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A nah dmmg and bemoan furniture Open to the out)“: Warehouse Outlet Guiana Tame and Chav 585-1000 21 ALLEN STREET WEST. WATEHLOO COMPUTER SPECIAL Sheldon‘s Appliance Jump-Wu Electronics Service Comper tihtutnt" WINTER CLEARANCE SALE "tyiiiitied Special Only " Call 651 -2397 for info Some restrictions apply I â€mews FOR SALE 50-70% OFF LARGE SELECTION OF CLOTHING & SMALL HOUSEWARES Revival Vintage Clothing & Furniture Ltd. SWING KINGS, RETRO QUEENS & PEOPLE STUCK ON THE PAST ARE INVITED TO A STARTING 56 King Street N., Waterloo, 884-2151 Thursday, January 15th BUYING FOR CASH - Antthog made ot god and sewer Cons, "um sets at: Wr J Grant Cons. 99 Water SI N Mar-er- Pr 7445447 YRUNKS OF [M 'cesirunao Es live “Jean"? We purcrase W lage clotturg, accesscnes and Pte 19503 'sm we and house wares Hamel S6 ng St N _ Waterloo BBLB‘SI WE PAY CASH Ior papemauts hammers records magazines and more In Top shave Casar manna Bookshoo 36 Dunno St N.576A1026 GET " wnIe! Mia/Edna! VIII glVE prtrtessonat edge lo brocttures. news Ideas“. mar- ketmg materials, Telephone 5rtF-2%8 Honesl. Islam. 10 yams enven- - um cameras Cal 888- -mna.ssmnsu.£ WANTED. 1960's and 19.2es 12' GI Joe fgres a accessones Peng $33 ' 4: Dev loose bwre Phone Ova-g no 6398 or Jim 6378786 NEED A CHANGE? See yourself In completery new ha-rslyles usung on! advanced computer nan .magmg system Hausa tli) on with hs ad Catt Conwler Han. 571-0557 FRIENDLY UPHOLSIERV Anythung small 'Expanenced' [aslamanl seahng ' plat up truck bench seals ell: 571- 1838 CLEANING LADY aqatlalrle ml ARTICLES WANTED I333- IlEECo TO SELL A CAR, Part it when We will in ie m Ihe iargesl group ol sermon ly newsman. In Ins area' Cat 651-2397 la Mgt your car Photo ads aw aeadalye! 1995 LEGACY L - All-Wheel awe automattc.ltra6ed one ownev‘ 59,000 kms 317.900 cerHued PARIS SUBARU t519',442--T710 Mediums»: us I In“ I Busch IS " gtttNrtl' his one could wol you PM rttChstwtrt0ttteslgntettttaFts. In $6.900 comma PARIS SUBARU “Z-UVO or F54- Insens smgle sheets. Hens Dul- eons, catalogues, etc Very reas1ma0letates Cal Walenoo Chmmcle 31886283) dnve means all year round spans car One mu. one year warranty Call Ior delaus $16.900 seamed PARIS sue ARU (519)642-77HI or 756. In! PONYIAC Sunbud Con vembie 64,71 we: Widows Iomanc, m 80,000 Ems. $5,995 comma ROG "MAIL ION AUTOMOBILE SALES (519)756-7NMBIM "rs REFIIISHING ' Hand slnppln ' repairs Free em Pf!" L7l',u2l'lr(i)l Pick up and disrury amiable Call 6622312 seam r cumulus suru FOOTCARE mu be! “a: my. 551-2391 Promded In your home by Jean toptaceywaabdm Milan Ft N . Foolcale Cemhca- mâ€, "as non “We! Nam-298m Damn. cm locks. air, 5-speed. " only " 000 kms $11,900 combed PARIS SUBARU (SWIM? 77mm 1544004 1m micemury Ln 'Ths "t" SUBARU wx al they I"! DODGE Shadow in -CAR$FORSILE -AHTICLBFORSALE “with“ sum: our Call 551-2391 In lulu Borneo/Imam "In mm 712-4442 (tl cements Samar-strum; - 1uEiilll WE DELIVER 747-0924 'Jlllll; sunmva Lon- 6<yt powermnmws KNOW! m 5 speed, mm WW I nil TRICKS FOR SALE " WATKINS ,, W", K-Vl SWEET A0ELMES: Do you lee l0 mg? We are ream!» mg new members Please can Sandra 116534345 Tradesman sewn vented Smalt pas Plum. guaral [spam w vamc Wig. palIInanI cover- mgs Established 30 years VIme747-5A61 mom Carpentry a home "ttttttttttance Door muons. recurs. ttttao- Dolls Oualuly workmansh-p ' mum sums RUBBISH REIOVAL, llghl "IOVIDQ, basements. amcs, ga- ages waned. wall waste and Ms Jett Ham M1 EMMA Mm tatrtthttortt $4.995 Mined. ROB HAMILYON AUTOMO» BILE SALES f519)756-7988 1957 can!" wagon LE aqu. one when new car trade. low kms.. $6.950 cemlled PARIS SUBARU (519) "2-r710 a! 1369 FORD Ranger XII Er Ienoed cab 6 cyl titth an m- uomng Cap $5 995 candied ROB HAMILTON AUTO SALES (519175ir-7988 (Blam- ATIEMION CROSS country skterslsn0mnotrilers, Sauble Beach Norm Madam Imee~ bedroom 2-3tre mm mm W?" attached locked garage Commie amass Io trans sleeps 6 $75tthy. “25% Come etsttourWiMedests (519)534- Our old Menus and “memos new to know about our In» . um lanai-es, mow birthdays. one-90mm. mumps and 'n8SM166 - 't - they mm to In cum Io 'tttt " pulsa ot we communvly " m-mbv to In! m mod Cal 1sr29trr to one. your no lo t09t SUBARU Lnyale wagon. automatic, power steering! brakes Thes car originally lmm ac, mat was am My. $5,900 candied! PARlS SUB- ARU (519)“2-7710 or 75‘- the Waterloo Chmnoe Class» had scam IS when! the com- mumly expects Io Md news ot events, occaswns Ind special Minnow} 1969 BUICK Part Avenue "you arena! who Inns seakmwurarerssur6y who! Calm. 661-237. ltrWtaryrxtratttrdote -etRattyi, LET THEM [“me CONTACTS set-tNSS-trats REALLY WORKS! INTERIORS orsltLESl AWLTS all." Graphic! All mm static Danae pleasure ma- Wmes avail! tat xxx he. so- ciety - n. Duane imtasies. XXX dual-no tog! 1619-976» 4225 th 1519-9755577 SIS/call XXX min hue. 416- 9797701 WRIGHT MES you to an open house Sunday. Jam my 24. b5 pm This continues our celebration of 25 years a! 59mm to MN and use. Call 579-39N. GOSPEL MEETINGS mil be Il8.8.B,yiulgE held In Viciona School Comte. FREE 25 Joseph SI (comer Band A Joseph Sis . sme enhance) "gl1"a,'eg,Wt'titt" Kitchener, Onlano Sunaay you r " noun W January ll, In, 25. Felmsart I, d'a11'lll',"dtssaafl'a, B, 15, at 1pm Thruway January V 22. 29. February 5.12 M Bum No Mon " “can HIKE SERDUS ME“ Your our! um mitt unlined E moms mm. Hoe 244tr message l. ...... n A... '" 9.--». '" 8884i74-96tii ROMANIIC DATELINE: Meet mama new. Local telephone "when: 130061-3612 Live ammo-one conversation mm beauiituttromen 1-900-451- 3?0t ($2 99tminute m. rears) manexnei NOTICE TO READERS! the Fanny Group of Newspar pas amses veadevs that emer- nsemems that read 'Work at Home' do not anal EMPLOY- MENT, Most of Imam sell ' mat-on manuals. cream and other malenals new In help men clients ambush man use! a oitter busmtysses hum hone FAMOUS MILLIONAIRE- MAKER ceveals arc-rung new way to Gem some}: a year has" 24-tw message 1-800 2995001 En 76043 LOVE HEALTH noun Lucxm CAREER Humansurs 1 M451 4055 _ -iiiii6Ft Wm" ---_iie mm m POLICE USE us PSYCHIC mums Fashion Show', Displays. Wedding Services " rms I'm 999nm LLCOME’ lAGONLm I930 'itEiiiiiiiiCC= Imam “an: H mm Downturn mnmr Wmnwll Stun-1:10.100 In“ " '2.',U"b2l :1 murmur-Ian! "3:1an - C,r,'l'dSTg't"d at ' mm: “An-1mm .1 ' "a-xtt'oAsm9'tm'. 'tmdr9evum6r l, ' my»! CANADIAN PuBUCATRm Cal-puny rem-res mammal home workers tor imam and mailing duties Flexible hours Earn w to mm For up warm and mtormation, send SASE to: InlevvComm Pro- cossng (Div). 5998 Yonge St. Suite 125. Toronto, Ontario WY 124 Campam needs Enysh and Br hnqual speaking people Parr ww-m‘ Wot tmm Mme, HIDE NEEDED [mm 00'1an Walenoo to Guelph (near Auto uly Mon-F“ . days T25- VIE NEED help? Inlamanonal 4673 Bridal dhow Monday Feb. 1 6, 1998 vWaterioo Recreation (entre Doors Open at 6:30 S mutpm mm 2997 WWW Ill2EE Winm munâ€: Tat " '.'ll"f1 ntt1'tptf, FT__u Horse-Drawn Call Gail at 746-1832 for a FREE Invitation i'iii'iiii'iii Sleigh/Cutter Rides Maw Heritage Harvest 'ld,T.'t'r.,", , Farms tttHs) Mn- '. "BarnlHaet0oer we; otsr 5 'Sweemean Runes W“ 'WIIWTWW Book your BM, Pmiesl GrmqgFamily Functions. 'water-sw-SMI [:63 nil us about your child's good new: and we’ll {m the whole city of Waterloo f 35... Call fot details, 651-2391 'tNtremot sMes to choose horn "'kvrsesax 'ms GIVE YOUR†Iovmg care MI or pan-lune Any age m my home In Ihe Mule area Two spots unable Heasunable rates N6-1576 .19