rheroetsolthel9cltenertamsannualntaocshowbegmm 1919.wuhalcuml heuinN6ctorta PtrkASUMMER kstrval- Jecrobedmthtsrearigramasharingbeerta"vastprvvamoi amwiementsemettammemartdmet-makmg". uoundsalookethtsyeahrmgicshowtomewhrnotretumto themitfootso!thrtyproliumreaiser?whyntxvonsorthese eventsasaherschool h1mrratsetsinco-ionwiththe PMs? Asleasorthiswtitmweettthekrumshonestiytothecu. ohenaswhatheytmlrare-emertatmterw Now,that woukilsemrttc. tha,tsthawhawertuendwhe-tnsourchikimhdthe custodrutheschoou,thatheywilrattendagkssrbeneiitso (Arline %samcanpeovtdegvtdedogs?uthisthemkMeduca. non’ In blending our meal mantles Without educational needs, wearecompmmtsmgptectouskssonttmeinuvoroithesoca wants of our community. We are unions: choice, and no matter how noble our Intentions, It IS at the sacrifice of our children's INCL lectual growth, We are fir, Ur, off course A few weeks ago, I asked why there Is an exploston of after, whool educauaml busmesses m our country. Ckrtamly, one reason sthat we m askrng too much dour educational system. Not only Jo we expect the system to teach academxs, we also expect ll to be m hunts and engmeers of each] change: righting oequartties that the heaoncalry been attended by other segments of the communi- w The mrnculum ts crammed, and the children who attend these uterwhool tutonng pop-um, and, who lose thetr play tune In the process, pay the price anmeusaoncunahwhxhpmvidesaggvtdestothevtsuly tmp-dat-ttoth-set-very-thy-or, omwtuchartinevisitmhaspeovidaiuovert0years,ihanksm hppx.wtlrg¢rmmonofdn|oalenTo¢htc,dw uottshaveraesedrnexcesso"M0,axHortuinvoetant program . uuvu mth plenty of flash and sparkle Problem ts, u wan even remotely I educational. Not a ML Not unless you comm pulling quarters from _ your an and elbows as educational I Not unless the two guyslugghng the 1 bowlingball,aaeamiwle were I monahkskleopcltwas l 'rl-i' V. Wm, pure ami stmple, and, we an luddmg ourselves if we call u by any other name The Show "1llusums 9607 A Map: Yectacukr", vs an benefrt sponsored by the knchener tetmschtrr1trettrrttheimeaisttoiareirtsupportot Lisa O‘Connell A week later, I accompanied my son and his class on an after- noon held mp to a magic show. 5mm; that in a theatre full of men and ash! year olds, watching two guys on unicycles throw- mg flarmng torches at each other, tt all suddmiy made sense As education, this was puny good WWI. No wonder the wen nspondcd the way she dud-1s all she knows. She must find ll very 3 flee m confusing thteoftitemmtimri-irt-riemeeexrtebirtvohesa -gtriodttrsttestarhedtotmtt-mtthttarioysoetrsttow- mgmtheT1tirduermeiomlMahartdsttmiexsmiruifor thecameraatdsrid,Na,ifthevvartostokamalithissUr, theyshould-aeeartdtmkeithrnksrtts." Fax No. 1shoarnrheai,fgrmxistte-auat,atoiexitheimage Waterloo Tom, Square 75 King St South, Suite 201 Waterloo, Ontario N21 1P2 The magic show Donna me wrong h was a terrdrc show. Full of "las Vegarstyk" "EEK, Jennifer Balk: mum McNab Gary Nance Pete Cudhca (Sp, Ed.) Deborah Crandall Tm Gardner B_e1qdee Martmuk MIMIC Mamn Darlene Roylc Dense Tucker (Supervised Shannon Blacker Lynn Mitchell Maj“ Aunt-ls: a." katges Take the C T kan The waiting be unconscionable The hours of ed to Wipe out any baklogs Sure, the prescht hours may be a dollar-an non, but they dont factor In Patient anxncuts By the way, at a “me when facilities aie why dont hospllal OHIUJIS extend the f sqrhisucated superexpermve machines? Theres real Impau from the Inadequate funding For patients, the care - or lack of u - somcumcs seems a hfc-ordealh proposv non The whole system LS muvmg towards chaos Almost wtthout exceptlon doctors are frustrated Their morale IS lower than a bureaucrats body temperature But one thing the St Marys ruckus has revealed 15 how bully done the KW area has been on health care Yes Sir, we've been shon- changed to a Ure-thee-well. Mumapal bales have been busy protesting and let's hope their protests mm a waste of postage Kemrital Zone: The chances of St Marys Hospital surviving are about 5050 and well have to want a but for the final dcusum health officials have sad ed to have a very practical Chrisimas instead of lights, you'd hang bills from Waterloo North As the last couple of weeks have proven theres nothmg like scan hours make no“. a new-kiln snow to Improve the lustre of Chnstrnas lighting Ofcourse,' lot 01¢â€le make mm The bulbs dont look like much unul they have snows mum: mama, they put you in I m m and then pvt , blanket as a semng, pubhc gown. Gosh,iftheltghts werent so appealing, you might be ltmpl- Job lat: Due lo 'ettteatesm, hm County bo- d Health care is moving toward cha ""'""""'emer-m-. when facilities are strained In the limil (Edam: Sharon Willa Jug lehcr Publisher. Ruk (ampbdl Heather Mxlchcll ---- Circulatio- Mange: Andrew Farm waning tune for an appulnlmcnl can opcraunn should be extend- hours on their ultra. andunls proposi- ‘l‘thamlooCkudchb 75 King St. s., The Vlrws of our columnists In their oWgt d a not“!!! oly my!“ [hr Vles of the newspaper, 7 I PA' t F a 'e,'IPtt 4 u 3" 1 %'i'tlk d- q ' J Waterloo Chronicle We own l)lMhf it'laotsistsdhd"-trgtt " Mann-nu The Fairway Group V ttfrir.tie mes 240Holiturhtnor.,thtttrttsrahincanaa Cambridge, On. â€My outwk ands NBC 3x4 £16515 A . _-- mummumn -l-i1ir schoolboagd,thaeseemstobenoeait" letterstoeditorsartdsoon+mttheterentfrascooverm C-ourt,aprovens-inteathttweaiingandwntmgtord marystudents , "r_heboardwasusldthopenamnuibeenreseadttdt suif m 1995 and rejected bee-edit-tgh exaellent In! waysVirtooteetal1thetmrd"outcomes" According to mu, Gael Quid, mpcnmmdall :narucuoml -ices,hadattqhtime malmgdownOpI Coun's shunning, In unknowing, he sad thesettt doesnt suricientlre-diMmttotnagmnes and M1 Well, whotteeaoo. You'd H the fust aim LS rirsdi, yotuvterstouaiartdthentse-inesaroxtir.a, come uteriestttr'eaam-irininjaruuryaro, new"teseardt"sho+be-. d AhmJnsedlohcllIbndmmeom’PdY‘ sufh,lranowboardga-dtiucystepsthetrusttx' whentheyrecmthrmitdm-ritiea “in“! isrmtrliaedeeerru_trtr, ahstationieohmethreekwert coolM00mtuiear. Butrtardt,h-tarhthetudequesaxo indirremAle-ft-thehid rettdm'tFhersmttberepued' And a sermd New how may pa domtadte+daatrecompiexrrod kaveartr-iftherweretolemer beena-dth-toeethanakw, Th't"hrhttkriireeksably)ihesaq, ofdtesdtot0oardor0ttininta0yvarnarri wouldputttteEda-outofhusmessme tellttsiaahirdtrre.Thetmhlemsthed they'terFttristhersttmu The Fall- Gut-a: Spuklng all £32 {I}! r), ' rg"ra paignbrdseTbrtes, China: CM) knmrmnthihewor ,vars+racknow1 sittorvizssnotiadt 'rkretinisitittan wimmi: 165- theuberaiswoal tribulation†'tatus,ttteNew HamittoiEast, the to â€and phat, y Manama! NDI’).ium Ak.Whiktheor: tiedusdreattAa, “M'm Whamdph Puma“: mediaireekrstoS lyondlcmml bilabialâ€: bidsoreaestihtiAe Overduwy with†Iowaâ€: