At Monday nrght's meeuris sewn pea pk spoke out agautst the ploposed bylaw whale oesly one spoke m heroin. The bvlaw propmcd Monday peuhihtted .mlmals from trespassing In the City of Waterloo and sand every owner otan mi- mal had to carry a leash With him/her unless the pa was on someones propeny who dam mmd havmg the pct unleashed The bylaw spelkd outthat a leash could not exceed 2 4 metres, or eight feet, Waterloo because the my than Ge a srrull animals bylaw. tt a uplo MID mum the cat and the aw. Although Waterioo tandem: could do that even without a bylaw, m Kitchen rrpresentauves from fte humane society Alexander sand he and other cannula: orwrrally beheved when they called for my uaiftopeepareasmallammubruw that the bylaw would basally Jul allow Waterloo madam lo mm a In: :19 from the humane 'ooety for$3adaytocaeha .41 on a person‘s properly I afrc, wuedoo' ui'ir,rit: nmoUpT. * 't Natasha-s ,'i; C, 'ChT.51 .. Harlavoma balmm - warm Hottavomet to control real problem can In the com- mumty" Earn extra money deliv- WA‘W CARRIER Olli' eringtheWaterloo Chronicle after school on THE WEEK WEDNESDAYS. Paper carrier: are needed in the " Natasha Shearer following areas . . . a Wold Nae-m Shearer as We week‘s YOUNG / PEPPI.ER I . r. WW Chrom'de "carrier 01 the week‘. She delivers LAUREL/ ERB iiB' ii, ., N Uprowrt r',',':',':,,, m and he f m REGINA / DUPONT rr NM In In wade year r a a Bl "ho0oe*'ct-t,musicandEngastt. gag/52:, R L "rtrtttvroettesportsaresoccor,swtrnmtngandt- PO Mo E "Pr'i'P-stirmshserrtoysrsaang,sinortg UN’ON/BOWMAN/ROGER and arm SUNVIEW/LESTER HerbvometnpehavebeenloFlondaandCaloary. 200SHAKESPEARE Alberta and her favorite memes are Independence 250, 300 KEATSWAY Day and Cool Runmrttpr. r _ . , MIDDLEBURY / SOMERDALE Ian,,,":""""""'"'"""""""'-'""'"-'- L' M., ROXTONDRJWILTSHIRE Forat"terttarrsortosaw-toCttermitscamur,ti- Si f; TAMARACKDR' "dtrecett"saipttc-ti+rsertthtmirto- a: . WANNDH. < "youaremendedInaromahmmyomwhobpleaucalflwoflicemBBSâ€"ZBMormimieadlo: Waterloo Chronicle, " King Street, South. Suite 201 ,Waterloo, Ontario N2.) t P2 l Cat bylaw wme to a person's house after a cat IS ought to peck up Ite cat and the up In Keuh Rowe of Geog: Street told coun- Postal Code. "o"""""""-"------...........-... "o""""""""-"-------.............................. ur----.-.......... Thir-y-so-ttnat-isis-ee WaefttoCttmetiestr"earrisrotttwvreete.sttearrv,m, hNUpTon-nm '*a'mh"intratueigttttttiearantthertavoite, "hoo"e8-rt,tnusieaottEnqsstt. "ltmtir)h-timotstoovsrsaung,sinong Jan Hum of Lorirtdak Street cued the my that assent Crown Attorney isid"soe0, 1988whenhe chaimed a small animals bylaw would v10- laethecinadiartcharterofetghtsand Freedoms For one thmg, if Waterloo had a small animals bylaw and another can.. (Ca-Indiana " "Cal laps make no distinction between responsible owners and irresponsible mmers,"hesaid. "ttslirrnoeliurthat the cats which are caught ml! be those wholtqPertu0tvenearcathatets-so responsible cat owners do have a good deal to liar." Bernice Kent of Die Crescent said she heheved my problems between MM regardmgtatstouU be talkedoutandthat therefore a bylaw mi necessary And Bull Shalinsky of Allen Street East sand he doubted very much if cat owners would pay much autumn w a bylaw. Ted Saran “Saddam Drive said he ditht"tkethebyu"eseitarveamito "'"P't mom people to mi/traps to therhadtobekashedlteauseifthevme attacuibrdogsheywouidntbeahkto cil be believed several cats would die If Phone ' 'r . c, 51 Lftjr, '"""""""--...- Age Alexander-said the committee's first meeting would be held dunng the first week in October. The commit: will not renew: funding from the my and is to include at least two cum at large. Council voted 83 m iwor of establish. ing such a committee Its mandate is to look mm the possibility of setting up a cur-wide sterthzation program for dogs and cats in the City. as well as other rele- vant mm. and to upon back to council with Its hndmgs m five months' time. The commute would be made up of city counal or stair when. the Alhmce for Animals, ‘Cats m Crisis’, the Wank» Regional Veterinary Association and the Kstchenerwaterloo and North Waterloo Humane Sonny tarwiawouldnt0eawliedungimnlyin violationofthecttaner,hesaid. AcuxdingtoJimPtudhornoftheWater- kxrwellinoon Alliance for Animals. the motprohlemin Watedootsanoverpe 1ationofsuaydtesandcatsmthecityand hepmposedactearitmofanad ltoccotn. mule: to look into ways of solving the dun municipality didn't, the, law in u.--........ detat'lmdumdedrdwordPer hail. Thisisa-portmtitytowork Wyndhcmulo "strlorr-trektedinkmmtiort. “2-166! NEEDErr.MaMD5c1.EttKA 1henedooqmtrthatoBirstrairtittg atadybseardramistattcetoadtshs ml ’ll' biliti Bl ki 'eqtiresaemm-ttiortto G-ihttteertstsrmtftrt -Atheitresd-r,tteirirtg -elfardrnsramrrmtatirrut - Fgrtdmmtimosrttbeseaol "ererAoteertsrroettrrdties,ems" taetthev+rtteerActitmCetttreat 742-0610. lull!!!†1541 Highland Road In, Kitchener I IS F OR PIANTING ."BF'Mr'"o".'.'_.'"- “mm 8rtXy0ot-,attmhtttxt cover: mummmm lt 1rdl't,'g,tr,, guaraM" I , . m.MUm'ouaq Mttgutettllt$thr8ult" “Wonk! htttrMtrttttqqgttiMttt. MtAtrattsartmntpuis f,hg,igta'g"ltl,'gt',t1't Mum. trained gmoqrottattatt 8uX)ltpqmottttettrttom- l'ltd'afh1r,2s, eachsasgt'ottanqtttmg “mm. erpeti0tteat'titttMttqqittrt Jtt'ta0sramhetieiti sesWotts,rWr-tttgtgrt* ‘â€~m-W mummy drtar,tttuts,ete. mgutati0tttomtraM At"meirasetassmom sum. nonhuman "ytrtrptttrtittstkeyaor â€unmet. iiiiiiBNgir"atrg .'hiiih'dlk'8i1'd.,12l18, mmmm -t9 _ anon l' K0tytatttlttaqtf jlg,llllM,'l,tted_, manual- "!"ttiGat'xii'"-"i", aLocx.m.M “WWW/en i,,, aluminum “MM. ( OWMW. mm.“ mmmm 'i'lG"a'lllll"iP"'. htttrh0trttttqatttittattt. tttr1tttprtrttsqtmntpuus 3390“ 'JlfJli'll', ' . U. K0tAtrqmottMttrttom" WWW“ 'artts-iotttttqtttttettt “5"me. "penWrttetrttttihettggttttt Jtt'tatiftsreametitita" sesst'otts,ritmtttgtgtt* ‘nhm- ' attdimtntctitmtalng “Jailâ€. mummy» Aeety9rasttassroom MUMS only for fall bloom 5.99 3ormore 4.99 ea. (:Mots.-r%.9agat.9..s r WINTERGUARD 4 - 9 - 15 For fail feeding. Helps build a strong root system & better _ lawn hardiness. covers 4035 ft2 Reg. 17.99 Holland’s Spring Flowering Bulbs Are Here! Flam now to enjoy lst signs of spnng ... & my more next year. Tulips . Crocus Hyacinths Daffodils could give it evening serum Jobs" and jump time. theta set up a test kit thosecmiyshows.w andittteteststntotttis 'rea)izingdtatthepl IherrmirrhmG,ta' "1kamedtocook hobbymdimamol 'igterisagoodwriu hamstring“! dwghtdmlowhc etarianorstaneating mntstodothat?" Botltsistemhavem beenastAingsintzd in ht my 1995, andMeimsenates" "Wefoundahert (Whammy: 'eereintimidatedttyt 1veretmtthem"says hrt0eenwrittenbr Indlhcycanbcvay ands little bitdrya colorful (mam Martit0,andistilk tutakwdtuckies. thedisttesaretun.., of id Band in n chips." Manager, the hWto kn polirhofriscamo, conundrum iotttd_irtapidaiiii andthat "you'dhm baulpotatoestoo .heeriiiistyiis.ii Winn m oeatedbrthtam Thebookame 'ltemostaUicted â€Marthe; “fallout“ Manhunt “when: '.ktehesoirme leather fumls leather coats direct to you 1 Leather by M Drop by was Youhmvyon