bars 90 t -tttlguitaritVist*unsl,Antty maenttott8#toneiartdttmeWatets (ttaK_ittgtttesotiestd0etiord FietdofMqirt06n"tthnitrh $etiestithetpatkagestantr-ttaodat ttt"htMtto$tatteTtteti000t0nd MMurdthAaitirtamtm'dttei622-t97W. brtmithsaltitketsforatt0htrmart'sper fimttattte9ttottsdethtt.forttteiy "ttes0uinetperketttantettttortsale0tt uswmuummmg. walelouil. Tttetm.SotmntandqrtAettrMo"trttt tttent-tttet-dir-tttroi", hittx%lFistret-lt-ddmq 'ertttteta+ttue.Aetdhesai6 'rrnfmrightabtutthat--r_tthat WWW! Wristwatchâ€! togetttera-ofhtaliarzmtaitians (5htrdtbeingoneofttteMtoparforma" houretwtdtttmugttotttttt_tttuthd iottte$tqeTh-zErtsemtrteam -ettaingameoettttethiott$t- ngottotttirAint+intar-tgothit tMtttobtrttofiightaningorst-hitttr-- 'ttdtsaidtttmrsituettt-tnttjazz -teart-"ittttettqrAlttttHotr.Ttt- tut"ttt"ttinmrtoumntsh-mtttt-, 1audtrtvitttkxaltatenouttthtatght ther6somutttttottttta-orhh- -fhmthereittTbmnttt--taramtrt theratminghemt "Atttt-timttrttstiodttt- bddetdfineWzmusitianirthisorm 'igMtmatedtheiaawiesto"fi0vefttt 'tttthe). Wmhlbmmbmm tti0oe6tttthtsfi"twt_otb'v. 'm%r'tomti-ummrtsarmestoitittter, lockup-M m'etttrdtrrhAtrthtt-iJoz, -rtirttttttth-htmwtt.bramde' trmmumiatxtahrqhorhtNtorqherre thttht2ozttirtttethtattdttmo ntm*teeamlW'bttortperfomtsTtte "rrBmesthiettetdtmgtuthmmmeted .itadrtht.ttintmttrnre.5.And “WMMJmaM "ttttttttttore-tttMom-trr “WWW ammo mm“ batterhrd-tteattdportrtertitemt' Mmttttmrrietort0Atrrtt-itinam. Jazz heads uptown PUT YOURSELF IN THE rQIiliiUn if " Deborah Cranial! = iara I putouta6emotaperast " 1 L, i tati.artdstearnKar9-rJ'a6err-trtr.sarr L' t', ' . mer. m were played or val-om whom Ind-I. saw/r. Tq 3, rm A I AeMtiwontoooanrortdrorgeespr"or-i: I v’ " . I 'ottt©artd$5w'tNaut_trear_sstrroo", y a 1 m them mania Wm no†" be am 'r., P, P ' x Y , w m . " 3, - v. a o o I I LH igs) ' I Tss/IT),,',':','?,,",',,'.",,.'.",','".:,':::::' _ "Ln 'kia'b. C Ai . Sept 20 Him tne 031 at _ ail/r. ' _ , , 'atteepstrauoof_esrrea'ttetprtsrt" ', ' ' i at the WW 599W Hal "domain _ ', 715 i oottheaftemoonffrom1tasp-tit- _ j I mum Pre8ert Gem: barae, CmMrp'. w†j _ : Wit Card my: Mm no Mama Warm "I ', , Men math" patents, Marmara we no " F, I brStorestr_Aatpt'twesrari'tse-tpit Fu' 1 M Alscfeatore_tterorp my 0’6"’-0 14" "W. ‘ 'v, l trttt-rqtsetprrrutN.'8arr 4"w1/"c'io l 1t'u"I ' ' . . i W9 Hal, wwwavtr, m' It 'pe" by 212"," . .1 e 'QT' . p, (l " Bowman Lorne tram, (“to now (I: 'as-, _r V I ' ilE " " .1 Mung Mayo *""‘a wry" v or, "v 84.4: l I 4 Im iEij t V . I 'rote' 0": 'vague a A'h"N. , "er, "' ' I 'rg, "" , N il.".) ‘. I â€lit Strver, g I Afteooor on". we " for 5).". 4'6 $4 'v ft g r ".' ttree Dirt", 'o' "e VIVH'Q' â€/49" a†3". :r' if" ' _ St w l. Fror further _ an? " £14 3,971 V "'rffy i I . . . . . i : K"a'trr,,tt,,e,'/et,',l'r,") C we": T I no". tor-9M WWW"? a , / L - 'w "a . I Octane Ont Art For, sews he {now-v: ow3" 'r i pea n wowed "tow urr'r'esm: I Fo Mg 'er 'xigs ' I S?, ' ' , or haulage "pawn, on, can "~06 " run: "A .' , 'tl, . augment. (9 Ova-5'. s. E; For UN!†44'1er w T ". 'lil . I, KWUa'WJ‘bO Thoma hA-eotea'8hs044p, I I-WATERLOO 1* t?ett',,t1'l',g,'Ju'l,td'r,T,',,e1'p, tttmgttttre-tgat730Fm has tMr*erorteArtNrsreAesntrtrt-tmabutrt 'i-isr-im6.Thrtaeimera'tedirtt-trrtgterhmt* -ageesqteoemeateahttittvitedtoaaemMhe auftittmt"hrttes$tElRtrfwttterted-tataon,tatt 'thrgt8064N00t_atrtterttrWttta6ttat0- I;