The director of bt judes school says he hopes to announce a new tocauon for St, Jude's and another accom- panylng school someunw this month (Mach) Fred Gore sud m A regent mlemew he hoped to be mov- mg out of the pnvale school's current Plulllp Street locanon and to open up a new 1mm St Jude's school/Scholars Hall by September, 1999 Gore recently turned down an offer by Waterloo busmessman Shawky Fahel to lease the for mer Alexandra Avenue else mentary school on Alexandra Avenue Gore sad he had recently begun negotiations with the current owner of the building St. Jude's is located m, [Arty Marsland, about Marsland constructing a new school building for Gore on other property Mainland owns in the city The new school could possibly be located on Randall Drive in north Waterloo, Gore said, “ll agreements can be reached, and my goal ur by the March break, then ( hope not only to announce where we will be but also to start accept- ing registrations for Scholars' los and ",1h,. and that has not moved forward to respond to new technology and the changing needs of a rapidly aging population." St. Jude's school to relocate within the year [Eir(fll2M2 The next step in the process is to wan for the Health Ser- vices Restructuring Commit- teds mmnm report, expected sometime m March After Waterloo Region has a chance to respond, Wilmer sald the new initiatives can begin. "One of the first new imua- nves that will be taken IS lo site the new MRI (Magnetic Reso- nance Imaging)." she said "They WI†also be making announcements as to new cap- ital Investments, so wire gmng to see some new mm struction 1n the community "We'll be able lo move for ward wuh the new sun'uvs that are gmng to be thug; nized, that weve going to he providing " Wilmer sud lhc commumly has to contmue m move for ward together to ensure the proveuon, and acceenluluy of semccs Lonnnues, “This Is the beginmngof [he process of standing up and speaking out.' sand Watcrloo Mayor loan McKinnon What I've seen personally, n< that medical groups that wouldnt talk before are now realizing they have a comhmed goal or needs, and are slamng lo come together as more of d coheuve unn " (Continue" from page 3) cw SPI'VILL‘§ a he rung» gorng m be ' / 0mm iig 999 l [tt,_ir'tl,)' III LWD mm . Myt’a.~ 'it/Ffa, ‘ Fiii,,r,Yp',s'jirfi, I f I ' _:" Fr', f I ‘ 3&3“ , rpiiiittia'itAritr, e I _ C , _ , 'sjii:rcd I _ s;,iii(aiii,lr;2' Mr l/N,-, _ I ,rlB,tlllllllllttlll j," ' rr if _ ,',li._.?'P2. Bt" ."ee=a- Cd t I _ v Us“ 1grsNliiiis"ei' , I MPA V) '" "'0'“ “5 lliliSir,:'jii.'; _ e :tth I. "i'; ') 2.4IIm1wInGuu-M "_,;:§»ff‘,;_,%; r,'rijf, GMAC ir, . 6SotthMoetgMo, We " N Inn-mum". iiIg.iB, 'E',)','):')';', "dll!!' PURCHASE 5ll8iMlP, . c, 'WW ‘ _ 'rooeaMrbogs, 'r _ 'i, ' , Crir'r FINANCING H s,6jifr'e, Andaman-Ir W c-ttrr, of! eorettth"tW,t'. ,, Cr"", _%rfs'itla ‘ . - My. Ali/FM - I I _ _ vr “WWW . Fi')?;.:,?,;,':'),)':':?)),,' tj!t'e"ooto-'ow"door “"‘" l -HURRY IN, UMIIID TIME OFFER ' , II --i= -- -, "__-. - -- T_-- - -, - - "__---" Hall the, year' ("we and ht Jude's ham d x urmu enrol, mertt of 95 siudenrs from Grades One to I) ll I: cur» rently located In a 10,000- aquarium ucrlsty on Phulle Street wuh only a l00-atuare- foot playground for students, 'iaiGuaTi "'_'" has. dd. . - -e r tb6itr 314559 8188‘ 2.0 mm mm and tnn-mluion. a "not an blot. an, cantons. a" cont. yt jude's Is a pnmle school that currently provides an alternanve to students formerly enrolled 1n either ol the mo publsclrfunded education sys- teats who are bnghl bul who have not been pcrformmg up to the" polenual The students only attend bt Judbs for one to three years and then are surf cessfully remtegrated back mm one of the pubhcly-(unded education systems Scholars' Hall. to be located In the same bulldmg as a new St Jude's school, 15 to be pat- tuned after a Iradmonal 1950s-style pmalt academy All successful applicants to the hall must be pedurmmg at or above grade level prior lo acceptance, must make sure that no Single academic subject IS weaker than mne months below grade level and musl provude documentation ol good cozensiup pm: my being muted to jolt! the school Gore sand 150 families were already on a walung lea to have the†children attend Scholars Hall 'tta-oi-rt-st