DEPENDABIE §EHVICE SINCE 1959 46 King St N . Waterloo 886-2040 CLOSED SUNDAY AND MONDAY TUESDAY - THURSDAY 9-5 30 FRIDAY 9-9. SATUR08C9f 00 FREE PARKING " FRONT & REAR OF STORE nonite tools of the dred Agatha, who turned 100 an Mundan came lo Waterloo In I924 With her husband Abraham and her cldesl daughler Helen. Russian Mennomtes they fled perseUion m the Ukraine for a better life m Canada. Since that time the family owned and operated a farm Just off Erb Street mar Westmoum Road, had a street named after them, and watched as Abraham became the first gardener at Waterloo Lutheran University, present day Wilfrid Laurier University On July 20 of that year, more than half of a group of 1,100 Russian Men- nonite refugees gathered m Toronto and decided to make Waterloo their home Agatha has been a Waterloo resident ever srrtce On Sunday more than 50 members of her family and friends, including four great-grandchildren, gathered al Parkwood Mennonite Home to celebrate her Me and times In the Waterloo area, One of the guests was Mayor)oan McKinnon who presented Agatha with a special birthday greeting from the City of Waterloo. Agatha modestly accepted the special rccogniuon, and was so overcome by the specral attention that she began to wipe the tears from her eyes, rfThe biggiesl problem Mold age is that the motor skills go," sod Agatha who uses a wheelchair lo get around, "You cant go anywhere" But health care iii Teresa Kowalewskaron s-Iaff at Parkwood. sud that Agatha doesnt let that flop her, iShe can take care of herself." she said. "She only wants somc of our help, she wants to do things herself." rhe staff promised d, smg You Are-My Sunshine to her during the party When they did, she had the biggest smile In the room. Health care and Sonia Stuart added that Agatha spends most of her time fret. ting over everyone else. "If you done stop by to say hi' she worries about you," she said. "She always says. If rm In heaven I funny tll help youd" (9W; Happy 'Birthddy, fllgatha Agatha Duck Watcrloo's latest centennial]. Us .1 hung remoder of the Men. Mayor Joan McKinnon, left, and the children and greataramichii- dren of Agatha Dick help celebrate her 100th birthday, Sunday. Front row left is Agatha, with great-grandson Sam Drysdale and son Art. Back row left are great-grandchildren Alicia Newfeld, Adam Teller, daughter Sarah Dyck and great-granddaughter Jessie Teller Waterloo resident turns 100 Ilfi2fir3 camaih, Fined Bob brbanar ( hwnuh‘ Niall Right now. your purchasing power has added unch at Hi Js-rrrrmy Gallery You 'll find exceptional paces on a terrifiC selection ot genuine P 9 La-Z-Boy recliners Comfort style and quality There's only one way to describe Ws kind of value sensational. But hurry, the sale ends soon! Unheard of value This chaise A La-l-Boy" . A genome . liner ives ou chaise recliner La-Z-Boy" reclin- on reclinin reo (Y y q outs tor a er at a price that I comfort and style! the most y V l La-Z-Boy†sensational will never l comfort price! be better! tor less' SAVE ON THE #1 CHOICE m COMFORT! ThE Lilattre StMWtMlltlt SEN SALE! a Twenty-eight members of Waterkro's Emmanuel Day Nursery enjayetl a 'Ptiama Day' last Thursday at the Tim Horton Donuls outlet at 109 King St. North. The [our and live-year-ous participated in the party after one of the boys in the class asked to have a pyjama and stalled animal party during his Spe- cial Me' day. Here Andrea Dewar (left), Emmanuel staff member Eunice Eichom and lauren McNabb try out some doughnuts. lamen‘s birthday was also last Thursday and to celebrate her grandparents, Henk and Benny van Duren of Waterloo, bought all the children doughnuts. 1.. 5.4... ,5... An Allen Street West woman believes a recent citizen campaign to limit plantings of ornamenlal trees on city boulevards is nothing more than a personal attack against her family. Jill Dunbrook said last Friday she was surprised and angered to find out that Waterloo council received and accepted a 3l-name petition Jan. 5 from residents in the Avondale/Alexandra area of the city who were com cerned about the city's current tree maintenance and replacement policy. Council accepted the petition after Mondale Avenue resident Brian Costello led a lwo-man delegauon to council asking it to renew the city"s recent practrce of replacing more and more deal and dying shade mes on my right-of-ways and boulevards with smaller orna~ mental trees, Woman claims nee cdmndldn hides hidden agenda Counctl decided to hold a public meeting on the issue of the city's current policy on the maintenance and replacement of trees on my property at the Waterloo Recreation Complex this past Tuesday night. Both Dun- brook and Costello said they would be attending the meeting last Friday, Dunbrook said her family was never Informed that the pcuuon was gomg lo be presented l0 munul and that she would have liked lo have been pre- sem bccause she would have liked In have aldressed a number "l Issues that came up. Tim Gardner Chronicle Staff A ch PYJAMA PARTY Since the Dunbrooks purchased their property at the corner of Allen Street West and Avondale Avenue approximately 11 years ago, two out of 52an Norway Maples on the my boulevard in front of their home have been cut down, and the Dunbmoks would like a third one removed later this month. Dunbrook said after the second maple was cut down m front of their home last January, a nearby resident began to approach my officials last summer to ask if the trees that had been cut down could be replaced because the gaps affected the neighborhood's stretrLscape Things escalated from there, Dunbrook said. "We really dont feel that the; is proper or right," Dun- brook sad about the pemion, adding that she felt her family was now being pressured to leave the neighbor- hood. "And we are not gong to back down and we're um golng l0 gwc up We're here for the duration, We like our house, the house Is paid for and we're going to ren- ovate." The first maple removed from In front ol.she Dun- bmok's house was actually struck by lightning and my and Waterloo North Hydro offtcials made the decision lo take it down, Dunbmok said. She said she asked the city to take down the second tree because the hydm line leading from the sued lo the Dunbrook‘s house passed dangerously through a fork in the tree and because the tree was rotten anyway She also said a third maple she would like removed _ T JF.tN er at x (CEmtirtuedorspage5)