L. Notice in hereby given that an application in being made to the Physical Development Committee of the Cotpteil ofthe City ol'Wnterloo for an exemption to the City Noise fly-Law. The nppliennt in the Regional Municipality of Waterloo, 150 Frederick St, Kitchener, who are requesting an exemption to ennble the ttPort'- tion of construction equipment during extended day- light hours for the duration of the wowed con-truc- tion (May 12, 1997 to July 18, 19tm. The exemption in requested to utilize the extended daylight hour: to con- dense the construction period thereby minimizing din: ruption to the IMbwn core. In nddition, wine utility workinplannedtoukeplnoeduiingtheletenight, early morning or Burtdnylotitttsys when demand tbr thepnrticulerutilityielow.1bneeommodeuthioutili- trwo6inofrehtt-,th-rtioasindtrde.ttte 21','S'll,,f,'f tt,'l,','T,t','ltfgt'g and half; not per . I " the duration oldie unmade- period. lat-tH , . duo-u new a. at a. #:18- It Poe, on “my a MW, he nth; will tug [also In the ",, #mizï¬i-i-a _'i'i'iiit,,,iiiii tiii', v..'""" A y - c's ty, LL‘i‘wm C â€my; A-ttati-int-ut-tears-. Btatrwiuuprettoenerrtur-ti-ndrmr 'xymnmtupri0riatttrPtitTuirtinrt-iuei. tietetsortttti-et.rtt)-iliatsott-iiiattu 8rtttetirte1rrrheurirr-rnttust- Mt'tinietioetHeqdqtmrues,6thruor,is0riaiiiee about, Kim "you In unable to M (In Mmmttitytcisttrmtdneouutiutomasr-vim" knwn,plunnddn-ywrmbyludl 7, 1m to Mr. Gary Mum, REu., Region of Wanda» mr. 576-4721, Fax: 515-4430), “Sailing Radon-1M1: RegimsalMmtiiitrertWatHm, 1P"r.erstrort-aartrttr-e-tuea, mmn-ymy: Ptrftt'ttih.eei.atrtsuu"emrsru-" 'ttset-i-aa-italics-iii/tiii-iii,'; oryrtheirMrjhtinitrn-etoi 1rtP.f.eui.lriaeeirttt,roessour-d ft1't1rr1t1eoeetw!temsyrtiirGiuiliriir'rii '.'JfyryexcaeetyrGaveamiiu'riiiitiiiii'eii; 1Petottttseotheratm-.tndiiLrakLriiiiiiiii. ally "y1trrtoetsmdomanimiionsiitmedoo,woa-gi 'eylltsedherrtturpare,sGii; Stntat'titehou!tystmtmtiiiitrrtmadmiiirriii Waterloo Conn. Bruce Manda filed his my Winn trqerskrtthtotrer. 1hkturumuisaidahhoestteameiruhiasietttteismew _ IrmGtmtrmumamtmttttmort, AuaNtrr.'20Tmtttttqt: UP'I‘OWN'W. ' mwuwny' " I‘M"). PemtatrtretioetofRinitir, qhteeim. .ttetrrtAiu_nt9tmkundsrt. Thwart include-Mbth “In,†si,t,'l',,'/rg."J,',a',t,r'gt',,Srt,,r 't'et,,',t, mm "Utirtgp-st P?dgytttpmmtrtieiimsutmttatiludiia% MayJulylm. All inure-tad panic- uninvited to attend a Public !ntbonrtimtcentmhrthi-ettotteusdLiii Election fever NOTICE orr APPLICATION To WATERLOO CITY COUNCIL FOR EXEMPTION TO NOISE BY-LAW 78-79 'te.ltngtFtrt-tmsetton,At-t.to Ymmgtrt.UemqrgtteHoo, ““57“â€, an 5500' toâ€... co,ercd;1'l'l'i'lt,rr'l'S'tl,"a,c- Immmmwm "'""-'itttttsaqtruii-r- a drglfd/g'd1tri, DEMOS? mamm OFWNHOO Wham!) Cl u b Mil l “mama. “if†“Ivan!" In Wanda. â€Autumn-146.2001 r" - "hirii'i'ih"iiir" - 'I Iml9rSlkrydlllri1l,l.'.rf.i9ll4 307 LANCASTER ST. w., 373 BRIDGE ST KWCHENER WATERLOO 744-1109 747-0320 Ftee ees at the door! 'tftw,Aeere0-erotinrtoitrrereesto-evxnesso,e 1kri.Aeriedtsot-rceo-t-aa,ill 4.!."rseer"h-r.sheuomtamtto-seaaerJeai tlhrest,theh-ts-es-ga-tkaraL-, "rt-dag. - '"*ththe-trhrsimrrt-acu-,ue-inse meedearhemttswtm--otsoa-t-ses at""hirtneatehsrat-hidrkasrrtsmrtreamearr; fttrtttrreea"tmtererrrooeoertoasse'v - Csotl"rPtt1i",th-toqrutiosemeintrr-- "otibastdmhBthmeittieuait POLlOCKANDWIlLIAMSPHARMACY Massive Winter Coat Charon“ CONVENIENCE m We wmlmw WW“ Y-.--..-..... For“ ‘M I’m. Mohair men" I.“ " qrto Aim off «can: d m a my.†WATEILOO 886-3371 Children 3 Portraits With "V Real White Bunnies FEB. 18th - MARCH 22nd Sitting Fee 89.95 Choose From 5 Great Packages “no am DOE5 If BEITER" David James Iti2tys Photography ralll%N "rairF7i3a7sTbi" PREE an ttteste" a. n. '9titit. nuts MEeht5t.E.