SLDand high school fur The tcam brushed “uh 43] 1shed .1 close second In Rcsur Poms lo Rcsurrcitiort's 453 rcuion m the District-tl swim ht Baud won the lumor champiorvUup; men dlvmun and thc armor This week's Chronicle team of the week is the Waterloo Regional Synchronized Swim Chsb's 12-t4 team. At the Ontario Winter Gamels Southwest Regional Quai- ifier Meet held in London, january. the team won the top eight places in the fig- ure competition. The team, coached by Jacinda Sturgeon, also placed first in the Friday, Fat. It mom. I Sunday, m. 15 1mm. l Iron uranium HANGERS "ems Pam 145-0303 owns-town 1-800-265-6368 ea St. Davids swimmers second at District-8 finals team competition and qualified to repre- sent this area at the Ontario Winter Games in Peterborough, March " to March 15. Team members are: (back row) Kaleigh Morsink, katie McDonnell, Cara Aubin, Beth Blowes, Sarah Meghji, (front row) Kim Sullivan, Kelly McDonnell, and Alicia Urbach. Wornert diuamn In total the team won H medals In a toul ol 34 moms. Including 20 gold, 1siiifjiiiji,it,iii" (iit'til 'res,' The Mutual Group Arena Waterloo Recreation Complex OOOOOOCOOOOOOOO. Strollers car seats Perego, Simo and Quality Baby & Juvenile ‘35 Furniture & Accessories Sunday, Feb. 15 - 7:00 pm Friday, Feb. 13 - 7:30 pm Kid: Furnilun Plus ... A Jimmy" II! Baby World of Storey C reek BABY WORLD STRATFORD ELMIRA Folks, Kigali. Status. Dutailin plus ttfail line of kids fumiturc Furniture by: Morigeau, ('00 H F3TF) [hr Waterloo 10 km dam goes thr, Sum!†at UW, Fed, sultan Hall lhe race also " lures the return ul the 8 km Frrgee-rrghter and d , km lun run The runs sun at IO d m Waterloo 10 km classic this week 1hr Repon ol Waterloo \Lkllll t lub had a number ol outstanding result, al mo rcicnt Mk IUl mcr'ty 0chka Mckccs In) the ROW Ma,tcr ro exccllcm rcsule, at tlw Nt'sblll Burns Masters lnuulanl Swml Meet In London Feb 8 She won the high pornl award wsth (we rrrst place fmishes, after setting (our Ontario records Sarah Lynn Oesch had a first In the 100 breast, Gehard Grebenow had a (irst in the 50 breast, and Stuart Martin and Norm McKee won silvers. At the B Championships m London. the team had H swimmers linlsh in the medals Gold nicdallisis for the team was Richard Mal- olepszy kate Evans, Phil Kennedy. Aaron Martm. Srlvcr wcrtt in Vicky Todorovc Sarah Philip. Kennedy, Renee Huber, and Dana Knorr ROW sets the pace at two swim meets “IV“, 24ti, “innrrs Plum Cambridge 623-90l0 LER RI). Sweet Kyla. Also Bel): (onion A boutique of Linens to Mine . In. Hours Mon If"! _ ms so Sm 10-5 Fri Spoil your special sameone with a pamper basket from itLEfity23.ftS 55 Erb St, E, 8&5-3857 Cjiiiii:w'fE"itcé"hcrs:Esrs: I Top Sirloin Steaks Rib Eve Steaks Boneless Chicken Breasts '4.99m, Summer Sausage Whole Sticks Chubs Deli Sliced Roast Beef or Roast Pork Millbank Marble Cheese VALENTINES SPECIALS l (nnua) "rT'ehrue G'leurunce MOUNT AN BIKES USED SKATES ALL NHL REPLICA HOCKEY SWEATERS 25%0FF s180133000 SALE WE RE CLEARING OUTTHE 97 S I998 MODELS ARE HERE! Sales 5 Service to K -W and Area for over " Years HOCKEY EQLPMENT 2ty'or, F ROM M‘Pha GREAT DEALS There's inH a tmod selecllon at the area's lamest skate exchange HOCKEY STICKS AND REPLACEMENT BLADES CYCLING CLOTHING 2ror, 20%†'5.99 ’3.99/lh s3.99% M.99 s3.49m, '18.00 59.00 A, 21