schoolers. Activities include games, songs, stories and crafts. Each k activities will follow a different theme. Fridays 9:15 â€" 11:15 am, vember 8 â€" December 20. No class on November 22. Ages 3 i up. Cost: $40. . cky This program is designed to introduce preschoolers to ir friends. This course includes 6 baking sessions where children | make and eat their own cooking. Mondays, November 4 â€" AKE NOTICE that the Council of the Corporation of the City of Waterloo assed Byâ€"Law No. 96â€"118 on the 28th day of October, 1996, under Section of the Development Charges Act, R.8.0. 1990. terio Musieiped Ees t Fespect of the byâ€"law by filing with the Clerk of ;WUI&.GH 'Mu?uhtrrygha:‘tMMhyd ovenbc,lfl,‘lldnllznluwn‘m the objection to the byâ€"law d the reasons in support of the objection. xplanation of the development charges imposed under the byâ€"law is :aechod. The complete byâ€"law is auilablel?or inspection in 1:’; office iring regular office hours. ternoon Anties: This program is designed to fill the afterschool ne. Activities include games, songs, stories and crafts. A snack will provided. Tuesdays 4:15 â€" 5:45 pm, November 5 â€" December 10. es 5 and up. Cost: $35 . ama Club; This program is geared towards the budding actor and ress in the family. Activities include acting workshops and writing d performing their own mini productions. Thursdays 4:15 â€" 5:45 i, November 7 â€" December 12. Ages 9 and up. Cost: $35. by Sitting Course: This program is developed by the Canada fety council. Sessions will include child safety, basic first aid, ergencies, child development, behavioral problems and children th special needs. Mondays 6:30 â€" 8:30 pm, October 28 â€" cember 2. Ages 12 and up. Cost: $30. â€"Law No. 96â€"118 my-m No. 91â€"144, being the Development arge Byâ€"Law for the City of Waterloo. The purpose of this byâ€"law is to rmit the City of Waterloo to continue to collect development charges after tober 28, 1996, the date on which the current Development Charges Byâ€" w 91â€"144 expires, and until a new Byâ€"Law is enacted pursuant to new vincial legisJation. Byâ€"Law No. 96â€"118 does not increase the current p for ytime: This program is designed as a structured playgroup for TED at the City of Waterloo this 6th day of November, 1996 D TAKE NOTICE that any person or agency may appeal to the for NOTICE OF THE PASSING OF A DEVELOPMENT CHARGES BYâ€"LAw BYOFTIECORPORATION OF THE CITY OF WaATErLOO NG 404 RCAFA ROTARY ADULT CENTRE F 16, 9:00 â€" 1000 am or 1030 â€" 1130 am. Ages 4 and up. AFTERSCHOOL PROGRAM CORRECTIONS EXPLANATORY NOTE §10 Dutton Drive ACT, R.S.O. 1990 CITY OF WATERLOO LJ. AYERS M Ahamase Crescent Supply Ltd. Duke of Wellington Dr. Don Edwards England Naylor Engineering Erb & Erb Insurance â€" Martin‘s Customizing SINGLE TEAM SPONSORS Conestoga Rovers 7 Assoc â€" Ikon Office Solutions U 16 Girls â€" Economical Mutual Ins U 18 Boys â€" Swiss Chalet U 12 Girls U 11 Boys â€" TD Evergreen U 12 Boys â€" Pita Pouch U 13 Boys â€" SPS Custom Machine U 14 Boys â€" Golden Triangle Coll. U 15 Boys â€" Texas Barâ€"Bâ€"Q U 16 Boys ______ FORM 2 SECTION 8 (4) U10 Boys Opt. Club of Waterioo North Specialized Safety Products Waterloo Grand River The Board may approve of the work being undertaken, but before doing so it may appoint a time and place when any objections to the work will DATED at the City of Waterloo this 30th day of October, 1996. LJ. AYERS, City Clerk _ City of Waterloo, MULTI TEAM SPONSORS BAC Auto Body lan Cook Const. Application will be made by the Corporation to the Ontario Municipal Board for its approval of the undertaking of the work and, where this form is mailed and published under subsection 4) of the said Act, ANY OWNER MAY WITHIN TWENTYâ€"ONE DaAYS AFTER THE PUBLICATION OR MAILING OF THE NOTICE, WHICHEVER 18 LATER, FILE WITH THE CLERK the owner‘s objection to the work being undertaken. TAKE NOTICE THAT s 1. The Council of the Corporation of the City of Waterloo intends to construct as a local improvement roadbase, curbe and asphalt on Lincoln Road from Mayfield Avenue to University Avenue and intends to specially assess a part of the cost upon the land abutting directly on the work., 2. The estimated cost of the work is $300,000.00 of which $243,800 is to be paid by the Corporation. The estimated cost per metre frontage is $65.00. The special assessment is to be paid in 10 equal annual installments and the estimated annual rate per metre frontage is The final date for filing objections to the work is November Waterloo Minor Soccer and the players would like to thank the following sponsors for our successful 1996 season. WATERLOO MINOR SOCCER CLUB ]I * THANKS ITS 1996 SPONSORS Southland Canada (7â€"11 8.0.8. Physiotherapy Bt. Jerome‘s College Safety Keen Canada Quick Trip Variety Remsxâ€"Tanis Woodwin Remaxâ€"Priscilla Dunkel Rothe Consulting Int. Royal Canadian Legion Rudow‘s Carstar Collision Priority Painti Opt. Club of Westvale Ontaric Secondary School Teachers Federation Opt. Club of Waterloo MacPhail‘s Cycle & Sports Mighton Engineering JC. Contracting Kâ€"W Irish Society McDonald‘s Restaurant E.R. Good Ltd. Gus Maue Sports Forde Studio First Canadian Fund Viny! Graphics Walper Hotel Waterioo Inn Holiday Inn Howard Johnson Hote! Lehman & Associates M & M Meat Shops Pioneer Barâ€"BQ Texas Barâ€"BQ Tomkar Trophies & Awards Dearborn Family Rest Domine‘s Pizza _ / Four Points Hotel (Valhaila) Angie‘s Kitchen Vied Lad. Webce Sports Ventraâ€"Lux Window and Trinity Village Care Centre Twin City Printing Tomkar Trophies & Awards Tree Fruit Beverages