" t , 'il-iii" . gChantah 'illllllll sportsor1ng a food ham "Inâ€? 'i7:'iii"iiii per with a donation of “FEW '5(1orbydortatutgfood harms-(hm..- uems Cash donations in " the an, m_ my be mauled to House “Mm of Frtendslup, PO Box 1837, Station C, kttch- (mun NIC, 'R3orrmdetnpemmatHotmeofFnettdshipon Charles Sum Nort-pettshahlekrodtotstmybedrmeiofrattheHouseof andshnp or the St Jacobs iitehalt Pick-up can be arranged II delivery ls Inconvenient. If youd handy m the kitchen, you might madam: kwlxrtchesofhomemadecoohes(p_iinlmnrhesofl8)io donate lathe prrWam. Thtscouldheahmpemeetkrorgmiza. aortssuchaschuxhgrmqtsagtdsewicechttts. Volunteers are also needed to help with the project In panic- ular need are dnvers (with vehicles) to deliver bod hampers to Members of the com- mumtym mud lamp port the project by The food hampers wall Include bamc non-per- Ishablc food staples as well as Items for a hob day meal such vegeta- bles, fruits, cookies. mo, and a voucher for meat, such a unity. 1] food hampers will be dir tnbuted to local needy artubes thts holiday sa- The House of Frsendshps Christmas Hamper Protect Ls m full swung this week, wuh hundreds of volunteers sorting a p-k- mg food at the Metal] m St Jacobs Protect coordinator Tony Ben- der savs he expects T between moo and 3,500 Ial+iiiWr.ca Charitable organizations need support during Christmas LIFESTYLES THE II" ttlf GIVING 570% LlCtCeDiNCjjl(CeDLjlcLi%Cjjlr1Eilrjt Sula! hereynobetterwaytogrttntothehoiiday spam than by giving In those less formant And In the Kitchener-Wim, area, there an dozens ol opportunities to dojust that, Riqht:0oorthrrhmhle, (righe),trastreesikred anyone-bud “FEW hank-Chub ketketheeArb'sarirt- WW "ht-tnt-ad-h-slow it?! L1rrwootudkst The May Cdun Club of Kitchener-Waterloo Ls again hosting as annual Chnstmas Dreams campaign at Conestoga Mall m Water- Coodvnll Industnes us thus year assisting both House of fnend. ship and Salvation Army by provdmg Its mull stores as collection pomls for non-pcrLshabk food donations The Goodwoll sums at 56 King St N, m Waterloo and 53 Queen St S In Kitchener will be among [hog collecting food Items Dec " Any surplus Will be stored and distributed dunng next year's Angel Tree prom! Toys are thstnbuted at the Salvation Army Toy Centre m King Value (knit: needy families from Dec l6to Dec JO Those mterested In vol- untecnng may call the firehall m St Jacobs at 664d563 week- days between 9 a m and 330 p m . or House of Friendship at 74b8327 The Salvation Army's Angel Tree prom! 15 again operanng out of Westmount Place shopping mall In Waterloo, and Wlll pro- ode presents to between 2,800 and 3,000 needy children thrs Christmas . . "a , Ctcgh'd mam 't3tt,900 u 20 Those ttuerested m vol (Continued on page 14) wmmunny are rep- resented at the tree by papa angcls The angels provide Information about a (hllds gender and an and shoppers are encouraged to purchase an appro- priate gift for the "angel" they have selected Ma} Don Oakley ofthe Salva. tion Army says toys for children of all ages are needed, but there Isa panic- ular need for grits for children be. tween the ages of MX and II Toys may be donated through Children In L e---' om Mutual w" 30.047 J / 2 “RM. the rep tree may - _ 4 In}; vi Nere'P"r' ...---_ Doyo0avenewsdrmttamnttmltyevottsmdotherhaeie thatyou wanttoguvewitha-iamsideteairrs'rptd Deb croulalurrrhoneihr30,tryoaa1ateditorasaurur chrorucleamt,orhr%atlN69B. feature story, and beat Emu rttouirartr, Dempsey won M awards totaling $200 - best editoetd d Wily cum mg wnung, and Love's! won the $500Stmthem Otttano New paper Guild Memorial [and (at achieving the best scholastic record In the program. Dempsey ofKitcther. and u- [ado-dGuclph Walden won three meardeltg$42sr-beirrt1lirtofthe with oncsloga colleges Jorrmiis-hittt mam [his week Cl'l,1'd'h'd itsachieve--dskrtite 1995S6xab mK year and lhtbigwitmmwmmrand All“ If you're havmg a problem 'vfth a -tnrtrl yummm my. muuon. Ombudsman Ontario might be able to help The Ombudsman 'rwestigares and ms0kesemqlitrns abou: govcm- ment mimstnes, agencies, boaedsartde--orts. Ombudsm- representative Mike Sum " be I the “that! puth Mm, mam branch in Board MED: ll -.30xm In ll pm. Servtces are free. mm aid noqrMitutrertt ts mm; For further mlomuion. all [WSW-â€70. . . f The villageatDooetHedtqtCit-ktrillbedecktwjouitt turn-of-the-rho-trote-ttra-try chm. mas celebrations held Dec. l5 and 22 ham 1 to 4 pm mum wdl (may horse drawn m rides, aim in the Chanda, and a us“ from Father Chm. Tmsmaawyagmbugummhm Waterloo Region“: htitmte as our the nan couple weeks. Aotstsdaatu+tee'tttthreee1end%, craiisanstivisiesthardt"Vtitrttqith-royrd V "on well make anthem and “Job kaolin; wrthi, Nsck,sanelerodirs,attdti-.a-iioriesueh mm housewi0ederomteditrtrtte%-rtrtrstasrasu ActsvmestahepureDec7an"u-iai.30 pm ... A2'tt,t,t"'"'"'"""t""""thtuo'y the Chm ., treeentitkxiOT- F: l ncnbaum wnll be Rl1 i? 'l, . on display Dec. 6 w . u , ' through Dec, 24. a ' The exhibit " _llll, " lures the feather I T - tree and early alu. minum tree collection of Bob [an (ika. Mr. Chrmmas) Rmrwllt The exhibit, asmllartltrMt-t*gth sup will: open to the ptthlic Marimba 10am In ", pm, The museum tsopenhheshtes&rthr+ttttthrsirom Wan. unnl 5 pm and Sundaysflm 1 (05pm ii 375 tltt#tiitiNtttt. E. (519) 8840392 :Murtlu when ... the Water-bot Volunteering - By volunteering, , of many, helping j munity to grow. F and other volume, the Vohmeer Adi Dana-nu. Wacrloo ll. Goo Wang tau girls volleyball y place at 4 pm. a: basketball game 630 p.m., both t be hosted m Blue sum. The Junior 1 taking place at w: McMuking roomittyotsrcte themin.Thethm thateolkathet, We a prize. Tomorrow is tintte now th Decanbcr 10. lt BUM; Inn: hem Monday I thawing yet? t you need to I reached the pain in; at the nulls And you though Cami rem. 1 until M [can "" [III