N MATTRES$ and box s may te intorest. Call for a m consttation . Roget or Briâ€" tte Grat: (Brokers), STANâ€" ARD LONTINENTAL REAL TATE VC 866â€"1234. 2l AFTCLES FOR SALE ANTIQUE SHOW Th _ Mail hours. Find that 9% Chrsimas git at Waterâ€" s fres! Anbgue Show. Dealâ€" HINKING OF selling your ASTOOLS! BARSTOOLS! ?STOOLS! Also solid pine & drev; and bedroom furniture. 'Nhhdu * whole community w about your craft show THIS SZE Adi e Boat/Watercraft dockage is plentiful with sips available with 4‘ depth at dockside. A 1 sq !t_warenouse/mechanics metal clad building mth 20% AMP service fronts the river, The mai buiding nouses a 300 sq.f1. office/bait & tackie BE3 P amcis mnes 4 Sntanc Table and chait, 44 41 Shoomaker 8t coommodation rental units include 1 free standâ€" ing rustic 2 bedroom coftage, 1 spacious 3 bedâ€" room winterized facility complete with 33‘ walk out eck overlooking the scenic Sauble River and hree 2 Ledroom winterized apartments at river 996 |Family Christmas eli estabiished "deeded" commenrcial rivertron arina (deally situated on the Sauble River feed Lake Huron ary vansier= our firstâ€"class 2e @ e assitied z= 651. = a x"~~<i I ‘ F FINDIXNG i1\ iD } BABIES OF 199¢6vm l’l._\l‘l.\'(. ) Cal us tor a hree ovaiue and it us handle the transâ€" VACATION EDUCATION (519) 699â€"4445 (1a.m.»Gp.m.) (519) 699â€"4419 {after 6p.m.). ty $10 /;- More Than Jast A Craft Show N _ Over 40 small businesses featuring & * their products & services REAL ESTATE io yor advantage. And i in! Place Shopping ovember 26â€"Decemâ€" Sale Kit with MARINA FOR SALE! travagania is NOONâ€"8 PM. + Call 746â€"6104 to exhibit transmit worth a darn, but it plays the heck out of a blues riff SINGLE SIMMONS Hdeâ€"aâ€"bed. FAXâ€"Aâ€"PHOME: _ Armstrong Atto Fax, excelient condtion, like LARGE VARIETY OF NEW AND USED PIANOS AT THE STRATFORD FESTIVAL To Place A your Visa or Ad Call 651â€"2397 for an appointment. 100â€"119 120â€"129 130137 138â€"149 150â€"181 BE commc EvENTS about our lives â€" our famihes their birthdays, engagements marriages and deaths They tum to the Classtheds t0 find the pulse of the community. Reâ€" member to let them know! Call 661â€"2397 to place your ad. The Waterioo Chronicle Classâ€" hed section is where the comâ€" munity expects to find news of events, occasions and specia anniversanies . Our old fnenas and associales need to know | en idudes 15 TABLES, Of Et.mw â€YOH Wars tame . and COMVINCED YOUR child can do better in school? Brain Gyim® can help. Free consultaâ€" ton exptains effective drugâ€"free program. Joan Agosta, 822â€" home, Kâ€"W, Cambridge. Gusiph GILLETTE $13/nail how lesson. B/A Musc _ Requres siun care consultants Call 744â€"4387 and managers in you area. Exâ€" GUITAR LESSONS. in your A DIVISION OF wÂ¥ wac usmucnon GUITAR LESSON$, Centrai Kâ€"W. Michael Bennett Music RCM affiiate teacher, B A Mus TO BELL a car. park it where peogle wl see t â€" in the largest group of communty newspapers in this area! Call 651â€"2397 to sell your car . Photo ads also COLLECTIBLES SALE HESPELER ARENA ELUS RD, CAMBRIDGE Sunday December 8th BuYiNG Fon Cash â€" mdflnmm munt sets, otc Wm. J Grant Comms, 99 Water § Hi., Kachenâ€" 0. 7445447 WE PMY CASH tor papertacks hardcowers, records, magaznes and more, in top shape Caseâ€" blanca Bookshop. 36 Ontario S N., $76â€"0028 COME & EXPERIENCE AFRICAN PRAISE MUSIC ano excerprs or HANDEL‘S MESSIAH .. CEJ EBRATE THE FREEDOM CHRIST BRINGS, GLOBALLY AND PERSONALLY. Admason §10% Have a Nice Hobday‘ See you on January St, 1997 "FREEDOM COME" EMMANUEL BIBLE COLLEGE OF KITCHENER LET THEM KNOW! 10 am. â€" 4 pm A COMMUNITY CHRISTMAS CONCERT CARS FOR SALE JOY, PEACE Love from Birtrâ€" nght. if you are troubled by an unplanned pregnancy, call Buthâ€" Santa available for chitdrens‘) aduts‘ partes or personai home sds 747â€"3101, leave mesâ€" AWARD WINMING professional EARL‘S AUTO PARTS flz ceptional earning potential! Fiewble hours . No expenience 956 GUELPH ST 1â€"800â€"265â€"2104 744â€"3573 Camen o e ie Oe ol CRAFTERS WANTED! industry. Wumu'auwmia expansion of our ew directâ€"toâ€"store customer Retail Grocery Stores, Department and Drug The successiul candidate will earn a competitive salary including commission and benefit package Prease forward resumé in confidence to Box #3647, 240â€"8 Holigay inn Dr. Cambridge, ON M3C 3X4 A national food company requires a high calibre sales mm who resides m'fl. Kitchenerâ€" area. mwmnuxm.um. with a minimum of 5 years sales experience in the food Exatinc New Center opening m h Commponaiis beceiintt Turn your hobbies into extra cash! ‘ + Open 7 days/week + Reasonsble Rent Cal 743â€"7847 to w #o t WANTED CARS & TRUCKS ) $2000 CASH Did you miss a game? Call ioâ€" day for scores/spreads and more!! 1â€"900â€"451â€"8637, ext I:’“. §$2.99/minute. Must be 1 QUALITY PSYCHIC readigs confidential . Guidance in all ie We‘ll pay up to PERSON FRIDAY to help out with general ofice duties. Parlâ€" ume. Reply with resume to Box#1784, co Waterico Chronâ€" «ie Classiheds, 2408 Hoiday inn Drive, Cambridge, NIC 3X4 ©00â€"477 4678 NO PREVIOUS computer . ex tions now available in computer programming. We will prepere _ RaTeD #1 im Canapa EVANLY RAYS POUICE USE uS 1â€"900â€"451â€"4055 74 MRS §2 Stimus â€" 16. FREE PICKâ€"UP FANS!! QFFICE HOURS: Monday 820 am â€" 8 pm; Tues. â€" Fri 830 am â€" Spm DEADLINES: Mondays 11 am tor New Hambury independert Mondays 5 pm tor Wednesday Edthons of Cambridge Times, Gueigh Tribume, and Waterioo Cheonicke Thursdays & pm tor Saturday Edthons of Camibriige Temes and o Gueiph Trbune RATES: Line Ads. 15 Words or teas $4.67, each additional word 224 MOUSE CLEANING service available in Waterioo. Ressonâ€" atte prices. Prone today! 74â€" e epig®"*" PusBucarion Dare: Wep. Dec. 18 ConTact Snannon BuackEzr at 651â€"2397 ext. 217 OR FAX 651â€"2358 Extend your wishes to all of Waterloo for a Happy Holiday. Thank the countless friends and customers whose support and kindness are truly appreciated. 15 Words ALL Pubkcations MitWeek $16.66 Diadlay Ads: 1 Column (1 3/8") x 1" ALL Publications WadWeak $47 74 Other Rates/!Sazes are avaiable. Rates do not include GST From only $25! ’m MWAM â€" “ †'~ and se Corpentiry & home maxtacarce. . verse comonm wae pulsirs # Te aakg redmating‘s Law reyuen rar monien ‘-:1“ E:bn-.sm in hanny . _ ~ work. Call Ron, #85â€"0205 J 365 Fon FRet EEtemaTts (720 A M A26 PM cntn At DOING IT RIGHT TME *) ST TiE 7464095 (A dmon af Brice & Co 749â€"04462 t K .