Hmu‘v and (3m Shop wamNl? 65 University Ave. East. Waterloo memo" (in the Valdi/Tim Horton Plan) 885-2180 KITCHEN!“ 725 Ottawa St. s, Kitchener “outlaw" tho Lenomm Horton Pun.) 742-1221 Feb. 17 & 18, 1998 7:00 pm Ae Presentation I lr‘n‘l‘g‘xr( unpu»! jun t 8 me J PflESfNT.1TON, Too "f RfIREYHMENTS' A Christian Alternative For Your Child's Education It! V ’w [t _ 9,, N. dr , _ _ " N . '; i ‘L‘f‘b tV. T:., & ‘ Et',,, s *L- U- N8M, C a "For Your Valsntine†SHEAH%/EN L SU RT Di $ 054' 26 E , ttii, ~95S a“ - LN I ‘5‘“ INFORMATION NIGHTS CHRIST LUTHERAN SCHOOL ( i RAD!) K Mi HI. lramlgdr Ax cnuu lxmnzncx Wm Alhl , LONG 354 KING STREET NORTH, WATERLOO 884-5l4l Availahle In Assorted Colours Petals é Pots Inc. Plc.isc Urdct EARLY ll|hlllllllCN hmitcd IJchvcry m KVW' _ S195 Nah} sit'"ny' prurulul a Christian srhooClcdrcrstcd to pup mung umllcnw for the glow of ( nu! a private school u hrm coch mild Is dullungul In Jcvciop lusihcr pou'nlml a caring scbool with lon pupils†lather mm u sdru0lfuryus" rcgardluss of mur (Ihrlxlun amlraturn CHRIST LUTHERAN COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE GRADES 7-OAC February 19. 1998 7:00 pm - Presentation leuuln ( ,Jlllpux? l4f Lmcoln Road " .nrrl-m tt9tr-0trli ths eirgarn pasta dmnrr an also be quuk and cut" u: at least, mu “in mean- the Illuamn ul shuttle» prupanlmn hrnlhlng an bu Prc- pared In Mums refrigerated m mdrvdual uw mu numb. .md [hm Joined together at thc last lmnulv llw lune Add) .1 dblll’kl iragrancc and rrlresh mg mug w ths anmi past.) \th lo gm ftw grunts: .nnuunl or punt oul ul J lunc ruli ll under (hr palm ol vuur lund bulurr kumug I .ll“ .ns byline that shrtmp, m an» duh criy out tor gurlw lhc hint of garlic Ill this duh ,t'rrtcs to sublls pull [he shruup lune dill and p.NJ ILI mu togethcr The Regional Municipality of Waterloo is proposing to complute intersection improvements on University Avenue at Marsland Drive and at meln Road in 1998 lo addrvss the nood fur [urn lanes at thaw two loca- nuns, Sialthll be present at the l'ubllr Information Centre to dlsruss thv proposed work and answer nuestlons Comments mauvod at this forum wnll asslst the Project Team In making design decisuons on this prop-cl The preliminary dessert plans well also ho available for vu-wmg after February 25a, 1998 at the Regional Municipality of Watvrlnn, Dvsmn and Construction Dlvxsmn, fith Floor, 15" Frodvnck Sirovl. Kitchener lfyou are unable to atlvnd the Information Centre and would like In provides Input, please forward your rom- ments by Fohruary 27, 1998 to Mr Ammo Lannvvllle, f' F. T. Prowct Managvn lM‘sngn and Construction lhvuoon. tith Floor, 150 Frmlvrlrk Strum Kotcherut Ontario. N2G 4.1.1. 'Telephone “9-575- 1763, Fax SIR- 5754430' _ _ A Prior to finalizing the design the Rant") lr' invitme the puhllc to rvvww prehnnrutry rlecrgn plans for this pro- ject and provide tannin-ms at a Puhllr Information Ccntre to hr hvld as follows Intimate nusln dinner [or two lime lovers Maggy REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY "wr?Cirii or WATERLOO ‘I J. 2+, UNIVERSITY AVENUE ,si,i:ilijiij; INTERSECTION Ar1k-r,'a'iGe IMPROVEMENTS MARSLAND DRIVE & LINCOLN ROAD CITY OF WATERLOO PUBLIC INFORMATION CENTRE "c""i[-ijii'riFairaEs t'tt'i)lrlt .7 7 l t "tdi) jr _:c'rjt,'ij, FOR THE “HER THINGS m "000 ceiling Ithylailhtns trom_tillt One of the easiest ways to add a touch of elegance to any room. “Ml \HRIMI’ I INLIVINI l 3“ gmmx of Ircsh Ilngulnc LY In largc “gt-r ~hnmp 4 garlh cloves. chccd gum‘ hum 1 Imus 11 t .llJlllJLl “has, pulul Wednesday. February 25, 1998 Irmversrty Heights Scrunch-n Srhuul HM Uaiverstts. Avenue F.ust Wutvrhm. Untam- c, [III p m, to H t)0 p m went». J. l larry lunmln 1| \llu“ 182 Weber St. N. Waterloo Hus? south oi Umversrty Ave b 885-5850 CASUAL. CUISINE Phyllis “in: . .‘ Ute, over medium heat lum heat m high and sur m lime lulu: and d!" Add olives. mnnines and 5mm pub Ntrr hit one muuur Lumen cookcd draurcd lInguInc with .1 fork .Ind udd 1.x skuilct \prmklc will all sud pcppcr to mm- ros, lor one mltutle Scnc unmcdulch Wm; ‘92“??93533 Sli:\l.l“.l) 'I’linNiRS clearly marked "lhrcctiorral Boring Contract R5l0-98-.?R-'l'ender for Reconstruction of Underground Electrical Distribution and Electrical Street [lighting Systems fur the 19951)†Construction Scamn" will he accepted until LOU pm local tune, Wcaerday. February 2i. NUS, for (he complexion of underground recttnytructton work in [he \Vatcrlou North Hydro service area. Contract documents will be available Thursday, Fclmmry 12. 1908, at thc Engineering Dcparuncnl of Waterloo North llydru. ‘00 Northiicld Drin- lint, Waterloo. For infommuun call Gerard Rocha al 8565090 Ext. 336 The lowest or any tender will not occcssarily In: acccplmi A modern classic. "One The beginning of 20th-century theatre. L ook pbld, dram and yet gunk Peel and devrm shrimp Ixase Lula Jludwd Rmse shrimp and pat drv wuh papa lunch Reingerate In a covered bowl mm .1 “Mg ol lune unul rcady m Uyt' Peel and dice garlic cloves and set a,udc Squcczc lutue from I lune: and an .Ndr t.oarsely chop Pllltd olives and wt Amh- Wash mu“ pub runth ends and wr Amie DIP torndto m balling miter lor I mmulc and then Into we mum Dram, peel cuhe arid scl Amie When ready to yerTe Put ol" c ml m A Lugs hesred skullei Add shnmp and gull: Sm and cook 3 mm TENDERS of tlic Febrya,ry13 1fl8 m tnos plays t' The wait is over. , tablespoons olive on} I lebpoun dull weed salt Jud pepper Wed."- Sat. at 8pm st uolrlc and nuwiug of our generation..." ahe London Times r Waterloo Nom- Hydro Box 640 300 Nonhheld Dr East Waterloo. Onlano N2J 4A3 1519) 886-5090