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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 4 Feb 1998, p. 25

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IttgiEiiiiiir7eiii, MAMEY REALTY Inc Speaaizr mg In Waienoos umeerstty on campus nousmg Real eslale sales am progeny mum Rental units avadable summev metal! 1998 i519ttR0M646 TWO BEDROOM townhouse AlbemWeoet Waterloo Large bedrooms. lull kulchen Three "00135670 plus 88H257 ITTENI'ION STUDENTS: one Mom“ basement an Walk (O school. downlavm Parkmg on bus route Avadable Irnmedlale- WATERLOO PARK a'ea Large pmale sunny roar“ Hm share Ntt pamng 9933mm!" by 384-6411 or746-82rt TWO-BEDROOM TOWN- HOUSES. 4 apohances, Bums and Nuddm Sls Guelph Prdesr Slonarly managed. S677imiytttt plus “nut-es To men can 767- STUDENT HOUSING. New renting to: Sea 5-Dedmoms, 2 baths, ulllmes induced. laundry. parking. turmshed Mmules tc Lame: 157 king 5 319 Begum Norm 669-4646 AVAILABLE "ttdEtNATELY. $300 Core area Walerluo Room mm house share Laur- dry. parking close to smwug NU smoking Can 7tt-53.58. eeerrngs IiaEEriiEiiii-EE W “Hymnal?! trTtitgOes utilmes Call 658-0886 and leave was ATTENI’IOII STUDENTS A tour bedroom 2>slorey avanlabde vmmeumely Walk In school, mmwn Parutg.ontvsrude SIZDUSmonlr Includes utomes 116 Em S1 West I 658-0886 Lal'vemessage ”canon BASEMENI aplnmenl Available May ' Von smoking Asher! and Bea: .nw Waterloo Close to shape-"g and bus male 83de pkg Mums Padang mowed Phone 1-5t9. 42r0251 tBl FUFNSNED SWES /rfsiNyuttr iouokii" M .0! - 1315 Wu! ,BM. Uml 3 , t Gamay-age BARSYOOLSI BAHSTOOLS' BUSTOOLS' Also sold we a i ammo and [19de [mature Amr, to the pun-c Wavehouse one! Omano hue and Chant 354000 21 ALtEN STREET AEST, WAYERLOO V“ 27 In mm 10 til L','lr/u2l/d"l;'llh'; IM " a price In“: INCREDIB LY LOW! Amt mu 651-2397 mu one at u Mendy sales representairves M“ man you place vow " -noovsponnau'r CLASSIFIEDS WORK! CARPET Wave severa, mousann yams ot nan Stamnaster and liXP, My km mum WM dowmm and hell mt 3343 Fuse Includes car per an ant: lnSlallaYCn '30 taros' Ca' Slave F456403 "em mug! 3213-1 mm tam? " 'n-3I3r SSW-all, new? mat Mg IE x " Ihckrtess pane; mm 3'm warm 550 wall 3550':~ Men: cl mac-3mm n9 tools ar sovlmenl ct havdwoou 576- 3C80 YORK INCLINE welgrr tench mm altasnmenls Monum- Dells, orte-presstar, 12ntt weuqxts $200 or m offer 32} 8887 IN ARMS WANTED ONE JACKSON has“ me BUYING FOR CASH _ Aryanvng made atgow and sure- Cons. mml sets. etc Wm J Grant Cons, 99 Waler 9 N Kectter- er 744-5447 mums OF alc aslnnrg? Es- IaIe warms]? We ouvc’ase mn- tage clawing. accesscnes and prtr1950s iurmlute and Muse. waves Rental 56 Kym; St N Willems; 884-2t51 Casatyanca Bushman ‘5 new coer- 146 ngw. nearCty Har' We still need boots, Clrs,o0eos, magazines & moe -- A WOW!!! $1‘9/I‘ONTH 1995 Dodge Inxvepld Wi fleet dearance $2000 m 'S222 no money down: [‘AMBRIDGE NISSAN 623-5991 To SELL A CAR, Park it but: new will we it: m Ire mrges‘ group ol comm ty newspapers n ms areal Call 651-2397 Ic- sell your car Prom ads also avaealye' 1997 SUZUKI Stes't, 24mm haVchoacx, auiama'c AWFM 'cassette $16391m3nm with lag down $9.960 ce'wheq PAPIS SUBARU "2-77Iry 1994 MTREPm, wt, was!“ burgurdy on cave g'ey Tame mml' £9,995 cert red AD \MNCED AU'O BROKERS 624-22r7 1994 ESCORT GT tlack an grey loaded vulva Ciers'" ' rm 5-399 RDMNCED AU'O BROKERS i120 2277 1993 SUBARU Imp"rra, d 100v aulomMrc an AM) Balance at factory warranty Av: 900 cemher] VRPIS SUBARU “2 mo 1m BUCK Camry Uni 'Tms Is a what a Bunch Is all abouI" ms one could spot you Pane Itrceslwrothrws/artlertrw'sears, an " 500 term-ea PARIS SUBARU “24710 tr. 754 1991 GRAND All GT tuiiy mam Suited 120.000 urns Tunis mml' 15,995 camhed ADVANCED AUTO BROKERS 6N-2277 I“! DODGE Gram: Cyan” ES MIN condllmn av‘tcmair, Sill??? Or DESI a"? 321 052? -CARSFORSALE dam: Opening an ma 57tr-0026 WE'VE MOVED! 1991 CAVALIER 224 aulromal- c lqlly loaned while an mach ADVANCED AUTO BROKERS 62t-?277 aulorhaltc. “My 'iya0ed. dear clean car $2.995 cemhed ROB HAMILTON AUIDMO» BILE SALES $64998 1989 NISSAN 240 St Lupu- ct an mark. beagltlul coricr Must see' ss 955 ce-rhed ADVANCED AUTO BPOKERS 624-2277 was CHEV Celeb'ny Ways, Grey 4 on. aulumalvu: erBeu car S1995 can Bake Mlumo- tree 6i?3-3176 1990 CHEVY Beretta 6-cyl oassenger. 2.5 lure iu6manc Goad can: lion 53,503 In best Mer 82Tei22 AUTOMOTIVE i370 King (iefyge Re. Bramforth 756- powerzmtmssai00ceoieo L a K AUYOMOTIVE can) mng Georga RO:756-2366 [El TRUCKS FOR SALE 1955 PLVMOUTN Voyage' 19M LINCOLN Towncar, am av power (muons. excellent sonar hon 52.900 cerhlled L a K I957 IOYOTA Corona. excel lent common, looks new. Owes new l-donr $1 995 termed ROB HAMILTON AUTOMO» BILE SALES 756-7988 1985 FORD Tttunderbtrd Reo "OK. excelienl running, V8, waned Mlle In newly $2.500 089137121 8?3-88grIGuigph': ma BUICK Islay E a, 1992 FORD Fist nvuup V-8. ammah-t can? slermrg slat PO. excellent com not" $6 800 cemled L A K AUTOMOTIVE 037‘: Kog George Rd BraNform F5Ar2,Rth cat, W? aI' & ran- $5395 can: hed R08 HAMILTON AUTO MOBILE SALES FSE-rFWE: 1991 JEEP Comanche puck A, 6ch automalvr. an answer: arm-nan pox; mended L a K “HOD-ACTIVE W73 Kma Georg? Rd Brarpfoe "" FORD Rar'rt"iyMiee "" JEEP C.ornam::'re our“; sNy1txyx arm 5 speee.$160C as Vader: L g K AU‘IOMO TIVE '.370 mug Gemge m, BvarMonj'x 755m Fully loaded no money.» Untied Cerhhed $8.000 m S? 500 as :5 Cory 362 dually ramp truck nydtauhc wetrth, ocellenl {ordinary 54,500 cemhed, U" like was l A K AUTOMOTIVE (370 K-ng George Rd _ Branttordt 756, we mum no I m WORLDWIDE 1988 GIIC SIERRA supevtah CENTRAL TRAVEL OFF 3505:6me m1 odi, extended at) , Ton CARS FOR SALE Antidun 0mm mattresses made Springgr Fsre - All Cotton Fabric FEKNT B’E’DDING ctl%Ei 756, al 1930 CHRYSLER Caravan 6. cyl aulomanc. excellent com» hon $3 t00 celhbed L a K AUYOMOYIVE 1370 King George Rd . Branyor0) T56- 1m PONTIAC Transport van. S-cyl _ autcmattc. all power up (rims, 2mm osmium $4.900 cemhed L & K AUYOMOTNE Wo King George Rd Burrow T564386 WOW!!! ”WONT" 1995 Ur W Vamoadsd m krn's, Heel dearance 5100!] saw ($188 no money down CAMBRIDGE NISSAN 523-591" WOW!!! ”HMO!!!" 1995 Caravan loaded law kms. Heel deavance $2.000 down r5222 no money down: CAMBRIDGE NISSAN 623-59Y WOW!!! S129/IONTH. 1995 Wo0star Gt loaded Low Km Feel Clearance $2 ooo down i$222 no money dorm) CAM- BRIDGE NISSAN 623-599 WOW!!! $MlHONTH. 1995 Aeros1ar loaded lnw cms "eel ceararlce $2 000 our is188 nc mane-y datum CAMBRIDGE NISSAN 6115391 ORLANDO FLORIDA Comm mm stews iocr Evemrwng mere “mums Irnrr stney Wat‘d Madame March Fl” $9CGtmomh. $350tweek Cans liar 7635034 VANS FORSALE ERS 'WORLDWDE'S BEST OF BRANSON' smug; 23 Kt 8 o! Bunson‘s has shows mam Shawna! Swanson Ist um atxxmnott- ll Pm an A 01an amen WNW Alter mus 70-937 I! maven/mamas IEDS TWEED MUSIC: Piano lessons at reasonaale (ales EUGENE ol at ages am] armies welcome Cenlrat Waten-ao mam 74L 9153 MUSIC LESSONS Start me year on an me ugh] mole Plano any age level or stte also vane arm mm mslvumev‘ls and meow Experienced leach Bf mm emcee n leacmm; Ca: Lvnaa a 88:13:72 SPANISH LESSONS Comer sallonal. advanced Begrvtets start February 23 Relaxed al- mosphere Free lesson 5m 8839 Linnea space1 [‘47- TRAVEL-ISAC" ENGLISH: 5 dap'40 hr zFeh “-15.5uemhl TESOL Cenhcahon course 1300's a! tot' conlacrs FREE Iniorrnanon package' Toll Free t, 88G?7iF2961 rriiiiiiTi'iiri'1ti'ii7ii'ii 7 MODELS WANTED ')ti"ietriittidi1 beaween me ages on T23 Springforanerttire "7,t1tsthagi0g',a,2ear wardrqbe or unload pagan! ctynpatMms No pasl last Sprrhg's wardrobe um neessaryliramog In our Classrf/ed mll be crowded Call arm-me pages. Check under 14mm“ Atictes tor Sate" (tX "of? Norman)" El momma Start me new year by earning extra money Door to Mor can- vassevs named tor reglslereo changes Fu0tmeiparrtmte VOW! we Bonuses, w enven- wee necessary No suing Call Don lol'lee. l-888-9538!E1 Horn? and Garden Shows Gum-n Camlmoge, Walerioa Home ‘ma'ovemenl 'rr00u'cls, sen/Ice Leads' Sates! 1-800 561-5r'076 EKHIBITORS WANIED: K-W Computer Show Apnl 177:9 Can 1300- 56V6076 sxmanons mums: A Sptmg HAIRSIVLISI’ NEEDED Ol or pan-ume Chan rental or com- "Iussmu Phone Larry 88541080 div IMMEDIATE OPENING tor a tehaNe and mature rttyetihtal for our Aller School care program Musl be is years m cm Er penance mm chndren 2 1:2 6 years ol age an asse! Monday- Friday. 3 309 m _5 " m unhl M21998 INear we. Weber; Gail "2-1051 TRAVEL-TEACH ENGLISH b day!!!) non: TESOL leachet cemirtale course tor try to"? spondence] 1 000t ot gobs mam NOW Free oiormm (Ion pack Toll free t-8884?70- SALES AND semce agent re- amed o me Camtx9r. krtctr ener. Waterloo and surroundmg areas. m when Mice Will? "all [said mgr. vale of (WIS- smn for the ugh! candvcam Menu System Inc Tel I-800- 268-6UI Direct Sales No 54ng up lees Free malenals and naming Call 749-3516 lot move "ormation Cambridge area [monsoon manned Plus- Iem In In an at the Tina. m ”and" Inn Dim. Uni! I. SALES woman ADDRESS - __ CITY 1CWctxspon0qaiftrrtta0r "Emma 15 Wor 75K St s swam ' 4. was on mm Eng; 2"aasstetuttsoastbepr+ I a Costiskx 3he's-er-"dMtem'rtri_di. otrtr0tmtsa"otfigl5-uoGKutm.' . can-mun; inc an Fax , M16r425-0t27 , 1;? 324v“ T .Conm“: 7 Mike' Williamson or Fred Patriot "lt q (519) 821.8004 -- -ee 3tfit_x_1p (519) 821-8809 Class A technician wanted. Import experience an asset. Guaranteed hours. Top wages. Benefits. For door-to-door delivery of the Waterloo Chronicle Wednesdays only. Own vehicle necessary. Call 886-2830, Ext. #225, AD COUPON ADULT CARRIERS REQUIRED leave message. 15 Words oriess = 4.67e GST - 'tP' Eamm-s 22ttAss?NGST Ct3stiskrort-trtmdat. 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