younger reader would WWW!!! participate m It nth T herfamitytsomtmratt'n, them . . “cupid nits. intuition, ThehrsttNrtgl ' ' _ . wmdboobm' notKed(asusua0rwasthebtgu-.ttsNear birttasthestotyuttfdWtttsoHtttemys. mg, workmaoliketorteoeasitmaltrshihsimo teeert*iettiutrattouthersdtartdher humourormagic fartti)ymaushera-tdeddstter.Stte 'tltheroadlledeastthroughthitkbusts new“. land Jttgtttm is a manly boy. Wm Elia- 'Youkrdscangototnewuluoomhere,' bettt.Theeirtdofmatthewi0etottesttmes shesasd,slowirtgtttetartoasto- ktthestmngthofhishandondirthi+ long drive by this route." observations. Elizabeth’s keeping met: does Weall9tnoutandwaleed'mtottte-t- notfoollirmhekrmexactlywlntdte errwhe-fintst.ted,uatnadrotetothe watttstodo.hhat'smore,heamesttther nextrntersettsonandtttennorttxtttrough withapmpttsalforhowtodoit open farmland, Grathsallsthefamts Martinisadearurdtitt.Nekeeps-ittt Marne smaller andmoreshat*y.FinalV ttteolderomstsutherteeshqpitritthistmn theroadeselfrttan9edstimmingtoapair wtMetiizabettthearshimtmilingbetind ofnarrowrutswtthcrowdsofwMt_ them,quathirtgtohimsdfh%thethttkshe between. ttmutseeinJoshuatrustshittttostand 'washroom"lcmAinothebsmilirtgatthe stili,Maetindoesesattirthat: word.andthekmdoflong-ar-jwneysi9h Joshu"dme,stmightasauutstring that imgers behmd the words From the directly to Martin. who stood with his bad descriptors. the reader knowsexactiytnftatthat totalikeastAtieronparode,obetSentto roar-along the Brute PemrtsuW-4ooks like. Joshua', commend. The “Home of the story and as narrator rs "t'm standing still," he told us woody. Ehzaoeth She has two younger brothers keeping his pow. AOV‘hd and Martin I enjoyed the glimpses Into These three are good company. I enjoyed their farmly Me, vvsrrrt-heartedandgenerous "plodngt.iththemontheeastsideofthe out mo determned. as Mama explains: Bruce Peninsula, in a geography of diffs. "Daddy’s new for his dig" she said My. roads water, treed wiktftowem fems and hid. "He'll do " even " rt meanskrogtkives for (humans mm and for Cam, I'm hereto write a book. The inscription at the beginning ofthe !'1l do t even .f you all complain." book, aquotatiottfrom ErnestThompson istaredatherandshestaredbatEForthe Seton,isapt:'Maoreveremenotthelampof hrstomeomyMe.sttehadspoeentome 1ifetanneverseeitsligttt."Abookh'ee- Me d grownup. Thuswas an unusual "d"t-rdoesttotortbautrratep- mormng' tuftoreeerentetttattatttp.ltisitsetf,fidlof l also added me to hear Elizabeth describe thatlight.uotAf-dtostwirtgitsntqit her mother as a "famous worriet." Anne aodmrsterrwithyountrfii_ l 'torywentonrlbe9mttouodetstartdwttrstte ... rmgm be Judith Miller is an associate professor of Elizabeth, somehmes Iraattet and often "br" to her brothers, hovers somewhat "You kndsungowthewahmomhen.‘ shesat_irtgthecartoastop. um long drive by this ram} Weall9otoutartdFditttottte- cry Wheowefinist.tett Madmen)!!! next museum and then north through open farmland. (WWI; the W became smaller and more 'hathr Finally. the road rtself changed dinning to a pair of narrow mu with crowds of wihdBowees between. "Washroom?" I could not help smiling at the word. and the land of km9earjoumey sigh that Imgets behmd the words. From the descriptors, the reader knows madly what that 'oath-along the Brute PenirtRi4otAs like. f "ELECTRtFYtNG, "Ahnomua , ArfthHtuV31otlthi" The first thing I I named (as usual), was the law. It: pleas mg, workmaortke tone ouasitsetq M into humour 06 mayor: "-r-mrcrtihisiC6 "twe' - V Judith Miller is an associate professor of English at Renison College at University of WOW Ttteittstriptiortattttebeginmhgofthe botA,aquotationfromEmestThompson 'ettm.isapt:nMto-ttertottheumpof 1ifetanneverseeitsligttt."Abookh'ee- "d"t-rdoesttotortbmutrmtepeotrte tuftoreverentetttattatttp.ltisitsetf,fidlof thatlight.uotAf-dtostwingitsntqit aodmrsterrwithyouettrfri_ cttebe - R - D Jfd'll'dttNaTa, GMGaqote AslaoounCIm mo.. an. in“. "In my Madmngn-un‘u-‘q. 7‘wa -'-'-'"'-l.- mum-M ". _ _ . 1vriLE.cTiriGG'ii "rl1tW48lfagtP'rr --...-- “Wu-L . .7 T U “HWWW‘HWâ€. III -1-000-265-3977 SquareOcUand "mSNand! Mama of6tr,57b15N mam My“! when“! talthgmttiththe tthgtitis5ketobe Mathew ttrt0tt.2atSouthr 'thodinttitthemr, Mam: 00!“th “admin ttatttmfhtmbaltet ammunition 'ent"rmmtating, intoNnteatthe ofWatedoo,0tt4 'rpentotttepWk tttmderttortgttatitx att:30tutotthe MAMA itsotttmath Winch: (mm an1thtart trfl â€vi-admin who!“ thetssqimt Wuhan on USA. mum. FIMM' unit-uni Halli-w ofttsmxthet my» Attiuiasperh Nowon