" 'ecurttysystems,30percertoeas “BMW Rumba!!! cellular phonesartdoetly10per certtwaswharoete-ldtaltqrruatexieqrien beamsethey However, " thatiOpercem which band]! the muerestofrttanrbmi-mersir_oo,krmsmdl (tmriore.ts)uoyyw mm theseetsrityworlis" Thediikmtcebetq-reqri-ttmds-eilkrtre eRu"qmtemsssimplrttt-eilhrrtmeqti-ttcartbequickly .tingoninrourhmne." Tycameratsalmmttmehktotttemheder. mammal; Theco-yhaiturtdedatmttmatoimtallltiddencam- pemmusestheertuttmetttinthea erasatFsttresttoPmtiHtmeDqotsto-hileJ.Komh'ty hisonmimsimss,thennotightsao Eieometici-stmeirtTimmstr,omtedbrhhirertdter,Jek, "Whenaperstmamtesintomm "oar-toar-ik-tother-helping-ga "Apttaiitodstt-uirtgno00toN00amtmdtartdtlte omterdidntkntrwrdtegettte-e-i'uridHoi* "tttati-it-et-e-hd-ttttef-th-tdt-ew 1sasinstai1edseoaitrs-ot-eittarshritadittsttehsin tharifweimtaBedaieot-tkefd_rrmrtdit,sose weeks ago. 60 per can of their . a business was home and office m thing, I 'ecurttysysems,30percertoas thehiseh: cellular phones and only 10 per cent waswha oetewmAicaltqrr_xieqtttmtatt However, stythat i0perceswttidth-qhethe mm olrmny “swim. hound! Waterloo electronics firm caters to the James Bond in all of us T1temsartttkutoomesthmdiemte. RareNsthereadttlltnmtteimthesc-henAgettt007 uses may latching devices, hidden surveillance cameras and othertoasofthe'pytmkNowthetoisedintltelsigscreen spylnzitavecometoooeemUptomt_oo. wutvyHoaneaodr-tnersGAi,seanremerandio ManetopettedjeQuditrEk . tromcs,e7ttmgScNsaampkof “mm .9) siiiittitliitt thesct-hettAgesu007 Theevidettceisasedonlrbrtheemiarertorenandthe tsuweillancecamerasand =cused,butitcantbeusedasevidenimacounoflawunless :toolsusedinthebigscreen theemplorkeknewaheaioitimethathewasundersurveilhance m Waterloo "Catching shoplifting is one thing, but internal theft is even :eBaln,SeanFemeyand8ill harderlmattsethey(emplores)knowhowthesecurityworks" . . . . He added that hidden surveillance systems "Catching shoplifting IS havebeettusedbyparmtswhohrre mnmcsor . but internal baby sitters m their home on a daily bans onething, AccmdmgtoHoang,theersofateddybearcan “BMW beawielesscamerardayingitsstgrtaltoaspe- cial televisron In the por 1txirir'mr. beamsethey sessionofthepatent, Clamps an mirrors . pictures v Candles and candle holder ostotoes' & vases omoqaxino reeks Oval": ... and much more! riture ringoninrourhome." Httartgadrtttuthrsomepewkwouldviewusirtgthstypeof errthmtentasaninfiieteementolanindividualerights,buida pemmusestheeqstmetttintheconfinesofhisownhorne,orin hisonmimsiness,thennotightsateinhingrd. "W1tettaettetetintoixucusesomeuthisetrvmem, 1tetalrtotltematsouohratdwhaetheytegoingto'seiiop. T.1terthathwetosigrtawaiversatingthattitehlusingitin theirownpeemises" 'slelttrwttymhethtirhomessuiratanasmukptice. "It: unfortunate that people come to us after something has !trmted.ytvehtlir,thesesemirtatswiueofsomeassistae," anotheronethattheydidntknowimitr The hidden camira, about the sun of a quarter, was also eRuirpesiwithaudio, 1nnotimetheotlpetoascaughr used two cameras - one that the employees knew about and " Weber St. N., Waterloo , Mon to Sat Uh m Commas ofJ.K. Quality Electronics in Waterloo include (from left) vy Hoang, Grace Baba, Sean Fancy and Bill Bazind. "With a special mew" box, you can click on the television and watch, as well as record, what's STORE HOURS: "e 5 " m _ Thurs & m. lulu-9pm 'rttNettrRrmXP'""'":"lrCTLf "r. Pi . ,. w FthhNtm 't,ehttt " Inâ€; IRES"; k aneliiidtttte To t 'Christmas Savings! Westockawldoselection ofbirdftttttttm" lawn a garden supplies a much more! “has. , 2' I 'r-ttltr" - ',- trm 74H with raw increase from 1995 FerWamreporob oqlortteutrainir Theteportaltme nessesasatemhd year.This83pera resuksoiodtertrai ingkdetalbtimtkx ale-alarm Mutant“ +trisavirMeortt WWII!!!“ CDDAiu-anl minin‘otm tunic: bevel 'rtfisairtmiter For-iam. 'aratieamarsN.' iigittthe T223 Give tie of Wart Poi - [jill Yak-amt "" (Autumn? trtuatutiof WWI Friday,