i0PINmN 1hr plan Is ohvtously working With some pcoplc. smut of whom I Iuw d grail dral ol raped ior when Witmer made her mldmltry .tttt1ttutqtt'rItt't11, no mm affiloid wuh the Blnhlng Home or (In: Health ( cnlrv “cm un murd will any alum) unnmcnls Haw ilury forgot- h'n hon In luwi, wul, nu warmngand nu mmulmmn lhc lhncsdrbr HAY!“ orucllcu plmv, lo budd II\I hrv \ldmllll): birthing u‘nlrcs "ucludmp, ant m 'st Imubsit‘ \mnmnr should he Asking why a guy- rmmcnl llul L [arms lo hcllm r m hcohh k Arr" k hon Cs lur wnnn‘n would 'sth rulhlcvh ler .mav ml h d wllxlhlr And ncuxs‘an lurlhlng upllun Ihr uni munlhs “I" he .Igrml lel ol \uh‘rs mlclllgrnu‘ 'smatl Tol on mil nu! bc luulul " Iorv gnmllu th.u do lnllu Iv rqnur the dam age that Ihm h.nr l mnul mu C PM") Nmar1 with WI" “kc the good In mill-r "ll, [My an- Iwucr llun mun- rsttts', but soll nnl gut 1hr gav- unnk'nl us desired pavhm k Irtswad Ihn will pun forte, to uni thc lurks out of oGc In thc mu (In mul No out Is cxpccted to rcmember, much less mtnlmn, all ofthe culs that [hr Harm government made In the hrs! 1hrcc years of tis mandate .uld no um: p, expected to questton (he govcmmeni's mmmnlmenl lo hmllh mm or other programs Having created gaping wounds m so mam provincial programs, the Hammer; now wam to gel crcsht for .lpplnng d handqud or lwn Un January 1} Hull!) Muwstcr and local MPP Llltht‘lh Warner Wat, m 'tl Limbs to .mnnum‘c d bcelcd up nudwlien nuluuw dt the Wuulukh L mnmunm Health ( mm Hw ( cr1trc mil nov- house lhc hl lamb». I .uml» Birthing Home. will he rcypomuhlc lur urordlmung undullcn xL-n‘urs In [his .mu ol thc prunm c and swll be given \umc c\lr.l kind». In hclp " do thc " Clirikiide Tr Irpl'mnt 886-28 Mt Fax No 886-9383 f ortail rditorfepwaterloo-chronicle,com Don't be fooled by Tory goodies Watcrlnn litwn \quarc 7â€) King 'st \uullL Rune 20l Watcrloo. Unlann Nsll lP2 phone 386-2330 No, 886-9383 g Display Adrem'siag: lmmlvr “HIM (mm “(mm Reporlrrs: hm l “min†Bub \ rhana; fdilor: Nth-"ah l mulls†t lassiftrd ( irrulation/Wi" Manager l armhn Ansln Major “mums ikmse Imku lvnn Mlll hell full kuress Bv lhc way, the commcnts of Health Mrmster l1: Witmer on KW gelling short-changed on health (are have been ditum genuuus Among other lhlngs she says we'll get an MRI mac hmc. but she cant say when Ill odma lhcn' .m' Inna whcn h, must wonder II [he pro- ' [\IUII of mcrhol cqmpmcnl ts worth lhe (Hun, whether some [1.1!chle Lap rqulpmrnl m pt'rNxh [we Lnkc Ihc woman who changed duunn [he Insl unc had no IV In hes wmung mum If you'll pardon d personal note, my count gems Conme was a patient at the London hos- petal on and on until her death m December, Simply put, she could not have had more com- pamnnalc, all-encompassmg can: And yes, we donated to the hospital And yes, our [amulv wull always be m tts debt 5hr gum the Impressmn she was yak hunting In Thc: for d umplt nl ymrs and “mu mum of our health needs until she was .lppmnlcd hmllh mlmslcr Ihcn her best advice was [or [ht mmmunm (u haul long and loud for hospital help As 4 II hadul hcm doing that We have been howling far hospital hell! The London huspllal IS a regronal Centre uhlrh last you looked after 1,500 k-W and Juan reudcrus No nullcr how much our KW hospitals an spruced up, well sull need the London hospital for some [lungs We should be glad Il's there ll looks iLN If Walcrlun xsorit gm a charity casmo. So far. so good And wc should kccp the ovtc-minded opposition going, Hun: A week Wh' should hold LI bingo game wrth all the pro- cccds going to hghl gambling Trying Our Patients: ll strokes me thut some K-W residents have bccn unfair m popping off at a London hospital for seek- Ing funds from W.uerloo chmn resderus [he low] gripe wL'rlp, In be that London has lwu MRI machmes while KAV h \ull trying to gel its frrst one And sum lhlh community would llkc to wc local hospitals do well But that misses a (hig pomt I 27, An appcal Irucr from London Health Sciences Centre sard London nerds Al llnrd MRI (magmirc reionimce mugmg) machine and Improvcd catheterization labs. Musrlc Meet Our athlcte, arr ov,cmhlcu Al Nagano [or (he Circulation: Icrn I Nhrr Inn Mus hcll Mmihes Haycs, Production: Mac Marlin [Llrlmt Rm It Group Publish": l hcni M, Mcncnw Group Publisher: Cheryl McMenemy The Waterloo Chronicle is published by The Fairway Group, a division of Southam Inc. 75 King St. s., Suite 201, Waterloo ON. N2) 1P2 886-2830 Waterloo t hmnnlr Is puhhshed may chm'sdav hs Thc wrws M nur (ulunmhh an thor um" and thc â€(WAN of 1hr n-‘wxpaprr "NEE (lfllgll mum charge for a paky ime A Lcnlury Ag", the world had only Sly drums that tould br called atnomobdcc, Today, lammtd bumper to bumper ml a six-lane hlglmm 1hr cartlis '50 rmlhon Lars would strvich for 200,000 miles. tight [Imus around the world and tvvo-thirds of the wav to Ihc on the road. ll svould he won hardcr lo find a parkmg plat t' By the way, lie done somethmg noble Ive wniten [hr Olympic Commuter and old them tf rhe torch goes out __ [hr eternal flame - net to worry, They can Always come owr n- k-W lo relight tt, Heaven knows, we have enough cwnml grease fires Hearts and Flowers: Bc carcful what you do [or Valcnitrws Day A five-pound box oi chocolates has put an end to mam " loved one Bumper Thumper: Herc are m shaming you nuv “.un Iv paMc on your dashboard moon One Damp Thing ... : bl Nino has been pasting the mull; cm Umted States. and youd better crow, your fingers buauw u mil be active until the nuddle of the war Yes SIT. UN lemL experts have pmdmed the warm-water phenomenon mll mu Olympics, but I havent wnucn anything because lie got bad vibes about Canada's results. Including hockev, Hu. I .nrw.u (.mup A (hum-m nl Nunham lm Inltmnllonnl Standnrvl S'nnl Numbrr ISSN W231") Bul m‘wr mmplam abuul the traifu If there wcrc [cwcr t .m An analyst explains the companies dont want consumers making one-to-one compar isons. They'd rather have you scratching your head, By the way, hard-pressed Bill Clinton ha J beef with the phone company He says his phone LS lapped and that, if they let all Ihow people Ieuen m, the least they could do p, Both Florida and Callfurhla have 17.1le " “Ah-r} pncc, In one Florida city the “Mrs gu'l m high they had to get a tKerr-sea diver to u Ind Ihc (IIV hall clock. Wrong Numbers: The telephone COmpdllll‘N am baulmg over long-distance rates, and dnnl frct if you're mighty confused about compar- Isons. The phone companies want " that way Imus to wreak havoc that long, \lllmnpnun Mics 9-H gunk In ( amid.- S90 ycarly ouiude Canada o (I N I do um ncuwurlly rrprrwnl