A Ambush bug BBodhug L Lacebug [ Ladybug D Dismstritty weapon 4. Layer of paint 8. Restores to health 10. Apportion 12, Breed of Mulgrew 22 Full of suffix 23 4 packs 26, Reputations 28 Bird palnler 30 Forerunner of the oboe 33 Slop 36 Vigor 37 Turf fuel 39 Peppery 41 Actress F Halbug pigeon 13. Thought 15 Burrows or lasso " Greek letter " Light meal 20 Actress Thurman 42 Countertenor 44 Consumed food 45 Act nervously 48 Cncket team so Buttermaktng contnvance 51 Vexes 52 Has a cravmg 53 Authorizes Ftuittty G Gadlly Goat Grasshopper Gmytirtg N Honeybee Home! Fonas 16, Catch with a K Ked J Junobug I Issid CANADIAN CROSSWORD I. Archer's Ant hon Aphid Arg us Campion Centipede Chéggor comthead comm Cricket Braconld Buttotfly Dratyxttty Frilillnry ACROSS tu Loam Locust Louse M Magg or Midge Mlle Mona rch Mo squl to M0 m WHIZWORD EHHH treating catarrh 32. Lack of inter: 9 Sumac! ma fire, _ .14. Usesa war drawers 2 Globe 3 Fish trap 4 Military school student 5 Shoutot approval 6 Matt beverage 7 lndian's drum 8 thgarette for 711 '1? 19 E Chest of DOWN ’23 i 32 35 ANSWER NEXT WEEK Last Weeks Answer: KARENINA CREATOR R Rodbug Finale! Roach P Peacock Prominent Psocid Psyllid '24" Ta Mydas tty '25 II. Torment 12 Make lace 14 Membership charges 17 Marshy 21 Settt's son 24 Proverb 25 Camel feature 27 Black cuckoo 29 Healthierthan before 3O Potato 31 Of the blood 32. Lack of interest 17 21 24 25 27 29 If S Saddlebuck Scale Scarab Scorpkm Seadbug Shimmy Sliver Y Sphinx Spldev Symhld tti E tr" 35, Carries 38 Deserves 4O _Command- l, ANSWERS TO LAST WEEK'S l PUZZLE mum) l on CLASSIFIED , PAGE ments 43 Potpourri 46 Tint 47 Sea eagle 49, Wapitv 22 W w Wasp Watomug T Tick V Yucca 1htttlrNglg 14 e GLIDDEN’S 5mm 'iii? ClfANIN(i; SAlf. , PLly NOW ON! WHEN YOU GO BY A GREAT LANDMARK! Enjoy the hot entree selections including hip an jus; bacon; eggs; home fries; fresh waffles and toppings; seafood bar; salad bar; select cheeses; fresh bread table; pastries; muffins and delicious desserts! Every Sunday from 11:00 a.m. until 2:00 p.m. we offer our traditional Sund ay Brunch. FINDING THE RIGHT SUNDAY BRUNCH IS EASY . . . 475 King St. North, Waterloo Reservations: 884-0220 WATERLOO The "