I. BSH Developments Ltd. - 405 Weber Street North - Central Ward The applicant has requested an amendment to the Zoning by-law to rezone the subject lands from Shopping Centre 'SC' to Commercial Three 'C3'. The applicant is proposing an addition to the existing retail store and the zone change will bring the subject lands into conformity with the Official Plan. 2. University of Water1oon'ri1iium Estates Limited - Laurelwood DriveIFischer Hallman RoadIBearinger Road - North - Northwest Ward The applicant has requested an amendment to the Zoning By-law to rezone the subject lands from Universities 'BI' to Medium Density Three 'MD-3' with a site specific to allow an interior side yard reduction on the northerly limit of the north block to 1.8 metres. The applicant is proposing to con- struct a townhouse development on the subject lands. For further information regarding the above matters, please contact the City of Waterloo Development Services, 2nd Floor, Waterloo City Centre, Waterloo, Ontario or call 747-8543. Joel Cotter Development Services 3. Activa Holdings Inc. - Erbsville Road and Keats Way - Southwest Ward The applicant is requesting approval of a plan of subdivision that would consist ofa minimum 84 single detached units to a maximum 93 single detached units. For further information regarding the above matter, please contact the City of Waterloo Development Services, 2nd Floor, Waterloo City Centre, Waterloo, Ontario or call 747-8779. Janice Mitchell Development Services SLIDE SHOW FRIDAY FLICKS - Starts at 2:00 pan. APRIL 10 - NOT OPEN - GOOD FRIDAY APRIL 17 - NAMIBIA - AFRICA'S Summon COAST with Steve Mehiéh APRIL 24 - TURKEY - with Marg Dickson CARD PARTY - "SPRING IS HERE" - THURSDAY, APRIL 16 Thursday, April 16 7:30 to 9:30 pm Waterloo Recreation Complex Hauser Hans What? How? Where? Join us for an ideas generation session. Should the City of Waterloo be examining one major Millennium Project? Or per- haps a series of smaller ones? Should we be looking at some- thing that will leave a permanent legacy? Or do we want a spe- cial events? Do you or your group want to participate in the planning? Come to this preliminary mating to share your ideas. For more information call 747-8733, THE CITY OF Waterloo . ADULT RECREATION CENTRE MILLENNIUM PROJECT . PLANNING MEETING Council Chambers, City Hall Waterloo City Centre 100 Regina Street South Monday, April 27, 1998 at 7:00 p.m. PUBLIC MEETING 1:30 TO 4:00 $3.00 includes dessert & tea/coffee. Please bring your own cards. Door Prizes, 185 King Street South 579-1020 COMMUNITY INFORMATION , 886-1550 Register Now for Spring Swim Lessons Swim Lessons for All Ages & Abilities. Some spaces still available. Swimplex reception & registration hours: Monday to Friday 8:30 am to 8 pm, Saturdays 10:30 am to 4:30 pm, Sundays 10 am to 4 pm Swimplex Schedule Changes Easter -"."" y _ we " _ y - '/ 1' - ' Weekend: LL, Swim, Aqunfit g Kidsplash l Public Swim; F_ttilsfwim Notice is hereby given that the Council of The Corporation of the City of Waterloo, at a meeting to be held on Monday, April 20, 1998, at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers, 3rd Floor, Waterloo City Centre, 100 Regina Street South, Waterloo will consider the Cessation of Locomotive Whistling at the following four Crossings within City boundaries: Columbia Street, Bearinger Road, Quiet Place Pedestrian Crossing and the Old Albert Street Pedestrian Crossing. Any person interested in this issue may attend this Council meeting. Fri. April 10 Sat. April 11 Sun. April 12 Mon. April 13 For further information regarding the above matter, or to obtain a copy of the report, please contact the City of Waterloo Development Services Group, 2nd Floor, Waterloo City Centre, 100 Regina Street South, Waterloo, or by calling 747-8755. Admission: Children 2 and under: free with adult; Age 3-17: $2.50 Adults: $3; Adults Age " Up: $250; Family of 4: $7. Group passes also available. For a copy of our regular schedule by fax: 886-7329 (document #33401), or visit our website at www.city.waterloo.on.ca 1 SWIMPLEX NOTES 886-3844 www.city.waterloo.on.ca 101 Father David Bauer Drive Waterloo VI 5'i,,l,b,),iiC'i2, iiiffSis, Egg, 12to2prnl. 12t01pm_ 2to4pm -IllI Pool Closed fy Easter Sunfiay, Happy Easter! Regular Schedule except Public Swim is from 2:30 to 4 pm (with slide); 3: 10 aquafit cancelled, All other aquafit classes cowuam sr? are on CITY OF WATERLOO PUBLIC NOTICE Pool Closed for Good Friday Kerrie Bremner Development Services City of Waterloo