14 El, ACE STAINLESS " STEEL EXHAUST _ Aluminized or Stainless for all Vehicles "cMEAhi"iii6fi"ihssE 1‘ OPEN M "ririp1tarRThi'cri, .iariityi,fi'ir y, 11:30 1l'l'/)h'!i'li?ithqiI kaï¬zï¬ï¬â€˜Lomï¬ggszvvso Stletriykt,"" thity New York Strip Loin Steaks s5.69%. Extra Lean Ground Beef '2.59m,. Pork Cordon Bleu Millbank Onion & Parsley Cheeses3.49m,. Deli Sliced Smoked Turkey Breast M.99m,. Gypsy Salami $2.50 Tuesidiiir "d St.Paddys Day Specials Stainless tail pipe - 7 Year Warranty Stainless mid pipe - 7 Year Warranty Lifetime Warranty Muffler Ford F450 Exhaust GREEN BEER,‘,CELTIC MUSIC tht ttttt loll tight the IIrst time! 'l.49eac s3.39m, ach its, gum pmslhk d [lit "up Lu l', good aud mcniu-dx N (um-d that ll could sun Imp paling nut w.†uni Mark l)orlmat, m dll nucnuv. LN scck Llorlmsn max 41ch mg imruedotcl, alter ( dtl- hur/Lxbur lumlcd hcld an upcn house .u Wsuerloo my. hall ro unxvrl Its mus! reccnt plans for redcvrlopmg the H acres of Lind ll currently owns at the northwest coma of Iirb Street West and Father Baud Bauer Drive ercu‘lupmcm;-i\\.1u’r|um uxl t subaril xhar land, m cctural Waterloo could beryu As mm ds [909 an A pint 11u1g mmulunl mmhnl “uh the pull-Al "Obviously Canbar has art operating business there," Duriman sand regarding redc- velupmcnl of the property. "lls still a very good busmess, and l thmk they (Csmbar/Exbar le, sted) wall think very carefully before they shut down and do whatever they have to do." "But again " (redevelop- ment) really depends on the market and who's interested m the property," he sad Canbarmxbar Lunitcd wants lo apply In the City of Water- loo for .1 cone change opphta- Han and an official plan amendment to eventually If the land was redeveloped cxcluswely for residennal use, the total number of units would be 8tn, However if the land was. redeveloped usmg d 1mm rcsiderural/ofce/corm mercml rnodcl, the total num- her of residentul umls would he reduced to 573 tth-u ilx proposed reducing} oihscst.utmwrcol tlscs rm innit [u rake place lhc Lillll Is drum] unes or a coruhmuuo turrcntlx :uncd indusirul .ind ol thc mu tie ct1mpuuy would Illu' to lssoapartrucinhGksuould n-zunc ll lur muluplr-reuderr run lturlh And uest along the tul corurucroal inn medium soul“ sidi- ol hither Darul damn usi' all with maul Bauer Urns, any mm of " new phnhlxllb (mended Maxim Sun-L lhi: lhc L131 mm- L .inh.ii:“l'\h.ir ulhrr must lhc inurr (blah luiiilcd limit tty rcdoclop- building would have uncrrn mcul plots public MAN al " tuuch otyevcuaud an Mortrvs Wutcrloo unumil meeting in uhih' 1hr mun: weucrls build, .\.~u-mhcr [093 At lh.il llllk' mg would be xix store? high thc minim“ wautcd to rede, A third Apartment block on vclep Hs pmpcrtfc to allow lot the cayt side of the Mertrw ctyustructrort ol nine yeparstte Strecl extension in the middle apartment blocks sad one of the development, would be three-storey. stx-urttt town- srx storeys in height whih: two pun mum lhc Int unu- L .1I1h.1tf'l\h.nr lunllcd madc 1h. rcdnclnp mcul plum public MM Al " Wutcrloo mumll â€Ix-sung In N.twrtthtrr [093 Al Um llllk' thc nimpam wautcd to rede, vclep Hs pnTcrty N JUNK lor ctyustructrort ol mm: separate apartment blocks sad one three-storer. snx-uml (own- house development Just east of Mondale Avenue, The latest redevelopment concept, with mpm from the my, ty not much dillerenl from that proposed m 1995 The number of proposed apartment blocks and the townhouse development is sull the same, although the supposed resr- demul part of the redevelop- ment Will be supposedly less dense because of some mmor reductions m apartment bulld- mg height and changes to bwldmg setbacks, thder the new revered plan, the tallest building m the pro- posed redevelopment would be It) storeys high and located at the northwest corner ol Father David Bauer Drive and Erb Strut West The bulldmg would possibly contain a hold we st A building Immediately west of rhe ltLstorcr huildiiig along I ih Nice: Wcst svould he tight Hum.» high whilc d building iiiiincdmlvh ut'sl of Ih.il “xiuld lv sst'rt'uyitor0N high A building "ttmcdoilv nurllir “at oi [hi likiurvi‘ building, Iruiiliny, iiiilu Father Rind Baum Drtxc ssould hau- iiiiru‘ii union coeht and sum) slori't s high All Ihrsr four budding; could be developed for The height of buildings would dccrcase from us! to lhc xunml round of publn wnsullauun for Wowrloo Rrglunk Watrr I ffuwiwv Mum Plan wtll hr hrlni nu lhursday Muah 2h from 7 io 0 p m Al ( cuirrrtlV ( Inmpcc ( ummunm ( cur In: .-\n\‘nm' wlu, In Cs In Waterloo Rrglun h mum] In pun" Tals' lst prm uhng Ihcu [dub for Implrmrnuuun nl Ilu, urn-m rcrorrurtrrulcd w.lttV ("Ix "Hit \ PII‘KLIIHN “Ir Rrgmul \1unlupalm of “Marian Is tlcvcloprng rlw Wain I “menu MM!†Man to dnrrmmr may" “(in mu) diam for thc 11m 10 Region seeks nublic innul on wuler efficiency recommendations 1ttepettett0srcuttttaWabarutttiedsarsbedoest't 'isreseetrtr'etmtittsittroaisetweeatuCiirofwaststissyastd Cidtaratttmt'seortitigabtttetthrsvtowstWaer1oix mrrieRmeaidittartitttervioekstweekifthecityissusr ctssMirtittttttmoterttpeioataactahrmttpthecity, owitedsiattamkMs,tharwotrt'stri5eartoetaHibrto cittbtstjrietrptattrtpre4irettsptheWtdhtttatasatthe ttotttnvtsta'ittteromtrSt_etaxtretther'thsvidBatser TheCitytsNhssedoo cttrtetttehopesteittreahtsttubr tbeSeatritti hack. loaned immedutdystmitreaw ofthe otharptrogetry Cuba: issettrtetttlytmtptrsipg to comm a 10am tsftice/cmnmezciai/tesidemial Wag right at thenortirwestcomeroffybSmetWestattd%therDwid Bauer Drive, with the building Whig being developed as a bout. ThtcitydidntowtrtheSeagratrpmpetttivhenatNr puma! its first development proposal, completc with hotel, in 1995. "TheseagramiartdsmayhetheptacewhestitOhe hotel) goes," Rose said. "1 dont think that attests our planning at in“ "Tttut1lbemom futon: (hote0,idmtht hesetibe mom for tsm," he said, If the company wasn‘; able to build a hotel at the norm west corner of tid, Street West and Father David Bauer Drive. Rose said he building would likely be used for vices, Greg Munich, said last week he didnt Gow exactly what poteiltia! hotel operators might be looking for in a site in uptown Watedoo. He said it was possible they might pm fer the Canbar sue over one on the Seagmm lands. “Surgwe would like to see a hotel as pan of the Seagram ptopitsals," Romanick said "But 1 would say more genetullv the city would be interested m seeing a hotel in the uptown and in this mum. So that mil son of be the overndmg objective." Waterloo council will be considering bids on the sale of the Seagram lands at a council meeting March 30. A formal public meeting regarding the {Jumble rezoning of the Can- bar property is wmarivaiy sex for April 21, Canbar won't battle with City for hotel As for the city, Waterloo; (integer of devefopmenl 'T Wr hope rrsldcnls wUl 1m rs! an m- lhnr wmmumu' rather Hun Idling {hr K“ down [IN draut.' and hthumh Wslc .1ch of wsttcr cfhritus Jt tlw Region TCdrs Rccommcrtd,mony Indudc commml’m of puhlu cdumlmn and Ihc highly populm M In Replmcmcnt Program (.tnlrrvlllc t hiropcc ( mmnumn ( rnln band,» Jtt Nrstrovt Ns, okutuwup. . Amour Inlerrxu'd In petrl"uiv1"W, m [hm l'" In "wrung should mmml Mardvn [lull .n V' ma othcrs on the Hex] ,rd; Aslsl by Iour ~1nrry>hlgh [hr (In. \lnrm mwnhuuac dn r1»: llu‘nl would bc " um weswrls c'uruponem t auhartxbar lunllul pva drnL Barre Row. sard Jun“; the opot house he dulm nil-m vs hat gun ol the mdnclupnn u' would be done first My sud the mum-my and [hr aux- lel} y cwnlwl durlupmrul pmncrs wuuld Ilkch mllucnm that dnlsmn A rormal publu mcMmg regarding thc povuhlc rczuramg ol thc Lanbar proper" ly [mu Incl} yet for April 21 mug Ir' If than r “Ll