" (serves 3) 4to6rhmsoklikts,kesltor delrosted . 1 tablespoon canola ml 1 small red bell pepper, cut m my 1 small green bell pepper, cut m my 1/2 red omon, diced 2 tomatoes. dsced I tablespoon woehesershire sauce LAYERED VEGETABLE therrver,raeherNrttltrmh. ousthelkstrForthis-. kanhttarecmAedbrmab odsthatxtatnoraNmois. ture or fat, These same methods-dean-ttr. nnymaddmuhgm Soletsakrwaorkarthh whrchsevidembritsr+te coloraetdrmhlluvor.tnkart fistt.theodtscmt-edirt BII. Fast and flavorful filet of sole "I.“ Mb I PM“ I "a-..†6 PINK (88 “If" WEST . WAYEIIOO . “$2950 Fuhbhinkl WI Mining-w: “HOW†(serves 3) bake for about 20 mmutes 1/4 moon salt 4 to 6thtn bias of sole, or until ish flakes casaly wuh 1/4 tearPooet pepper fresh or defrayed a fork 1/2 cup shredded cheddar 2 ublcspoons lemonjum . . ' cheese 1/2 moon salt Phyllis Hutt u a fad bus:- 1/8 moon pepper nus consultant, (mu plant! Pre-heat oven " 350 1 tablespoon extra-vmpn andjmlam mun Spoon tomato mixture over " Bake for 20 mmutes Sprmkk lop mth shredded cheese and bait: IO minulcs longer until cheese melts I25 In a bowl, toss tomatoes with worchestersture sauce, salt and pepper. game red pepper, green peppa and omen m canola oil until tendertrtsp Hace muted vegetables m the bottom of a baking dish. Mace fish on top of vetteta- degrees fahmhtu JOHN’S NURSERY MON -SAT: SIMMéerM; SUN 12:00 NOON t 5 00 364-2432 FBESH CUT 5'-15' Fm '9" i'"1t'lll'll,'llleh'P" POTTED 2'4' '19"-'78" m- Gift CertifiGtttetg P"irll", GIFT BASKETS mun: I Am snowman "ADE TO ORDER cum m, CEDAR TIE tWttEtER" on W. no um. PROF. M mlttttt6 gunman l was an»: I toou t UVE POTTED and FRESH CUT WEEKLY t t NORWAY SPRUCE t WHITE SPRUCE t SCOTS PINE t BLUE SPRUCE t FRASER FIR t BALSAM FIR HtttMMtt"mtr1lttrtth8t SOLE MEXICANA KlTCHEr 14648 \ Auto Glass 579-1980 Check ldt . a cecardondif Ingebmken 'iegsh/irdRi2', it "rtdle7lrglr'C2cr' deductible t'll'lll, $300.00 km“ 'ttblN$illtliiitt Itm1lrli1 MlllllMllllltlilt MCI“ "Dual!“ It means that ever renewal From November I, 1996' wil Wholly have a £300.00 "we." handing your 5 commutusm cow-MI. We itr't "PIO" Pic-heal oven to 350 degrees fahrenheit Grver ftslt mm lime slurs, diced onion and shced plapeno pepper Pour marinade over top Cover and marinate m refrigerator [or 2 to , hours ' Hate fah m a flat baking duh In a small bowl, whisk together lemon )UICC, salt, pcppcnnd ohve ol I lune, thinly shad 1/4 red omen, Gely minced 1 Jalapeno may, leeded wmsuounvoubd? arid thar' Shad Scam mhgnm Mu rummwnn alive ml a --F.q.8.- :zzéumnu. MW?“ l--..---- 'rti'i'i'riirFF, "q---.------. ' it 1lRItt,tpg, ___ _ ., "ttcoo iit) , ai); l jil,jifi-!-,!!it?s..l. . tizCuirtxxrte, Amirtewttrt Lma u'"t,rer.r2etLe,rye1P,htma, . 'Wrtiifdo v Mt"8Rlmt"tttIMtttlttt8M-liBtrntlqtt 6sunt-sttyAl.ulittedoo What“. Nriier,Mrtmgty,ttitg . TheGm loot: 01mm I... - WW - w-szom qos/ei, Joy lion lb. to our $100Miniul Thimwihcc Thinning)! TthoodBanl maulNowDiw Dern4tomiseh WWW: 'htahesbothti theksodhankin, um Dreams cat qperaitttately " and has mind PM,“ lunch boxes I k wrath?! (mu hm, Io be (or the bury loo. Man an! have dedicated TthzyCoun