ius ultra-marathon mountain bike mung career like many others, " part of a team But seeing other riders allepl the race solo caught hrs attem “on and challenged he; will, "The best pan about riding solo IS that you do not have lo rely on other members of the team to keep you m the race," sand the Sunndge. Ont (near Huntsville) name, who trans- pianted to Waterloo SIX years ago "l thought I would try II once and found out quickly that if you approach It . INS oi new bicycles . expert repairs ' helium, . irrline skates . . protective equipment . wheel t bearing upgrades Steve Tuckwood Chronicle stef Members of the Waterloo Tigers celebrate with the Inter-County Junior baseball champi- onship trophy Sunday at Jack Couch Park. The team defeated Kitchener 5-3 in the decid- ing game of the five-game series. not Vin-u photo got loosened up and the adren- onship was particularly sweet sweep in last years Inter- aline and everything kicked In, coming at jack Couch Park in Countyjunior semi-Gal. I just wanted to wm ll. and Kitchener, the sue of so many "After last year we really that's what we did." bitter disappointments over wanted to prove something Homostal said the champi- right then you can enjoy reasonable success with ic" Pace is the key the word In Greib's mung vocabulary, with preparation running a close second in an event where daylight turns to darkness and back to daylight before the final lap is complete, 'The test Is making sure you have the right food and drink ready at the proper times," said Greib, who placed Hill m an ultra-marathon race near Barne on Saturday "The key Is to stay hydrated and make sure you rake somt short breaks to eat some fruit " Breaks and hydration are key points lo ultra-marathon events, considenng Grub dropped moe pounds and bumed 12.000 calories while logging 208 hilly kilometres during Saturday's event, The equivalent of an average athletes 'tveaiay workout. "Many people consider the events as Impossible or unbelievable," sad the chemistry student, who ironically ts sponsored by easy-chair manulao onship was particularly sweet coming at Jack Couch Park in Kitchener, the site of so many bitter disappointments over the years, like a 3-0 series turer ta-Z-Boy. "But more than 80 per cent of it IS mental, and if you can get over that then the rest comes pretty naturally" With a host of other competitors making the journey solo, Greib said the emphasis 15 on personal best times rather than racing against each other. The solo racers soon become crowd favorites as the race heads from the dusk Into the next day's dawn. "People stick around and cheer you on and give you the boost you need for the mghl pan of the race." Grub said, "Then once dawn hus you know the end Ls attainable" As the season winds down Grub said he is looking mlo new challenges found in Canada‘s outdoors. " might participate: in this can halr lenge type event, one where vnu kayak and mountameer and mouo- lam bike between Vancouver and Whistler, BC," he said. "I think that would prove to be a pretty good thal- lenge. So I think that might be next BREW; RY I uNIn- ‘pAJ- IIIKH‘SIS. 9mm {my SUNDAY "Alier last year we really wanted to prove something See Tigers on page 21