me wanna Chmmoe (yoss load “than a We the com mum clouds 10 mm news ot cums commons and. some! Imwunes 0m om them): and “snails: need In know than our f nuclammes‘ In." {mm ongagemems‘ tum his Mods to fim1 me who oh Ills Dummunuy fte. 'tttttNw la bat them Know Call li51-2397 to place your an tty, LET THEM KNOW! THE CITY OF rLia. ' Our he side chats will immduoe you was orwelinesE Our speakers will demonstrate techniques and answer my questions you may have. . Equation Feet SS or "tend all 5 for $20. . Mondays Ind “and-y: Inna-1y I - March 26, I998 930 am - IO " m . Regulation Fee: MI 00 kiiifeadon 101 FATHER DAVID BAUER DRIVE WATERLOO Complex Register Now for Swim Lessons - Swim Lessons for All Ages a Abilities k T Winter class times and registration materials are now available at the Swimplex, Lessons hogan m January and Inky place "rtce a week for a total of 10 lessons Reception & Registration Hours Monday to Friday 8:30 am to ll pm, Saturdays 10:30 om to 4 30 pm, Sundays 10 am to 4 pm Friday, January 9, 1998 I pm to 3 pm;waterslideopenichildren under age of? must swim with a buddy agl- 12 or older Admission: Children 2 and under: free with adult. Age 3-17: $2 GO, Adults: $3, Adults Age M and up: $2 50; Family of 4: $7 Group passes also available For a copy of our regular schedule by fax: 88631329 (document O 33401 D. . Minna Mondays Jotuasy l9 - March 23, l998 . Intermediate Thursdays PD Day Swim January 22 - March 26, 1998 v1.15 Pan. - 2:45 p.m. . Registration Fee: $27 00 Red Cross Emergenry First Aid and CPR Do you know wbnt " do in In :mergcncy? Tttis6weekcoursewillgiveyou theUsicskilts whidsyoucoulduseto and]: vMond-yl hungry " - Fybruaey 13, I998 l:00 p m _ TOO pm. "taint-(ion Pee: $22 + manual (S3t 34 ) Massage Therapy J'G Edwird Schroeder Nutrititm Advnmng:wi{|l Lind- Batqon Chiroprattk Care Jittror] Rob Miller Aron-therapy E1 Kat Knock-l . Friday January M, 1998 Fitness (or Ltive Senien 1oodam _ 12:00 noon . Registration Fee: SS 00 iienirxiir with Dev Young 3?than with Mamm- LOVE, JOY PEACE Tu all tram anmpz " Wu ate mounted by an unplanwc “gummy (an tynru1pt ST" 3993 Winter Active Living Programs Wing 404 RCAFA Rotary Adult Centre 510 Button Drive Waterloo 8884356 Tri Chi _ -iiic7 JsTfr,arci '7 x “All! an: F‘L‘ULE .355 " Lows F HEALTH MONO LUCKY " CAREER warms 1-m451m meme Mains BI PERSONALS " W5 16- um... CIassified........h SWIMPLEX NOTES 8866844 1998 I pm to 3 pm; watershdf upon, children under the Fire Side Chats on W llness ROMANTIC OAYELME Mee: sumne new tvat; lemonade runners l VANS! 361‘ um one Eu one convetsahcn mm oeauum women woo-451v 3201 [$2 99immole 169 yearsl maven nel EARN EXTRA IONS! (mm ttome Ham woo pry-"9 swu- lumlnes lo choose "on! Sena SASS lo: FREE mulls In POS Markelmg Box 13 Cambridge, Oh MR 3C5 . Wednesdays January 7 _ April l. I998 (no class Feb ll) I 30 p.m- TOO pm . Regileniou Fee: $32.00 Villain! " Resist Using I combination of dynabands and calisthcnics, this program will strengthen Ind tone muscles through resistance training, . 'Tuesdays - 6 30 pm. - 7:30 p m, . nun-day: - 3 00 pan - 4:00 pm, Emma January io - March 26, 1998 . Registration Fee: SIS 00 OT Twig: week $36.00 Chi Kung relaxes, enemies and reduces mega chiKurttriseasierthanTai Chiandisasrtmitty used in China to alleviate health problems. VSnurd-y Jun-sq 24, "" [:30 _ 4.00 pm 'Registration Fee.. Adults $20 55+: " Erasmus Country Line Dancing y Wednesday; J-nulry ' - March IS, 1998 Beginner: 9 00m: - IO 30 am Intangible: 10.30 a In - 12 noon . Begun-alien Fee: $32 00 Tuesday Fdrryaty 10 I Toesday mam I7 I Tuud " FebruarLZLl V Tuudly Fem-tn Ll Tuesday March} o, Ir98, Etc, kiln; “'orluhop lo, 1991 L7, Ltl9At 3, 1998 I998 Yoga 1000 am 10:00am 1000-": IOOOIm I000sm FAMOUS MILLIONMRE‘ HAKER vevears an 1mg new way to cam bo man a year tasy 24 w message '80iJr 299 500: Ell 7W3 CANADIAN PUBLICATION Company lemmas o0epemtem home “DAMS tot omen-on ano manning dunes Fleuola hours Eam up to uw~m " an 91mm†Inn Womum. send s A S E to Inlet-Comm Pro. cessm9 (DWI, 5998 Yonge SI Sung 125. Toromo. Dina/w M41 Ill minnows COMMUNITY INFORMATION 886- I 550 "f Roam â€Damion, 1200 noon l200ncon I200noon BEEis5EiiiiiiEE tee NEED naip' Mterolool tummy wens English and ly nngual spank-rug peed: Part (whim Wont tron Mme, " "all Call 905546£770 Rob A Manta, mg name's Ja V aytMttstt-taamtxttnar nev- 'Bamtmr we - .mm m Samantha CNUtine 'uamipTax9yarw'g imuayf!tRrt 1997alnoepm Bootyour betW6rrNttual She "g',%' 2r2t, and was WUâ€! pm Domains I - Hosmm Milan 2“ Kllchener Prouo gamma ' t 5241 new secmuamwam 'i-l-qi. I AIL.- tttral . "?rdlC'i-e â€new!“ WHERE ARE Eid PRICELESS PHOTOGRAPHS?‘ Are they stuffed in shoeboxes or drawers? Are they stored in albums that chemically destroy photos? Are they turning yellow? l Are you frustrated with how to display your photos?; This workshop will help save your photographs. 'il You will creatively learn how to organize and arrange them ' a safe acid free scrapbook album page. Bring a friend and join us Tuesday, January 27 from 1:00 4:00 pm Wing 404 RCAFA Rotary Adult Centre 510 Button Drive Waterloo 888-6356 ' Registration Fee: $10 ' Please pre-register by Tuesday January 20th - A more.' Cost: $220/person (includes transportation, accommodation, meals, plus snacks and the use of winter equipment Le. cross country skis and snowshoes) .9 For more information & registration call: Brian Norris, Registrar Telephone: 884-3304 185 King Street South 579-1020 WINTER PROGRAM REGISTRATION NEW PROGRAM Folk Art class for beginners, Fridays 9:30 _ 11:30 am call 5794020 for supply list Register now for: line dance, water colours, tai chi, classes start the week ofJanuary 12 VI Albert McCormick Community Centre Friday, January 9, 1997 1:30 pm. _ 3:30 pm. $2 includes skating, a small drink and a chance to win a great prize! Tu complement our co-ed adult soccer league at the Manulife Financial Soccer & Sports Centre, This league is designed for adults who have little or no experience, would like to get back in the game, and who are 22 years plus, For more information & registration call 576-2420. League starts Jan. 12, 1998 CLINE iidilkor g-roome-d ski trails, Snowshoeing, ice skating and ms NEW... WANTED FEMALES -jrt50ittiEtytEATfoN CENTRE RIDE NEEDED from Downturn Waterloo Io Guelph we“ Ame Mall) new" can Tth- 4673 Horse-Dawn steighlCutter Hides Heritage Harvest Farms Experu RD. DAY SKATE