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Gorgeous Homes: on Call Mr. Manry at NVPT T | you need a ASK YOUR PROFESSIONAL! Have unanswered ation. Call Rose Universly ea, Waterioo: lovety 4â€"bedrcom 8 A. Comm., M A. (Prd ) if you want to sall i tast, sel it in the classfied wneawwers WE PAY CASH lor paperbacks, hardoomers, records, magazines and more, in top shape. Casaâ€" blance Bookshop, 36 Ontario $1 Great Deais! Come and see us. 50 Scoft Avenue, Paris smile, a taugh n-m:"u wu you Browâ€" nayed XO PS 8. Wikien Store, & Surghus Stores: m"â€.‘&Tâ€"*'ueuï¬ u“n‘p::m $75. Dave, 125â€"2061, ieave mint sets, wic. Wm. J. Grant Coms. 99 Water $1. N., Kachen o. T4h 544L TEra AFTICLES WANTED BUYING FOR CASH â€" Anytting Take i god aa the. To To create a FLEA MARKET & FACTORY OUTLET e m $ /44 assified z=» 651â€"2397 (S19j442â€"4532. 1985 CHEV Camaro 228, a 1986 MISSAN Stanza, selling tor parts, . 621â€"0176 please standard, some rust, reliable 229.000 kms. $1800 as is 578â€"8005 1986 MISSAN Maxima ioaded, red "As 16° $1,200 firm. Call 663â€"1290 or can be sean at 360 Linden Drive. 1986 HONDA Civ TOYOTA TERCEL, this car ghows fike brand new, avtomaic, tow km‘s only $4,500 certiied Pars Subary 442â€"7710 1989 GRAND Marquis, only 118,000 lun‘s, absolutety mint VANCED ‘O BROKERS 624â€"2271. BROKERS 624â€"2277. 1991 CHEV. Lumina 6 cyl., asâ€" tomatic, air, low mieage, exstâ€" fent condition $4.900 certiied. L 4& K AUTOMOTIVE 756â€"2366 (ing George Rd., Brantiord) air $7,200 certified. PARIS SUBARY 442â€"7710. > 1982 BUICK Cantury Lid.. "This is a what a Buick is all about!" This one could spall you. Power tage rama n i us y in interiot, low km‘s M AUTO BROKERS 624â€"2277 ar. $12,500 o b.o ertiied $6.900 certified, sterso cas setie PARIS SUBARY 442. 1994 MAZDA 323 avtomatic 1995 TAURUS Wagon GL. tuiy laded, siver l::c mw low kilometers. ADVANCED AUTO BROKERS 6242277 TO SELL A CAR, Park it where people will see it: in the largest group db communiâ€" awunnuu Cat to se your car. Prito ads ano avalabe S cans ron sace ‘options, tke new ) cartihed. L & K w ra ! s a "",,,E;, 5†se e xt fomnee, Wieawmsronsat OFFICE HOURS; Monday to Friday 830 am â€" 5 pm es DEADLINES; _ Mondays 11 am tor New Hamburg Independent Mondays 12 noon tor Wiednesday Edtion 0f Gueigh Trioure â€Z-hm&-dcwrmu Farm & Pet Sitting Service In“ay.;uumm care services â€" Emergenâ€" ces too! Excetent care. Reterâ€" ences . Available.. .. Janice, (519824â€"4719 $Bo vers a surrues HOOF, HOUND & HEARTH puscherwre on Jn derephemaly 06 Te AVTOS WANTED makos, power windown/ocks, an Aâ€"1 condition §3 400 carthed. 4& . K . AUTOMOTIVE (King George Rd., Brantiord) 756~ 1988 GRAND Caravan 8â€"pas George Rd , Brantlord) 756â€" -n?u'ww-i-u L & K AUTOMOTIVE (King Certihed Toam o mm uts ud ts 1080 8.00a m 4:00p.m. or 856 2904 ahus 600p m. 1981 FORD Stepsige Shortbox 1986 GMC VAM; niz': i. power stegnngformes. passenget, ertra wheals and camper banch. Cean and soht lort 1988 FORD F150 goup. 6 of , Sâ€"sppnd. stmen, box linas, exctl lent condiion. §3.900 cartiied L % K AUTOMOTIVE 756â€" 2306 (Ving Geonge Bd . Brantâ€" (ek hn on raove hk joty wreq SVE PA muces ron sas t24â€"Z1 15 Words ALL Publcations MidWeek $18 66 EDUCATION Qisplay Ads; 1 Column (1 38") x 1" ALL Pubhcations MidWeox 441 14 _ MOTCES Other Rates/Sizes are available. Rates do not include GST. CONTACTS SOUTHAM ONTARIO COMMUNITY NETWORK 387 .200 HOMES AVAILABLE KID‘S KORNER mnmhm Lo VANCED O BROKERS 1991 MAZDA ©2000 Cab Pus 1 need your . foset 'fl--:&. No litence required. bookin: ~> ... ing at woekends, ( avaiaths. Let thos be your to P sn Ronarebmat ue ue ve es thar" Thursdays 3 pm io Seturday Editions of Cambridge Times Line Ads: 15 Words or lees $4.67; each aaditional word 724 " Helen (519)696â€"2952 or LaVon 744â€"9024. are on Monday nights in Kitchener, 7â€"10p .m Knowledge of Barber Shop an asset. Miimum requirements lor the position * mdnmâ€"m.fu Cambridge/Gueiph through Oalcde Ability * to work independenty h ~~w~l~"u’;’:‘ computer and communication siilie * Knowledge of the trucking industry for Commins Engine Company in Ontaric, wishes to fill the following employment opportunity with it‘s Automotive Sales Team: the 30+ The Sales & Marketing Admimsrator will be responsible for our company newsletter, Iiterature, promotions, website and various other support activities for our internal and external sales and marketing representatives Please mai/{ax your resumé This entry level position requires a selfâ€" directed individual with a degree or diploma and |â€"3 years of rclevan work ¢xperience. Exceptional desktop publishing and computer skills anâ€"welleas experience with the Internet If you have the skills and quaithications we are Jooking tor, PLEASE SUBMIT YOUR RESUME TO: (Piease no telephone calls or agencies). Territory Sales Manager â€" Kitchener/Oakvilie T uEen Cummins Ontario Inc. &â€"mail: Milton, ON L9T 3Y5 (905) 8781449 or Human Resources Dept 490 McGeachie Dr. Madison Chemical Industries Inc. 301 £"mrer §38. Cal Stove, (519k%â€"1%D, on 6 rma o Ar > â€"inatinmatiomat NO PREVIOUS computer . ex penence requeed. Excier, yow tions now available in compute Submit resume io Mr. Sub §05 Weber $L North, Waterios NZVâ€"1V6 ‘ to for a tast too Cal Sue at 744â€"7645. at. _ and homessieatin Progpcn :h-cl--. Training gtars October 0n moets with ts vohuriie enenty during schao! hours. Heeded in PRIENOS, & senvice of the Co aden Mertal Health Assoce if you are interested in joining our progressive team, pease lorward a resume to Skyjace inc. is an equal opportunity emgoyer ’n-mcmmmnw«m- years experience, you will be famiiar with 1SC 9001 procedures and have a working knowledge of rabotics. You will bring to the wam outstandâ€" ing imerpersonal and orgarezational siite Suyjack Inc., a manutacturer and world exporier of sellâ€"propelied scissor Wif piatiorms hes an opening on our afwmaon shi tor Watercs Regiongl Brang: en in onedoâ€"one retation n order to deveing uit as Our sapidly grommng company n the truc experence * Very anraciive wage and beneia package '&nufl:"wï¬uuna modem Pease formard resume to: FLEET MASTER INCORPORATED 11 Artisans Crescent London, Ontanc NN 451 Phone (519) 4554031 Fax (519) 4559774 56 Campbell Rosd Gusiph, Ontaric NiH 189 Fax (§19)837â€"3102 Email skyjack SKYJACK INC m encienpee o coprcampomemiegy >A Famiy ant Chitrun‘s, Gprncs, o ‘te Wiateron s ts opper ’uuz'--v YOLUNTEERS Buates Fo Boys