Her favorite trip was to Mexico and her favorite movie is Powder. BothgidabelongtoPM:mdepaduleï¬pn. In the future, Alysia would like to be involved in marine research and Blythe would like to be an engineer. For all their hard work as Waterloo Chronicle carriers, Blythe afiNysiaw'lnedvoafltcaMhomDomim'an. write ALYSIA & BLYTHE RELFâ€"PHYPERS _ and her favorite subject is math. She enjoys watersports and volleyball and in her spare time, likes to read and __If you are interested in a route or know anyone who is please call the office at 886â€"2830 or mail this ad to: Waterloo Chronicle, 75 King Street, South, Suite 201,Waterioo, Ontario N2J 1P2 Cns umss amg o meactans I uion io o im Postal Code sessoscens CARRIERS OF year old Blythe Relfâ€" are ï¬cwod(swmloom. "Carriers of the Week". They deliver in the Lakeshore area. Alysia is in grade 10 this year and her favorite school subjects are and windsurfing and she also likes Blythe is in grade eight this year essessssncs se s on se n0 8 0000 0 00 00 aa 0 0 h 00 00 0 on 0 00 000 00 00 h0 0 0000 00 0 00 0 n ERB / ROOSEVELT COPPERCROFT / OLD ABBY RD THORNADALE / RIDGEVIEW 200â€"250 KEATSWAY ERB / WEBER CASTLEGATE CR. / CANDLEWOON KING / LODGE BLUEVALE / BRIDGEPORT MAYFIELD / LANGFORD Earn extra money delivering the Waterioo Chronicle after school on WEDNESDAYS. Paper carriers are needed in the following areas . . . REGINA / DUPONT BRIDGEPORT / LAUREL SUNVIEW / LESTER ALLEN / MOORE ALBERT ST. / QUIET PL COLD STREAM / LAKE LOUISE BLVD LAUREL GATE WILLOW WOOD DR. / BEAVER CREEK RD BRENTCLIFFE DR. / BEAVER CREEK RD EASTBRIDGE BLVD we For two or giore round inp 1Â¥lpronie Apor urdl December 3| , Masor credit cards acceqted COMPARE WITH THEM & WE KNOW YOUTLL SHOP WTTH US 20 ARRMVFRERMN Hrcia 385 Frederick $t. (Frederick Mail), Kitchener 746â€"2771 ton Med., Sat. 9:305â€"00; Trurs 41. 930400 (F) Ai __ 886â€"2121 _ KITCHENERâ€"WATERLOO, CAMBRIDGE TE CAR FREE, CABREPOEE W#X 1C C1 rm mm m mmcs m m w4