" The Mutual Group Arena Waterloo Recreation Complex OOOOOOOUOOOOOOOO 1i,-iii,i",iiiiiisr" kl i biiih Junior B (ii1iji,51 flleti'ttnl Sunday, Jan. 11 . NATURE'S PHARM .12 Adam SS I Nuan'U , “Him" $i WU . stwknis will I I) $3 . Scnum. stwknts umler (I (ree ' . .. . pl . 1 At "tttli.'.1',V, ,':.0'1 The thtttie of Waterloo' Continued TEL: (519) 886-5178 FAX: [519! 886-6735 IKE'y i'HAKM Jbur Specialty Health Food Store. IIIS Lexington Rd. dDurborn Business Hare) WATERLOO 'WILD GARLIC' - mm in JUST GARLIC - WLU Hawkey Hawks Thursday, January 8 7:30 p.m. Come out and enjoy fast-paced university hockey action! LISTOWEL Waterloo Recrcation Complex The Mutual Group Arum UW Warriors 7:00 pm _ NATURALLY ODORLESS - MORE MINERALS MORE SU'LFUR COMPOUNDS THEREFORE: MORE POWER EXCLUSIVELY available at: VS leulo' ‘Wild Garlic' 90 Caps /50g Glass bottles v:t'|1‘0}_' What was even more Ihnlhng for fnends and family of two Waterloo Minor Hockey grads, was to watch Peter Reynolds and Sean Dixon become mtegral parts of the championship team. Ihe Ontario Under]? team defeated the Czech Republic 3, 2 To Win the gold medal In an overtime thriller, Sunday, 50% OFF '98 CALENDARS L"; LAUREN & KRISTEN DUIMERING are ("as wcck's Watcrioo Chronrclc LAWN nl thc "rck strt tn Lauren .anI Krvae Ltrounte , rm m-nmcnul Bmh 6mm; LIxmhIng Ines, lvnnlx Mild. [31.an and Swnnmlng Kreurn kars lo pay h4>kclhali and baseball and Lmrrn s, luv-nit sporl', arr ltnms and Inmhall Both cnlnycd Irlps [hey have taken to Florida. Wlsmnsm and th Laurrn's famunlt mum IS Nam: Reynolds was named Cap- Clirtiriicle CARRIER 0F THE WEEK MARSHALL ’NOECKER [REGINA BELMONT! NORMAN /PARK ERB ST iELLlS IWEBER AMOS HAZEL _ A . No discount on special orders at magazmes This once-a-year sale ends Sunday! lfyou miss it. you 'll have to wait 'til I 999f0r discounts like these. Local players big part of team's success and Peter Reynolds Bob Vrbanac ( hrorude Stall If you are interested in Home please nil-the offiao at a86-2830coxt. 225 Team Ontario wins told EN Ir, KRISTEN 'INC. mo Wm uULL . ttte fi . , M'alRim “mar Bl (h x ‘ '. f L x a . may w! Km» vur ' i,f,je" 'n' . - . - I Harm» " mm mm Bt m mn‘r: © - " I "INN _ _ 'dvr V w > â€a; "At " mum}: " 'iii")';'"."),':?,!),,;, V m a M " - - . 2,56,, $13» I "‘ F. BlNeSt' - ‘ "T“‘Ill Tr - . _ . , ‘ p, - r m Hm. " ' _ ' B84-BOOK (2665) 100 lime St. s, Warsaw Ones"! Win-nun Swan no...“ H. Sat tit C" 5dn, u-s SINCE 1984 "Peter has tremendous abil- ity," he sad "We knew he was solid defensively, the big sur- prise was the offense." Ontario head coach Brian Hayton gave d lot ofl‘redll to Reynolds, a London nghL for helping pull the team together. lt was Reynolds allumund game that mus! Impressed Hayton, an assrstartt wuh the Kitchener Rangers Reynolds finished lhe round- robin poruon of the tourna- ment with two assists tam of Ontario's erury at the Under-17 tournament played m Kitchener In addition to the team huncr. Reynolds was named In the tournament's all- star team as a defenceman. "lt's great," said Reynolds after the game "rhe key was we all came together 't "Off the me he (Peter) had the ability to work with all the players." sand Haylon "On the we he was excellent VT He added two more m a 4-3 tun and Knslrn s leunlc IS Fly Away Home Flcven iCdr old laurcn and Nine year old Krlslcn work hard at dcln‘erlng [ht Waterloo Chromcle lo their customers m the Tunbercroft/ LAUREN & KRISTEN DUIMERING HAZEL t WILDWDOD ELLIS I RODNEY LUTHER VILLAGE WEBER / NOECKER / ELGIN LOURDES I K|NG$LEY Dixon sad the wm will be a confidence builder when he goes back lo hls Junior team. “Dixon played sohd defer sivelv," sand Union "We wanted hlm to play the whd defensive game Hc moved the puck and did everything we asked him to do Fs DIXON said u was an unbe- humble experience lo Win the game and bring home the gold “II. was a great feeling at the end," he said, " also should have scored a goal," sud Reynolds who saw a lot of mm: on the power play and penalty killmg Ilaylun was also pleased wuh the play of Dixon, a rookie defenceman wuh the Ene Otters. DIXON was one of Ontano's top SIX delencemen, and notched a point 1n round-robin action semrfinal wm agautst Quebec, winch propelled the team Into the finals, """15"p""""'" (Just south of ULU; Ave ) ran rut my! mums m woo» 885-5850 "Whenever you wm some SPECIALTY PROJECT WOODS for modeling ... BASSWOOD, BALSA & THIN AIRCRAFT PLYWOOD BEECHWOOD PLACE NORWOOD , REDWOOD / ROOSEVELT GLENFORREST BLVD In the future Lauren wants to be a donor and Knslen would like to be a velennarmn For all then hard work as Waitrlo,s Chronicle carriers thes. u!†rmclvc a grit Laminate from Domino's Pizza Gatestone/LaurelwoM area, and are using than earnings towards a mp In Holland 7M4un¢a£ mac/Maw thing as big as this, youve hop mg 10 build on ll and carry on T he sad The Witt was also a special one for the players respect" lamllles both In attendance The Ontario team all signed d hockey stick with names thex dedicated the lourmmenl ro Reflulds dedicated the game In hrs grandmother. who passed away a week before Chnstmas. Dixon dedicated the game to tus parents. "They've done so mucjjo’r me," he said Plus American Poplar & Red Oak 1/8", 1/4" &1/2" hobby board 182 Webs! St, N. Waterloo for miniatures ... Sean Dixon