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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 11 Mar 1998, p. 27

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REAL ESTATE HANEY REALTY inn: speaallzr mg no Walellaos urwersny on campus nousmg Real estate sales aM pmpeny management Rental was available summer and tall 1998 [5195694846 I 004 WATERFRONT . Beaultiul Home PM, Puke Bar, Lake Murcn SE exposure. unwed recmatitxtakmttretrtent home 3 Bedroom. 4 mace bath. alnlgm and eleclm: Mar, Good one", aquaroblc sepM, Healed out 0mm with 9uesturom, bath. workshop and storage $137,500 [5193700123 CENTRAL K-Vl/UNIVERSI- TIES. Polesstonal seeks name» STUDENT HOUSING. New rtmimg tor Sept 5tedocms, 2 baths, amines Induced laundry parkmg. 'uvmsneo “mules ID Launer b? Noecker. also sum- may Sutgets awaname 669- Mucous ma RENT mama» sums ONE MONTH FREE RENT! anale, rurmsneo looms new $297imunm all inclusive Um verstty area. Hatelicclom0ta 885-2100 [Erma FOR SALE BARS‘IDOLS! BARSTODLS' BARSTOOtS‘ Also so»: me & oak dInuI-g and bedroom m'nulure Open to the 0mm Warehouse Dune! Onlano Table and Char 5854000 2' ALLEN STREET WEST, WATERLOO I have several mousa'vd yards y New Slammsler and mm NV Lon carpet WI 00 mngmow and hall tor 5349 Price "mums cav pet pad and Insiaualacn '3C yarns' CatMiteve "86400 DRAFTING TMILE, Ve’v aw' 50er base grey New mt at “awed bertg camel Good (and 'ton $50 at best a"? 51' 0T11 HOUSE SALE, Mama Ier'ts FOR SALE Havdresmnq ecu-p men! Twr. Jrters cm? very than mum" Fairway marrme rovers and caddr W'ms et: $375, 3864299 turrutore Please rall 886 82 and II a peice mars INCREDIBLV LOW! Just atl, 651-239? anc are y an 1aen0ly was represents, PPS w. my tho niece y:~.r 211‘ 200 Triium Br., Kit. 148-5660 1-800-681-2397 POOL TABLES 34 modcls from $1305 Olhnusen CLASSIFIEDS WORK! CARPET 272 EH! AR‘nCLES FOR SALE Ea masswmmo LOWFIEY ORGAN Teeme Gen e 412 aclaves mum sen-or $200 or Jest one' Accordnn 3'00 884~8673 BUWNG FOR CASH . Anymmg made ot you and swat Cans. mm: sels, eh: Wm J Gram Cons. 99 Walel St N. mum- 91 754-5“? as FOR SALE TRUNKS 0F um clolrvng7 Es- Ble clearing7 We wrease etry- Iage Clair-mg accesscnes and yrs-1950‘s Immune and house wares Hewval, 56 King St N Waterloo 8844151 We WOW! 1996 Swnll 5 Fpeec, bland new, you' CHOICE ot Calm $199 per (norm, an lees ' Ian: nclude-d so down SUZUKI IN- GERSOtL (519) 485-4000 WOW! 1998 Esteem 5 speed t'anc new four mace of cola-r 52-19 pe' worth an lees a tax we: so down Suzuki INGEF- SOLL i519':485-4W3 F23-5X?I WHY LEASE? Nctcot 5-3325 te S vaIue' 1995 Nettrt Srcrr' Isa-39:1 S?36 Fi? pe' m?" u an" SC lawn NO Sm Pyy? Car SJZUK! NGEHSC'LL ‘1‘} WOW $95 MONTH '995 Chrysler W's-cm: V5 "EB? clearance $2030 dawn sure " morTet Cow" cealev 579 To SELL A CAR. Park it Mme plow will see it: m Fe Wrryc"il (you; ct :owmumr ry newspabets In ths area' Call 651-?397 tc, set yew car Fm: Ms also avaulame‘ JUST IRRIVED. I»: V997 Smll au'oraUc rial-3* backs. 'mm $229 93 Dev monk l0 aw SO down W0 sm PM? 8 P316 SUZUKI ~NGERSC/LL ‘5to 4854020 DARE TO campa'e Irv-s vane 1994 Paula: SUM]?! LE I mar. aJlC and NC 5212 34 pe' worm, to am $0 down W0 SW??? Cal SUZUIO DNGEP SOLL ist?': 48S-aC00 CREDIT PROBLEHS? Need a car' Sometmes bad Wags Hap pen In good people The good maps al SUZUKI INGERSOLL My be ante w, help x'a' 6‘90 @5411)? ESTER] EXWOGMlzA, 7 Magus m 5106.- 'ry "'men‘a'e 'iesey CW»: Ff My Thc: Ry onto Sw cans Mew "W "ill JE CHAMP' SUZUKI NIGER COMPANY DEMO. 1997 Su um Spa" JO a dXA It'a' qets on?! 10 MPG lully \c-aom wo wavranvy " W299 SU ZUKI INGE RSOKL fry 485 SOLL Gl y, mum; Ingvaund nslaied 512.995 Orv-ground unskilled $4.996 Guaranteed Iowa: pnoes' RIVIERA POOLS His-0539 POOL SALE! CARS FOR SALE COMMUTER‘S DELIGHT 1995 Geo New Sedate 5 weee 55. MPG $196 93 per momr If. awn $0 com "o SM P306 Ca SL220“ INGERSOLL {5132-42 BEST KEPT secret In 4 Mor se- dan value. 1997 Sunlu Esteem GLX, company demo. amo. MI me new $'4395. Slk ‘671 SUZUKI INGERSOLL 1519} 4354.300 ABS SECURITY 1995 Swrrl A ham Io Md mode sad were new, and sin" "uke new" $22050 pev month, so down Io own YO Ste 722A {all SUZUKI INGEH- SOLL, (519) 485-4000 company demo mth amornauc, we are an the tenuous $22100 Slk 8P330 SUZUKI INGERSOLL 15' T: 48SM00C 1998 SUZUKI Sport JX, 6X4 1996 OUTBACK. Mated seats; mtr'WS, co player. AWD fully loaded Save over M11000 In)” net $22900 seamed PARIS SUBARU 442-7710 1994 SWIFT GT Exceptonal. Have s like a scared cat $20t 53 per menu $0 13tMtt In on NO Sm Fr258, can SUZUKI (NGERSOLL :r9)485r-4000 1994 PONTIAC Smond Con- wamme 6-cM. mar Windows locks aw. 5-saeeo mlh only 45.000 "rs SW91») cemhed PARIS SUBARU 55193442, 7r3or7544110d t994 ESCORT wagc'x mode or svme'sh Mums Me Mordatye SNK" 5-1 mrmcrtn so dawn I: Imr HO Sy 9182 SUZUKI I'JGERSCILL err?; 455403;? 1992 TOVDTA Coma 4-day. 553921 a Engra $5.930 car 1992 SATURN may F, speed av M9393 iie'le"l ton-111m $4 9-2-3 min 6 tye"s "arranty L 3 K AUTOMOTHE GTE King Gecrge M. Branllovu] 756- 1991 FORD Tempo 2000'. 4 Cy aura, av $2 250 cemf ee HOLMEDALE AUTO ','r975'- I 306 iBrantitrr0) - ma,” - 7 - e 7 '996 Fare F450 Puck Fleet 1990 LINCOLN Ccrntrentaf it-i Dparartce $2606 am tSlip. Lona-fictions trkeNtwcort0totm as none; Jowet dealer 5t9 6 ":0th warranty $7 900 ten 623-599t lee L , n AUTOMOTIVE 7 _ 618375872368 137C- ng tytm$ttr9_MOHTH George deB'awmm 1996 Farr] Erplcrer “eel 1990 CHRYSLER Oynaslv an my oc‘ncrs av simian? con anon 5233-:- wm 3 monlhs warrant, L a tt AUTOMOTIVE 2374: Wag Geovqe Re, Brarrtorm ?5&2366 "" FORD fauna 3-16 awn A doc-v aw LBSSEHE S' 775 cw Med HOLMEC-ALE AUTO (5193.3! 1006 Brawler]. 1968 MSSMt Mama all new whorls aw sawed $3 900 may ‘v'terj l I K. INUTSMOTI'V'E 15i"Wr-r36tiiBrart'oe, I!!! LINCOLN hwnca: am all on”: Gal-ms P.oyylent mart Imn $2 won {when l A K AUTOMOTIVE 2390 ng George Re, Bra/"Jam? 755 r85r-4Wh1 PAR S‘SJEaRu 442 CARS son SALE 1905 DODGE Caravan SE true Eunnda Passenger tactcry sun not men mucous. power locks NC sauna srslem, 23I000k'ns Looks and runs greN, 525-30 'or nesl otter 836-8648 1m CAVALIER 224 6am. 5- spee6.S1A50 as waded L a K AUTDHOYIVE i519)756-2366 (370 King George Rd. Bram- lord) was BUICK Regs. G-cyl. all powermmrs sum cemhed L ' K AUTOMOTIVE I370 Klng George Rd 5 756-2366 WIT IOVOTA Cerca GTS Only 98! Van mmt Ind one like Ims II ycu looked lur the mm year $4995 pun: to recondallon- ng Sik P264C Cal! SUZUKI WSERSOU 61914354000 Mor, 4-cyl auto, casseue 9.450 send-ea HOLMEDALE AuT0i519)75t-1006iBrant- lord) 1986 BUICK Skyhawk gum: common, 87,000 mis $2530 or 'oesl nile’ As vs Call 623- 9827 1957 PLYMOUTH Sundance 2 TRUCKS FOR SALE 1985 FORD Thundemm Flea 111W. eyce' en' 'unmng J? may.) me b 281” s, SOC ms: other '3?.r8Ri7iGuettv. WOW!!! S119 MONTH 1995 W-ndslav GL loaded Fleel clearance 52-300 down 6239 "a Tronet' dawn: Gamer 5'Y 6iy'r-5991 WOW”?! new 1996 Fan) Explorer “em Warm-2 32306 new {$299 “a m'3'N?Y W1 5'9E?Cs-5!Wt TRUCK FOR pleas-re Cr wort, 1995 Chev sro, '16 aulomailc A90 tu) warranfm we; we "nance $325 3.7 my mnrlh SC ”inn Io awn IYO Slk PM! Ca" SUIUK NGERSOLL 1519! warm POT WINTER P' N pace m UM VQ’M Swen-1 an I an aulf m At $347 75 p91 moan SC new In Mr :VO Slk 686A Call SUZUKI INGEFSOtL {5191 WOW $95 MONTH -muexs son SALE KO FEAR y unmet 1994 SIDE luck 4X4 5232 16 per mom" w town in mm I‘m Ell P230 new SUZUKI NGERSOLL Ir9; 4854000 '" FUN In Hus 1997 Suluk: Sudekmk. 2 dour son lop au~ mmauc Fawn aI ave! 30 - MPG Not ml the lam m hean 01 those who can] et men hall New amumf 515.995. SIR I 671 SUZUKI INGEFISOLL. may 48S-AOiX) FOUR DOOR 4X4 1996 Side- kick, 5 speed, NC. co stacker. alky maels I ABS with warran- Iy $15995, " UPSCM SUN- Kl INGEHSOLL i5'9l 485- cyl . S-spesd. stereo $2.400 Mt Itlte0 L 8 K AUTOMOTIVE 'dil9)756-2366 i370 ng Gaitd.Branhr6', 1509 FORD F150 Cuswm, Im- maculate sandman, one owner Lat, but Ann's! Ast, ull l muse Truck olives Ilka brand new $5.995 termed ADVANCED AUTO BROKERS 5244217 '9ftroR? Hanger_9up!nyp I 19S6 FORD F250 Enemed nan pckup Diesel, all power Wmons. an, $5.900 teamed L 5 K Mr TOMOTIVE (5'9yr'56-2366 VANS FOR SALE (370K RI Geneg'e Rd , PARIS suénnu 442.7711 CHRYSLEH'S BEST 1995 Grand Caravan LE, quad seats. 3 8 Wer and gnawing you would Elnec' u W5 execunve class van $352 " per momh 53 down lo own W0 Slk IP29? Cast SUZUKI NGERSOU. 151% 4554-3-30 1959 FORD Club Wagar XLT Need a tow m"eitge ”um-seal van a m cecert new,” $6 950 'ce-t 'eo PARIS SUBARU HOCKEY TEAM Dr arge lama-1‘ 1994 Astro 5 passenger " dutch do? :uslom 'unmng 1103115 and ms more Iow k's $352 A? per mcnlh tc mun to own we amaze; Cal SU ZUKI INGERSOLL 15"):4857 1993 MAZDA MPV nan ii-cy f [aging-3:59 goo ceo' an 1995 lumna Van Fleet clpa'ance $2000 dam ($239 at; mm 21an 'ittr6?T599? NOW" 895 MONT" 1995 lemma! Hes! clearance $20N mas no money dorm MW} 599t m [51914-12 WOW" $139 MONTH DRESS FOR LESS Spring for an entire wardrobe or unload last Spring's wardrobe mum In our tygssitiat pages. Check under “Armies for Sale". PLANNING TO MOVE? BE SURE TO CALL 65 1-2397 CHRONICLE CLASSIFIEDS we will arrange a welcome to your new community 658-6700 Jia, 'iirGri'iag replaces BREW TAX SERVICES GARY FERGUSON MF-Nm' . Accounting tax consuttmg ' busmess setup servrces . Personal, busrness‘ corporate t rental tax returns . Reasonabte Rates We know the loopholes“ 885-0341 TAXWATCH FREE E-FILE!!! Pmlsscovu Personal 5 Busmess - Income [at Preparation CALI. ”7125-4271 145 COIIIMDII SI Mt MrtestogaMall 18am Food Danni FINANCIAL $ERVICE8 FEATURE - TAX GUIDE - 't.tyltll,t?t,tr To create a reat (gssified ad, you need, a great... " you want to sell it last sell " In the rims-ted pages ol the Ihlatedoo Chronvcle " you warn Ia sell n faster mam " stand out Be crealwe Have mu Give It a Icnle an-lude CLASSIFIEDS 51/ ./I/ - fiitef A Gtertet mam Farm was M11 Gatctitml ta- ' Ite. cm Dunc“ cusses vet- tf; nameplate (In games Jett'? otteer um can 134‘ "35 Oats, et" T 651-2397 “lunch line” rttC1itl:, TO ADVERTISE IN THE TAX GUIDE CALL DAVID AT 651-2397 "ttirc")) "

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