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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 13 May 1998, p. 6

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Exnosinn nudge! illusions Acros, North Amtnm magnum are pmwsnng against .1 Fox. IN program milled “Braking the Magwtans ( odd lhe show leature, The Masked MJguun, who cxpusea the sh rely behind J uncu‘ of magu 1m ks Magnum argue (hut the show Hahn-s a prolrssioroi code ol sun-Ly And threattms their hvelhoods Omani Furance Muuster Emu: has had hater hope that fhe Masked MAgmm doesnt turn lus auettuou [mm emermulmcm to polmcs has latest Proxmual Budge! Ps so nddied wuh uatruths and hali-truths that sertouy gummy would reveal u to be .Ls much JD Illuemn ars the lyplull mag" show Unfortunately; such sauuny JS not dy uvmublc as ll should bc Eves had hardy stopped olkmg beforc headkrw wrucry were labelling the budget .15 "good news" and hrs " 'Mr Nluz Guy' Hul. urn on the fonts own terms. Jus budget 15 J failure With J pro? In! shortfall ol SH l hlllmn, Ununm deficit w1ll be greater than Drum: and thc other pmvnkes put lognhcr. As the authors ol rhe Onlmu Alternative Budget Punt out. Gl Mike Hams and hi5 enun- L obtnty had been locked away m a closet lor the past three years, ond had been unable to make any changes to taxes or spend- mg strut' 1095, the Ontario dclml would he ellmlnaled this coming year 1grtigit Ca year carller than currently pro- l f tected) To maintain the fiction of VIE“ the deficit mm the Hams govern- ment has deblwrately understated as ., rewnuc prolecuons In each of IIS budgets For, as master Snobelen tl Ray reaches. wrlhoul a 'crtrus', change IS ”in ti Impossrble The Hams rcmlullon rs I “Sf" not an attack on the dchcu or the " debr' the tax cut will add sro billion = 2-10 the dcbl m Just five years, and n LS Will cost Sb million a day to pay the mterest on the money borrowed to Scott Piatkowski pay for the Ctx cut .. Thc Budget brags about the Tones record on job, (matron. but u (udges the numbcrs lt 1ouu, the 250 jobs warmly created at Babcock and Wtlcox m Cambridge. but Ignores the fact that employment there IS still about half of where u stood when the NDP was m power It also takes creda for $95 bd- lion In new lundmg for workplace training t over 10 years), but 0mm that (hrs rs federal moncv smll lo be negotiated Provincial lundmg for training 15 suffering another cut ll pays to check on the status of prevmus promises before buying new ones. The Budget promises new fumhag for child care that has been promiscd Iwtce previously and non spent. For the third mm: m three years, " prormses an Omanans With Dtsabilitses Act. Mean- whrlc, Ju ycar's Budget promised $880 milhon to help hospitals deal wuh reslructurmg, but only $154 mllhon made n to hospitals. New promlses are equally suspect. The sq billion allocated for Mlllcnmum Scholarships is d repackaging of existing provmcral spending with the new federal program, Similarly, the savmgs from 1hr new pension agrccmrm are prorcted 31 years mm the future In order to oflaie thor value One of the few medo outlets lo offer a coherent cmmsm of the Budget IS lhe Toronto 'star In an cdaorral ths weekend it com- planned that "by gmng old programs ncw names. by announcing the cumulatne ms! of Inltmllvcs that are to be spread over Clghl lu lcn 1'tydrs, by “mung old cdumnon dollars as If they WCIT new. hit med In cream the Impression that he Wis funding a host of new spendme mumnws As the cwdcmr accumulates. n appears that not onlv w.1< this Budget a gont shcll game, there mum even a pea undrr my of the shells ' Cllirnikiicle Waterloo Town Squaw 73 King St Soulh, Sum 20l Wacrltto, (‘nlano NZ] WI l Ielcphunc 886-2830 Fax Va. 836-9333 . mm ‘ 1aittipmwawrhtovttrMett mar (ht-tit-tit-i- rtiii,,:ii,i'jii,ir M. 27,. Kim-z V w, Q: _ lie _ ‘21.? _____._ Display Advertising: V MI Mm” Circulation/office (mm mm.» . Mrtagrc. (pump mum-q, -%ttttrrt'tt . . . _ A . . ”NEH? - . s b p, v. _imlt&uerttq1bs - Editor: G. hnmh t randall Reporters: Inn (ordrwr Bub Vrha ttat “nuance far 1lllttterltttt's try, tint increase Whoopee! Waterloo is the only city in Ontario, perhaps in Canada. maybe even in the cosmos, not to have a tax increase. Well, that's better than a slap on the belly with a wet fish, And therell be no tax boost next year Thats guaranteed to make Waterloo houses much sought after. Say though, 1 just wesh the house ads were more siwcific, When one is adver- Used as a "steal," I wish it would defme who is the stealer and who PS the slealee. Onward and Upward: The rationalization of Waterloo Region services has moved a step forward. In a manner of speaking, that is. Yea, maybe even unto amalgamation. Well, sim of The spectre echoed on two fronts, and that was a significant gam from the sepulchral silence With which most councillors had greeted the subject. At least they're talking now, and thate a Stall The silence was broken by Chairman Ken Sailing when he told council that local munie ipalities risk being rolled mlo one big govem- ment if they dont cut cotits by combining some semccs, That sent Cambridge Conn. Doug Craig into orbn and he extolled the Cambridge govern- men! and condemned the regional regime. Then he took off in a huff. Or maybe it was a smt Or maybe u was a Pontiac, We then move on to Scene Two m which -- Waterloo Mayor Joan McKinnon inoted the k-W Chamber of Commerce to bun out and quit talking about the amalga- mation of Kitchener and Waterloo. There's no groundswell of support. and the C of C should leave 11 to the people to decide, shtsard, Presumably Her Worship Joan has heard the adage that every majority idea was once a minonty idea. And it follows that the C of C has the right - nay the obligation __ to con- vert people m tty belief, Group Advertising Manager: Bun h (mew Not by any stretch of the Imagination m [his mslance would you call the C olC a single-mterest group It's working for all c1uzens. Just as an earlier local C of C successfully cru- sadcd for Hydro C lusi Red: As could 'have been pmducled, the mayor wound up wuh [his old chestnut' "if it's working, why tinker? If It's not work- mg, then give us the message and we'll start to tmker" Dam} Ohvcr Circulation: Jerry FM her Mathew Hayes Produdion: Mdlw Mamn Mm Milk" in Ao Waterloo Chronicle is published every Wednesday by [hr nun Hf ITrlr mvlvmmm» ‘ch yin u mun and "H HUI fll I , mm tr W "l 'I) ”V 1lC'A's w! Ihr m “qupu .filtii?;i.t, ---r--....o_r.. r.'.... . sly ,esezs:,-,-a!,-.--_--9---e _ _.... "m"fr. 0m own Liam Oooh look... a In ram/a I We'd hate to say Waterloo Region councillors are little lln- kers, but their government could be working nullions upon millions of dollars better, Surely we dont have money Mu that to waste, It's true, They're always talking about millions and blllmn> I dont know about you, but I trant even \magmc such ttum- hers. I mean. I get a headache just adding up the chcck A McDonalds. Foul Bawl: Have you seen the latest? A get-wcll gird for people who bet on the Toronto Blue Jays, And you wonder how long Gard Ash can hang on as general manager. " Anyhow, I Just hope all our MPPs are Sldylm: m shape That's m (use they ever have to “2er ' for a living, Getting the Boot: You wouldn't lulu“ because you hang around wuh the gentcel folk, but hrg cmd. x have been taken 10 speed the deportation at Mch mum grants, bogus refugees and foreign cnmmals onmigritton Master Luc,enrie Roblllard told a ( ummnn committee her officials had succeeded m departing 7)th JV gal Immigrants and refugees in 1997. Thats an Increase of ies per cent cmupaml m 10% In addition, 4,800 bogus refugees got the boot. up bs [mm- {mm 95 per cent. A new M-hour centre that works mth palm: in hum dmu illegal immigrants and bogus refugees has ought 3,230 mm malls in the past Iwo years. By all means, keep it up! We have enough hmm-gmun rounders without gelling any Imports mule of us nm e lmpul this country would be a mclung pol Today " a prcsxmx cooker The Fairway Group A dwmun of Southam lm inla-u-Alu-l'al Vtamcst" Srrl " Vu-uIV-r IN'.NN IN e if: 37375.13?! i Fiiiict Oddly though, the [glue Jays look/Uris, good on paper. The problem IS they play on Aim, turf or natural grass. not paper Numbers Game: Ernie Eves has urweded " new budget and, except for Howard H.1mpwn Dalton McGuinty and a few other malcontents everybody seemed more or less in favor "'""7"""'"r' ”-...“ ______ _-_ e-ee __ There were tax cuts aplenty. and they lcd L rc- dence to the idea that an demon is not Ilut fur distant, A bit more of a recovery on the cdemn and health issues and theyll be heading for 1lw hustings. Mallnl suhunpron me» $65 ycarly m l anal, S90 vrarls ouIsulc I smufn o I, 5 I 1'a ll M15

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